
by Robin Eagle Sage

If you want to be healthy there are seven basic steps that you may to take daily.

  1. Walk and exercise in nature daily.
  2. Constantly make new friends and play with them and/or old friends daily.
  3. Eat a healthy Sage Diet.
  4. Make enough money to give you peace of mind.
  5. Learn new things daily.
  6. Daily meditation: align, center, ground, breathe deeply, be still, listen to your soul, smile, fill your being with love, light and empowerment and connect with God-Source energy.
  7. Implement an attitude of gratitude and positivity.

Sage Diet:

Week 1: Make a “green smoothie” (NOT JUICE) daily and drink a large glass of it for breakfast.

Week 2:  Make a “green smoothie” (NOT JUICE) daily and drink a large glass of it for breakfast and lunch. That’s two times a day.

Week 3: Make a “green smoothie” (NOT JUICE) daily and drink a large glass of it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That’s three times a day.

After you finish your smoothie eat as much of the following foods as you like for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Carnivors: Organic meat, vegetables, seeds, nuts, roots, herbs, legumes and fruit.

Vegetarians: Organic vegetables, seeds, nuts, roots, herbs, legumes and fruit.

Smoothie ingredients:

Make your smoothie by blending at least three vegetables, half an avocado, water, one root, one herb and a half a piece of fruit if you need it for taste and are not concerned about proper food combining. I say this because it’s more important that you like the taste of the smoothie and drink it, as opposed to not drinking it at all. Alternate the additions below every other day. One day with additions and the next day without. Always look for simplicity and variety as your body and soul are multi-dimensional.

Half an avocado (makes it creamy)
Any vegetables that can be eaten raw, such as: *kale, chard, carrots, celery or cucumber.
Herbs, such as: cilantro, parsley or dandelion greens.
Roots, such as: ginger or turmeric.
Fruit, such as: half an apple, orange or berries.

Additions: Aloa vera juice, protein powder such as Sproutein, green powder, such as, VitaMineral Green by Health Force Super Foods, hemp hearts, chia seeds, flax seeds, Omega oils, raw cacao nibs, garlic, bee pollen.

Before you begin the SAGE DIET write down how often you take a bowel movement per day. You can put a piece of paper by the toilet with the days of the week and make lines for each time you take a bowel movement. Continue doing this as you implement the Sage Diet. You will be amazed at how well your body beings to flow! It will probably shock you. Though, if you are a meat eater your bowels will not flow as well.  The same is true for all breads and grains.

If you implement these seven steps with while incorporating an attitude of gratitude and positivity, you will find within yourself a very happy and healthy human being.

Good luck!




Copyright Sage School of Light, 2016

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