Leave your own testimonial here.

I'd give Robin more than five stars if I could. She is outstanding! I originally came to her for help with a digestive issue that another medical intuitive could not help me resolve. It took a few sessions, but she got to the heart of the issue and healed not just my digestion, but unresolved issues around the suicide of my first husband.

I have continued to work with Robin as we go on an amazing healing journey together. I feel like I have, at age 58, been given a total life reset. I have more energy, more confidence, better health, better moods and better sleep. I have even embarked on a new creative endeavor that I never expected but is so incredibly right for me - writing three children's books! I am excited to see where life leads without all the baggage holding me back. Thank you, Robin!

J. Maurer, MD, USA


Robin Eagle Sage was an excellent surprise during our trip to Sedona! My husband and I signed up for an hour session each (energy readings) not knowing what to expect. It was different than other mediums, channels and psychics we've been to. She gave insight as to what happened to us in this and past lives that is still in our energy fields (even though we have already dealt with these things intellectually/psychologically.) Then she did a healing of the energy with us visualizing it moving out of our fields while she was moving the energy as well. She named areas of the body that needed healing and mentioned foods and techniques to support those areas. She taught us techniques to continue to fill our energy fields with our own energy and clear out invading energy fields (how to lovingly send parents, siblings, past life tormentors, etc out of our individual spaces!) About 20% (my number not Robin's) of my field was filled with someone else's energy - which Robin identified. She/we sent him packing, and after the session my head felt clear. I could feel the breeze and sense the essence of the nature around me. There were no more judgments or any heavy, critical thinking in my head - no stress! I cannot say enough about the experience.  If you are willing to work beneath the surface of your mental activities and trust in an energetic process, this is for you. Teachings I thought I already knew, she phrased in ways that unlocked a fullness of understanding I'd been needing.

My husband and I were not in the room together, but have listened to one another's sessions since. We were able to help one another work with the information that came through and continue to benefit from the daily clearing practices. Thank you Robin!!!

We look forward to your youtube channelings of nature spirits, planets, animals, etc!!!  If you want to go viral maybe channel the covid--19 virus? There are not many videos out there and people are searching it constantly right now.

We will be in touch sooner or later for follow-up sessions. Rich was also very pleased and impressed with his session/your work upon reviewing it twice more (and is doing the work.)

Thank you for doing what you do and being a part of the healing!

Sara & Rich from Pittsburgh, Penn



I just loved my reading with you! I feel so light and my heart rhythm is currently normal. Thank you! You were so right on with so many things from the first moment about my husband's energy, to my jobs, my loved ones, to what I need to heal my heart.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Mary Beth, New York, 2019

Thank you for the reading and healing Robin. The session was great. I am very impressed by how accurately you read the root cause of my sister's problem from half way around the world via Skype.

S. E.
Tehran, Iran

I'm highly recommending communicating with Robin.


For ages I felt my digestive enzymes needed a boost, Robin confirmed my suspicions and suggested ways to do so.

Robin saw that my bones below my teeth needed remineralization - just what my dentist told me last week!

She voiced trends and ideas that had have been circling around in my mind for weeks, and methods to use to settle the confusion.

Spiritually, mentally, and emotionally - I felt as though Robin's suggestions were coming from my higher self.

Such practical and spiritual coaching at the same time.  What else could I ask for?

Thank you,


Hi Robin,

Sorry I missed class this week... listening to the replay tonight. Readings so far have been amazing, overwhelming. I'm stunned at how well they have gone! I want you to know how much you have helped me! We have two years to go, and you have already changed my life! Thank you so much! I consider you much more than a friend, more like an angel, a gift from source! Talk to you Wednesday.

Thank you!


Hi Robin,
It was the best ever talking with you today during our session. I'm ready to release every thing that doesn't serve me and grateful for the health scare to lead me on my journey. Looking forward to the MP3 to take notes and continue purging and connecting to my joy and happiness.
Thanks again,

Thanks for your love and being a great teacher!! After leaving my last school experience where there was little love and positive affirmations from the teachers, I sure appreciate you and the rest of the class with all the openness and love you give.

Robin- I HAVE to say you were soooooo funny tonight while teaching the Empowerment Program! I’m sooo glad I was muted because I had to laugh out loud so many times!
I can’t thank you enough for just being you. You are not only my mentor but you’ve become one of my heroines along with Mother Theresa and Joan of Arc, truly. One of my favorite things about you is that I know the sincerity and truth behind your words... and that you really hear me as well.
❤ Love ya Robin

Hi Robin,

I have learned so much in the class and gone through such a big personal transformation - I am forever grateful. Thank you for your teachings and commitment and passion for what you do.
I most definitely want to stay in touch. Feel free to reach out anytime and I will do the same! 😊

Hi Robin,

Thank you so much for your kind words about my books! I'm (almost) speechless and so grateful that you are making them required reading! I am overwhelmed with gratitude!
I feel so appreciated! One of my deepest wounds has always been not being appreciated.

You are such a blessing to me, my family, and all you so lovingly assist!

My nausea diminished a bit more every day that I spent on the beach pouring all that sadness, grief, shame, etc. from my lifetimes and from my ancestors into Mother Earth to be transmuted into Love. What a blessed gift (among many others) you brought me! Perfect timing with the end of the year for a rebirth and a new beginning! Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo.

Lots of Love & Gratitude, Sulara

Hello Robin!

That reading was aaaaaamazing! I loved it! A huge thank you to you and Susan. I forgot The other ladies name, but a huge thank you to her as well!
It’s amazing! Because since I’ve been working on releasing the repressed anger, my right overy has not hurt, not once!
And some energy has shifted to where I’m actually in a Christmas 🎄 Spirit. I haven’t
felt this way about Christmas in a long time! I’m so happy that I’ll be doing this as a
Profession. It’s taken 10 years to get to this point, and I’m so elated!
Happiest of Holidays!
Thank you once again! 😘
Mary Ellen Conte


I have been away from class for a few weeks now and I am really feeling the difference. I think I am able to enjoy the process of learning from you more gracefully because I feel that I/we have a teacher who cares greatly for her students well being and has given us many tools to use for every situation.  I feel completely safe with you Robin.  Which I think allows for even deeper healing, exploration and learning because there is no sense of needing to protect myself or exploring a feeling of unease.  Which in turn allows one to fully dive into the work you are teaching us.  So thank you Robing for this wonderful gift!!!!


Hello my beautiful teacher and friend!
I hope you are getting settled into your new place. Moving is definitely a mixed bag. Once it's done and your settled ~ ahhh. I wanted to reach out to you about setting up another reading. I'm just so grateful Robin to you and for all you do and share with us. Your work is invaluable and a true gift to the world. I can hardly wait until 2019 - your next MI class! Chomping at the bit here!!
Love you,

I'll never be able to thank you for sharing your wisdom. I give thanks for you and ask god to send you all the light, love, joy and healing you could ever need. I ask almost daily 🙂
I appreciate you so much as a teacher. As you teach, you heal and you graciously give love. What you have given us in wisdom, is now the gratitude that flows thru my spirit (hope that makes sense 😉 lol).  I never realized how much power one can give thru the teaching of self love. I hope you can feel the gratitude and love we have for you as our teacher. The gift you've given us is priceless.

Hi Robin!!
I've been wanting to call you and say "thank you"!! The morning after our class, I awakened to my body feeling healed from the car accident. The aches, pains and stiffness was all gone. I was hesitant to call cause I didn't want to "jinx" myself ((I know silly)) - so I'm not sure if this was something you did or the healing we did in class or both or ?? But I'm very grateful and in awe because I'm still feeling healed days later!
Victoria ~

I just listened to the class, can i say it was amazing!!!! Feeling lighter and look forward to saying 'yes,' great tool!
Jennifer Connery, HI

I found your website through one of your students post on FB. I felt the tools you were teaching would help me with meditation in general, and self love. Also in being aware of my energy, being present and grounded, of which I haven't felt for a while. I feel like your Medical Intuitive Training- Easy Audit program has helped me back on the right path, and has really helped me grow. I am definitely more centered and grounded than I have been in years.
I just wanted to say thank you and introduce myself. I am going through a difficult time in my life ,but your course has helped me tremendously. I am considering scheduling a reading with you as I'd love to find out what you see. I still struggle with some issues that I feel you can help me with. thanks, talk soon.

Dear Robin,

Your meditation class is just the best thing, incredibly expansive, and supportive. I am learning so much and loving it. And am so grateful for you and your brilliant style of teaching which brings everything to Light and life!

So thankful for you Robin!

Hi Robin,

I listened to the recording of your Tuesday meditation class. Jeez, what I love about you most is your ability to deliver laser sharp messages with the most heartfelt loving kindness.

Thank you so much for all you do for me individually and for what you do for the world!


Hey Robin,
I think 20-30 stones released from my liver gallbladder! Yes, I will work on being purposefully positive.  I was doing well and doing that ever since you did the first energy healing on me.  Yesterday I actually had a 2 hour long conversation with a friend of mine and I was telling her all about you and our session.  I was telling her how amazing you are ; how grateful I am to know you and how grateful I am to have experienced the energy healing with you.   😉

Dear Robin,
It was soooo very healing working with you Robin, and such a needed reminder of the antidote to excess responsibility, play!! I look forward to listening to the replay when you send it... You are dear to my heart. I am more grateful for you than you can know. Thank you for sharing your amazing Light!!
Much love, Annonymous

Hi Robin!

I am doing so much better after the healing/reading last Monday. At first it was, like you said, like I had had surgery and I was super out of it for 1-1/2 days. Then on Wednesday my energy really kicked in. I surprised myself by doing a lot of walking (for me), which is normally hard for me. Thursday I used the wheelchair a bit with my husband pushing me, but then Friday and Saturday I ditched the wheelchair and walked downtown and was active all day, not needing to rest. I haven’t felt as much the need to rest since then. So, thank you! 🙂

Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!

C. R.

If you are led to Robins website or meet her or hear about her, dont walk ... RUN to HER. I experienced a huge healing and reading from Robin in July of this year. My life changed dramatically in so many ways. I have been able to heal an addiction that I had given up hope on. I am no longer depressed or fearful. And that's just the beginning! I have had many teachers and have been in many classes thru the years while living in Boulder,Colorado. Robin is by far the cleanest, clearest and most loving healing energy I've ever experienced.
Since Robin had just moved to Boulder I have had the opportunity to meet her and find her to be so delightful and authentic. A true answer to a prayer! I find Robin very direct, patient and most importantly compassionate. I began auditing her Medical Intuitive- Easy Audit class and found the information so powerful that I booked a private instruction session with her. WOW!!!!!! The class got me in touch with my body so quickly that I was able to READ in our first session. What I didn't expect was the depth of healing that occurred as the reading took place. I feel so FREE!! Thank you Robin!!!!!


Dear Robin,

So nice to hear from you as I have been thinking of you and planning to drop you an email!
I am so grateful to have been guided to your medical intuition article in that LA publication Whole Person, and for my personal connection with you. I have been processing my session with you which revealed surprising information that is giving me a deep understanding, and now everything is making sense (regarding what I feel but cannot see). I am enjoying your "Love and Joy" recording and am committed to the path of honoring my own energy...and this is a great tool.
Thank you so very much for sharing your profound gifts. I really appreciate your sense of honor and integrity to the Highest. You are a beautiful and healing Light in this world.
Thank you also for the future discount for the referral to my friend... She is a sweet soul sister, and I had a feeling you two would be right on the same vibration.
You are a Divinely special resource, Robin, and I look forward to connecting with you again!
With much love and gratitude to you,
Anonymous 🙂

When I first found out how much Robin charges for a reading I was hesitant to book a session because I thought, "Oh my God, that's a lot!" But now after the reading I fully realize that what she shared with me is priceless and invaluable. In fact, I am going to book another half hour session to ask about another topic.

Thank you for your help Robin!

Liz Albert, CA

Today I was the client, rather than the student.  My instructor Robin from Sage School of Light read me. We worked on some issues in my spleen that needed purging and cleansing.  I welcomed the healing color blue into my full being.  This encompassed all the knowledge I possessed that needed to be a part of my "wholeness."  It felt warm and empowering.  Next, there were horrific garbled memories related to my father.  These were invalidated and "cut". I have a son, Ryan, who passed in 2010 at the age of 29.  We spent some precious time with him and worked on some healing that he needed.  He is always with me, but this reading took it to another level. I became knowing of the fact that I can handle all situations that come my way with grace and ease.  A metallic cap was found near my pineal gland possibly left from previous alien experiences.  This was surgically removed allowing my entire brain and head to fill with light and love.  Magically, I felt so light and free.  I really felt a palpable shift in energy.
To put it mildly, it was an awesome experience!!! Thank you Robin!


Hi Robin,

I just wanted to make contact with you and let you know how much I am enjoying the "Easy Audit" audio classes from your website's members page.  I am so excited to continue! I have had high interest in all metaphysical my entire life.  Healers I have worked with assure me that my 6th chakra is WIDE OPEN!

I now recognize that 2016 has been a year of "self-healing."  I immerse in my spiritual source and clear my chakras daily incorporating affirmations that mirror the "holy four" that I learned in your Easy Audit audio classes.   I have used meditation to find myself.  I recognize this healing in retrospect as I see it now and learn from you.  It is time to work & grow!
Today I am finishing level 2  in your "Medical Intuitive Training" as an Easy Auditor. The energy tools have been a huge blessing for me with meditation.
I have been doing the "Home-play" on my own, to the best of my ability.
I just finished "The Gratitude Diaries" (LOVED it!) and purchased "Become A Medical Intuitive." I use "Soul Love" CD daily. I have started drinking green smoothies & am weaning from caffeine. I am reading your articles in "Whole Person " magazine archives.  I love it.
I felt the need to contact you and introduce myself.  I feel I am getting to know you through the lessons!
I love you,
Redondo Beach, CA
Jo Birdsong

Hi Robin,

     I really miss the classes and the energy from the 14-Day Immersion. It's seems so much has changed in my life, since the classes.... for the better. I was going through a difficult time, during those classes. I definitely feel the classes brought my energy, vibration, up to a higher level and I'm am attracting better things into my life. For awhile, after the classes ended, it seemed my energy level dropped, and it was hard to get my energy level back up, on my own. This is the reason I signed up for the MI training. I would have loved to sign up for the live class, but it was full. I saved all my notes from our classes, and review them often. I am amazed, with time, how the readings turned out to be so accurate! Would love more access to your meditations, and teachings...can't get enough! Thank you for everything!!!!

Hi Robin,
I love your Medical Intuitive Corner in the Whole Person Magazine!! I try to find it every month. Thank you for your amazing work. You Are amazing and you really help people tremendously !! You are extremely gifted ++++
Peggy Walker

Hi Robin,
today I worked a lot physically to clean my garage , I am now tired but happy for the accomplishment.
It is a pleasure for me to be able to use my body again, it is part of the rehabilitation I have been waiting for!
I am improving every day and I know,I will soon be perfect again, I have so many things still to do on this planet!
I really appreciate your help in my healing process. I am learning to ask for help when I need it.
I am going to listen the recording tomorrow and start implementing the meditation you suggested .
Thank you very much!
From my heart to yours

Hi Robin,

     I really miss the classes and the energy. It's seems so much has changed in my life, since the 14-Day classes.... for the better. I was going through a difficult time, during those classes. I definitely feel the classes brought my energy, vibration, up to a higher level and I'm am attracting better things into my life. For awhile, after the classes ended, it seemed my energy level dropped, and it was hard to get my energy level back up, on my own. This is the reason I signed up for the MI training. I would have loved to sign up for the live class, but it was full. I saved all my notes from our classes, and review them often. I am amazed, with time, how the readings turned out to be so accurate! Would love more access to your meditations, and teachings...can't get enough! Thank you for everything!!!!

Hi Robin,
Blessings for your teachings and the growth that has become apparent in my way of being.
XXOO Kathy

Through the magazine Whole Person, I had the opportunity to have a complimentary spiritual reading and healing by Robin Eagle Sage.
A year ago I put  my name on the waiting list. Afterwards a follow up e-mail came letting me know the waiting time will be approximately a year.
Exactly a year later, another prompt  email came from Robin confirming the reading time and date. The result was and is astonishing!!! I am still not recovered from the accuracy of her reading and the talent she has. Robin has a natural gift of reading the energy and moreover healing.
To describe myself in two words, my mind is pragmatic and analytical. In other words, placebo does not visit me on regular basis.
While talking to Robin on the phone, I was experiencing a flow of some happy and joyful energy vibrating in my body.
After the session was over, I felt something or someone left my body, something heavy that I carried with me all this time.
A "thing" that I subconsciously knew was there,  did not have a full understanding of it, still don't, and learned to live with it.
Robin was able to bring me a relief, a complete relief. Thank you Robin!

Hi Robin,
I am very grateful for your reading - it helped me a lot. The session still resonates with me. Much gratitude to you for that. I recommended you to a friend about her son's condition.
Be well,

I love being an Earth Angel (assistant) for your classes.  It helps me to be with other energy readers and reminds me of how much growth I have made through my own turn as student.  It also helps me feel more confident in my abilities.  Thank you for the opportunity.  I am very grateful for you Robin.

I am writing about my triply amazing healing session with Robin. I experienced a series of miracles throughout the session, both on the physical and emotional levels. I felt much more love for myself, for my life, who I am, and my purpose here on earth. And after the session, as she described, I released physically -without describing, It was safe and comfortable for me. When I started the session I told her that my relationships with others were failing. She addressed this by going directly to the root. I never told her, but I had much confusion about my career path for decades. I had been going around in a circles for a long time. I was always trying to figure out what do, and always in my head about it. She helped me by going into different dimensions and communicating to me, in the dearest and clearest way, what she saw. I have worked with many healers, and have never experienced this level of penetration with healing. It was very deep and heartfelt. And all the images and senses were very accurate. I will give one example although there were many. She saw pictures of flowers and described what would be good to do in relationship to them for energy and career. I had done exactly what she said years ago and stopped. So I will return to that. And I am in process and plan on going in this direction with connecting to flowers, listening to them, and engaging nature spirit activities. So now I have confirmation and trust. She never told me what to do, she just shared what she saw in my aura. She was always very empowering with the several recommendations and exercises. If you are open to this deep level of healing, I highly recommend that you experience her divine gift that is very authentic and life changing.

Thanks Jen!!!

Robin’s Medical Intuitive student talks about her experience at Sage School of Light
Hi Robin,
I wanted to share that my grandmother passed last wed night (technically thursday, but just after midnight).  Thank you for sending a healing.  It was so beautiful and peaceful and the most incredible experience I have ever had. Both my mother and I were with her when she passed, taking her last few breaths in this world.  We were filled with joy and celebrated her as her spirit left.  I also helped to bathe her body after she passed, and it was such an honor and an act of respect, it felt old and tribal and the way we used to honor our loved ones in the old days.  I was able to be so present throughout the whole dying process - spending her last few days, reading poetry to her, singing to her, playing music. it was just incredible and life changing.  I’m so grateful for this class and being able to learn how to continuously open, connect to source, grow and become more confident in my own abilities and trusting myself, so thank you for this too 🙂

Thank you so much for your great classes!!  I can feel the shift in me already!!  I now understand why I was lead to you and your class.  I have found home.
Your class has also had a shift on my family.  For one, my girls and I are drinking green smoothies in the morning (the boys are slow to catch on...ugh...teenagers)  health for all.  My girls are talking about their emotions and what color they are and how they can remove trapped emotions.  They see angels and we are working on grounding,  mediation and breath.  How  amazing to have these tool at such a young age.  Have a great 2 weeks off.

Hi Robin,
Thank you soon much!!!!  I am going over to my moms tomorrow and will talk to her about seeing you!!  Having been to another healer I really like your stlye.
I am so glad I am in your class!!  I am learning so much and already feel the shift.  Not only am I feeling better I have become a better parent.  My kids are getting the benefit of the class also.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,

Hi Robin,
Thank you so much for the healing on my Epstein-Barr virus! Right after the healing I broke out into a fever which lasted three days! Then I slept for a very long time. I felt a little fragmented for a bit after the reading. It's as if my body doesn't know what to do with itself without my virus! I have an interesting feeling like a loss of who I was, yet realizing it's gonna make room for more joy and adventure and less worry! It also motivated me to quit smoking, which I haven't wanted to do this time around! It's amazing. So I'm making room for the new!!


Hi Robin!!! The session was amazing!!!! Really deep and really powerful! I took a 3-4 hour nap afterwards...wow! I loved working with you! And I will definitely refer you to others! And look forwards to working with you more!!! The work that you do is of such great value to me...thank you from the depths of my heart...you are a great light and channel and the service you do for the planet is of such immense value...thank you thank you thank you.
Namaste and Shalom Shalom Shalom.
Lotus Padma Dawn

We appreciate you and think your August 2015 article is fantastic! Many readers will benefit from experiencing it.
Thank you for your light work and contribution to this Earth.
Whole Person Magazine Team

Wow! Robin,

Thanks a million for those specific ideas and concepts about fathers in your medical intuitive column in Whole Person Magazine! My dad didn't leave, but was a violent and abusive alcoholic. My sisters and I got beaten alot.

I just now took responsibility for not having the awareness, as a child, to understand his pain. I realize that I could have reacted with caring and concern. Instead, I withdrew, and became silent, and resentful.

I took huge breaths of releasing and forgiving myself. I really feel love for my dad right now. I wish him happiness in the Spirit realms and a bright future.

Just reading your words gave me that insight that I really needed. That was joyfully powerful!

I feel lighter and brighter- yay!

Thanks a million!
Elisha in Colorado

I have been working with Robin Sage for about six months. I have worked with several healers during my life. I must say, with all sincerity, that she is the Best! 

When I started working with Robin, I had large tumors, a severe writing block, father issues beyond recognition, an unresolved/failed romance, and I was simply… off my divine right path. I was miserable. I was so miserable, that I did not want to be here anymore. I would repeatedly ask God, if I could, End Game.

However, End Game, was not the answer God had in mind. He placed me firmly in the path of Robin Sage!

Now, months later, and with focused work, I am a New Woman. The tumors are shrinking, I have published two books and am working on a third, all my father issues are gone, I have resolved the discordant energy with my old flame, and I now have a New Flame, I can now say with confidence, that I am Supremely on my Divine Right Path!!! I think that is pretty amazing!

Miracles do happen. And Robin is the perfect woman to help manifest them. Trust in Her. I did, and I might hold the record for fastest turn around! 

I now look forward to waking up every morning, and living life to it’s fullest. There is far too much beauty on this planet, to just quit. As my spirit guides often tell me, Just Do It!


Thanks Angel!
You are really helping me.

I figured out where the alcohol is coming from that you saw causing swelling in my brain.
I have a herbal hair-growth formula I apply to my scalp from China, and it's preserved in ALCOHOL!!!

(I actually apply alcohol to my head) - who knew!!!!!!!!!
Also how did you know I was a painter (artist). Too cool.
Naturapath, Australia

Hi Robin,

Thank you so much for the reading and healing. A lot of it was really on point. I feel very blessed to be guided on my path by you at this crucial point in my life right now.
Thank you!
Lily Sparks

Hi Robin,

It was a pleasure meeting you, too! 🙂 I just wanted to say thank you for the reading and healing you've done for me last night. I felt I released a lot of fear, grief and blocked energies that were holding me back. This morning I woke up feeling deeply refreshed and excited about life. I thank you again for your wonderful gift.
Kind Regards,

Hi Robin,

Thank you again. I can really feel a difference since the reading! I found the liver cleanse book and ordered it. I am looking forward to listening to the recording of our session again and again. And I am looking forward to more positive changes!

Denise G

I am the steward for the horse named Emmett that Robin recently wrote about in her newsletter. I can see him moving through layers of resistance and receiving the therapies she has instructed me to do with him. He really likes the body work. As for me, I am really enjoying the process. Robin gave me an exercise for me to do for myself which will in turn help my relationship with him. This one simple exercise has helped me to empower myself in surprising ways. We are both growing and healing. Thank you,


Hi Robin,
Thank you for the reading and healing! I noticed one remarkable difference in me yesterday that I thought I’d share.  I was surprisingly not as hungry as I usually am. I almost always feel hungry like there is an insatiable hungry ghost in me, which made me wonder about parasites. And yesterday , a day after our reading, was very different. I had a few celery sticks and raw pumpkin seeds as a snack but didn’t feel starving like I usually do only a few hours after meals.I’d often panic about feeling low sugar symptoms and begin to not feel good, like there was never enough… Instead of being starved for dinner at 5:30, I didn’t eat until almost 8pm.    I did shift my diet as you suggested and I think that also has a lot to do with it as well.  I also felt more light hearted and less worried about every little thing.
Thank you for all of your advice.
Lisa from Marina Del Rey

I have had three sessions with Robin Sage. I am quite impressed with everything about her. The sessions were authentic and healing in the highest caliber. Robin clearly has great wisdom, compassion and intuition. I highly recommend her with all my heart! I look forward to our next session. Thank you Robin, for being here! 

Teresa, in Santa Monica, CA

Robin Eagle Sage was phenomenal! From scheduling to session to followup, Robin was right there to check in and guide the journey. She is impeccable with her word, compassionate, and committed to service. I've only met a few healers who emanate such a degree of unconditional love and neutrality. 

Robin peels away and reveals each layer of cosmic cause and effect. Not only did Robin see a white barrier in my auric field, she also discovered a past life in which I had been guillotined. These revelations both rang true. I'd been isolating myself for months due to exhaustion. Ever since I can remember, I've been afraid of having a knife held up to my throat for no apparent reason. 

Besides being an incredibly accurate reader, Robin connects all the dots and provides solutions. For months, I'd been feeling a strange presence of sorts. Robin confirmed that an extraterrestrial presence was linked to increased EMF emissions and gave me guidelines on how to reduce exposure. I didn't even have to tell her that my household was filled with electronics ; ) . 

A session with Robin is such a treat! I would highly recommend her if you are seriously looking to upgrade your life. 

Sara in LA

Hi Robin,

Thanks for an awesome session! I got way more than I anticipated! I felt very connected to your voice, as if I had a guide with me to explore dark places inside and trusted you to release the negative energies and give me guidance as to how to clean up the residual. The pace was easy and hearing you yawn let me know that energies were moving out and we were breathing love in! I love feeling bright, energized and motivated as my old ways were dragging me down. Your "Love and Joy Meditation" MP3 that I bought will replace my morning coffee and I'm looking forward to more creative, loving energy from the inside out. I have been wanting a meditation that I can make a ritual so thank you for this!

Emily in LA

Hi Robin.
Thanks again for a great session. I went running yesterday and my knees are NOT bothering me today - I'm on cloud nine! Your healing has helped immensely.  🙂

Hi Robin,

During our first session I was amazed and intrigued by your knowledge of my health history. I felt you gave good advice regarding health care, as well as about my relationships. Thank you!

Doctor, TG MD, New Mexico

Hi Robin,

Thanks for the reading. I wish i could have afforded a longer session! The information was very spot on and answered my prayers. You gave me information that no one would have known. A great burden I've carried my whole life has been lifted. I'm excited about the future. Thank you!

Kimberly Ryan
Fairbanks, Alaska

Thank you, Robin!!

I agree, I'd love being a physical therapist or chiropractor... and I want to manifest a whole bunch of money and life circumstance so that I can go study study study.... 🙂 🙂
Thank you for the reading today, truly was PERFECT and right on!!

Lots of love always!


Hi Robin,

Thank you again for our session tonight! I really felt uplifted after our session. I know allowing other energies in is my responsibility but it was a really wonderful that you did not let me feel guilt over this, rather supported me in letting them go. I loved that you fully focused me into the solution of ridding myself of these energies and gave me concrete processes to prevent them from coming back in. These simple to follow processes are so helpful as I often feel I know what I should do (i.e. be the real me, focus on my heart space, allow love, recognize energies I should not take on) but I struggle with the methods of how to accomplish these things. So thank you again for providing some great concrete instruction on how to do that!

Also, it feels great to know I have within my reach the happiness and prosperity that I have been feeling is in my future for quite some time now. The key now, is for me to continue to discipline my mind and heart to focus on my needs. By doing so, I will start embracing the real me and as you shared, life and the things in life I desire, will flow easily to me.

I also really appreciate you highlighting the wonderful qualities you see in me. I have a history of being extremely hard on myself and have been working on softening this. It really helped that you, (who can see the real me), was able to share all the wonderful qualities you see in me. It allows me to focus on these things versus my mistakes or the qualities I may not feel are my strong suits.

Thank you again for all of your help! I really appreciate your gift, support and care!!

J. E. Pennsylvania
Good Morning Robin!

First of all, I want to tell you that the subject matter for this class is great!  I have felt positive effects for myself more in this class than the previous.  Over the many years of many hours spent in prayer and meditation, I had, inadvertently, opened myself up to whatever energies wanted to harass me....thinking all of it was God, and allowing it.
I was taught in the church that  a Christian can't be possessed and I believed it.  I no longer believe that since "possession" takes many forms....not just Exorcist style. I didn't know that I could be so affected and I didn't know I had or could exercise choice.  One small example would be pressure on my head and/or forearms during meditation (in the past, I  accepted this as some form of God accepted it and put up with it)  ......now, I immediately tell it to get out of my space and clear.  What a difference!!  Yay! ...and so simple.
The first reading you did for me was to release foreign energy.  I kept thinking, during the reading, why the hell is Robin going on and on about a stupid past life, it has nothing to do with anything!!?  (Plus, at that time, I didn't really accept the whole past life thing).  Really though, this was the foreign energy talking because it was about to be ousted!
I literally felt it leave my body out the top of my head.  I felt incredible relief, instant and lasting.  My back became more flexible and easier to manipulate ( chiro) and I felt like there was so much more room in my own skin.  My emotions became lighter and happier and I slept better.  I'm sure there are some unknown or unrealized long term positive effects too.  My husband has definitely noticed positive changes in me as well.
Thank you, Robin:)  I hope to be able to help people the way you have helped me.
Abundant Blessings,


“Thank you, Robin,

I feel SO MUCH better already!! You are a gifted healer!   Ahh”

Barbara Hall, CA

Hi Robin,

I had a visit with the cardiologist today and wanted to give you an update:

In 2010 I was hospitalized and diagnosed with congestive heart failure. I had cardio myopathy with an ejection fraction of 35% which is way too low. On January of 2011 my ejection fraction went up to 45% which is still on the fringe of congestive heart failure and still considered cardio myopic.

Today the doctor told me that my ejection fraction is now 60% which is considered normal!  They have taken me off the rhythm medication (Multaq) as it does not seem to work to control my heart rhythm.

Ken and I are very encouraged by the ejection fraction increase and the strength of my heart increasing~ and it is no longer considered myopic or congestive heart failure!

I am determined to work with my heart energetically to get the upper left atrium back to its normal size and have a normal heart beat.  We feel that it is possible to do so.......with your help. Thanks so much for the amazing healing journey that we have been on.

Blessings to you,

Nan and Ken

Nan and Ken, Pennsylvania

Thank you a thousand galaxies deep for your ASTONISHING WORK!

Always grace and love,

Georgina, Malibu, Ca, Writer

Hi Robin,

I have been doing the daily exercises that you proposed for my ovaries and guess what?  I got my menstrual cycle back which I haven’t seen since august!

Thank you so much!


Hi Robin

Thank you so much for the healing on abundance. I feel much better already. You always help me so much. I need to be CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR with myself!

It is always a pleasure and an interesting journey of unfolding, and you've been with me for a few years and through lots of adventures, so thank you!

I had a guest booking in the afternoon, and another lady wanted to see me but I was busy with the other guest! So it’s working already!

Lots of love,


David Arenson, Australia, Naturopathic doctor

Hi Robin.


As Buddha says, "When a student is ready, the teacher will appear". It is so true!!!

Thank you for being my teacher and a guiding light in my life. There are no words that I can think of that would adequately convey the gratitude I have for you as well as my excitement for what the future holds which has been brought about by our work together.

I had the realization as I was laying here right now I feel a sureness (no doubts at all) within me that I am healing -- ALL WILL BE WELL, I am the most peaceful I have been EVER.

Thank you for being on the path of my life, I'm glad decisions were made that allowed me to move the in the proper direction so that I could meet you.  I appreciate your patience in helping me to learn new tools in which to grow, heal, change and become more of myself. You are awesome!

Smiling and loving life,



“Thank you Robin.

It was indeed a great reading – incredible!”

Lisa Hines, Founder Earth and Soul University, CA

“I had a session with Robin and it was a life changing experience! Wonderful person I plan to have in my life forever.”

Toni Hodge, New York

"I fervently believe that, like Little Grandmother, Robin will always be a spirit guide for humanity's evolution towards a higher consciousness and a better existence for all of us. With peace, love and blessings,"

Gary Krupa, Sedona, AZ

"Robin! You told me the other day that I should be eating more bananas. Well I just recently had some blood work done and got the results back today and guess what? I am low in potassium and need to eat more bananas! The other thing you told me to eat was oranges. So I looked up foods that are high in potassium and oranges are right up at the top of the list. Who needs blood tests when you have Robin! You are amazing, I hope you're well!"

Aaron Butler, Film and T.V. Editor, Los Angeles, CA

"Your talent blew me away! Thanks so much for giving yourself like that to me. I am very grateful... I can let people know how good you are... And I will start saving money to work with you again! Next time I will leave space to rest afterward, now that I know the healing that happens. I actually feel relief in my bladder area which is unbelievable... I am so used to the pain...  It feels like there was a shift... From your lips and mine to God's ears!! Thanks a mil, Robin!!! Huge gratitude and love,”

Gerry Welles, Numerologist, Santa Monica, CA

“Dear Robin,

I am so hopeful after our session! I'm still floating on a cloud. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with me. Thanks seems so inadequate to express my appreciation to you.....”

Nan S., Pennsylvania

“Thank you so much for everything you said in our reading! You are profound and amazing. A true angel.”

David Arenson, Naturopathic Doctor, Australia


I really enjoyed our last session....thanks for the time, energy, and lifestyle choices YOU have made to BE as good as you are!  I know this from listening to the Israel interview where you stated how you live in order to be a grounded person.  Well, I heard that and I applaud and cheer you on to continue in your amazing craft to help us all take one step closer to our original state of being! You Go Girl,”

Mark Changelian, Wood Floor Sander and Refinisher, Lexington, MA

“Thank you for a wonderful session with clear guidelines to achieve several of my goals/plans. Light and Love,”

Marge Ridall, Pennsylvania

“Hi Robin,

My session with you brought much clarity! Much of what you said about how I experience this world is very true. I am inspired to participate in more yang-like activities now. The suggestions you made, such as, regular cardio work and grounding my ovaries, have really made a difference. My body feels as though it is calling for that. I am also interested in taking your class. Thanks again!”

Jesse Russo, Sedona, AZ

“I felt the need for a reading, for health and other reasons, and I put my request out to the universe and found you. I started out with a small reading (half hour) to test the waters. The rest is histor. All I can say is thank you and I'm so glad I found you. I was so excited after my reading with you that I felt like shouting it off a roof top! And I don't say this lightly Robin.  I've had many readings in my life and this was by far one of the best I've had, if not the best. I'm really looking forward to my next reading with you and have been following your suggestions. It's really wonderful what you're doing.  Have you checked out the "Seeing Beyond" radio station in CA?  The Bay area could sure use your talents. Blessings to you,”

Letitia C., CA

“It was great talking to you Robin and receiving a “Happiness” reading. As always you touched me deeply. Your insights are as clear as ever. I really appreciate them!”

Richard Robinson, Writer/Scientist, Orange County, CA

“Thanks Robin.  I feel more relaxed and at peace than I have in a long time.Love,”

Phil, CMT, Bay Area, CA

“Dear Robin,

I wanted to write to thank you again for the reading you gave me. I really feel a shift in myself, and not surprisingly, a more clear understanding of the "certain degree" of resistance that I felt at times when you were speaking to me. It was a very powerful personal experience of how the energies that we have either created or taken on have a resistance to leaving. They are after all the familiar--the old clothes we have worn for so long that perhaps we do not realize how they shape the window (our perspective on life, ourselves--etc.) through which we view. I feel I clearly realize that what I was feeling with you was not anything negative to do with you, but that you were shaking up some deep beliefs (energy) I had about myself and my way of proceeding whose "use by" date has arrived. It is time to hospice those energies and midwife in energies that will enable me to be more free to proceed constructively for my own benefit and for the benefit of those whom I am privileged to serve. Thank you for this gift, the benefits of which will ripple out to the youth and families whom I love and serve. I am not saying that there is not more work to be done by myself, but your gift was a necessary, powerful and needed catalyst for the "new" direction I feel I need to be journeying in. If you will have time, I would greatly appreciate more time with you to look into some of the other areas that I need to address and no, I (the ego part of me) does not need to be flattered by the wonderful things you see, unless the weaving in of those would be helpful to whatever I am trying to achieve for my own greater clarity and spiritual growth and development----my own continued awakening. These "good deeds" which you perform, the memory of which can never be taken from the heart of one who is grateful.  God Bless you in all you do. Love & Aloha,”

Reuben Lelah, Child’s Psychiatrist, Big Island, HI

“Dear Robin,

I feel it has been a meaningful and inspiring journey with you the past 2 years and I am grateful to continue and to have developed a friendship with you along the way! Being in a more elevated place, brings heightened awareness that can only come from having stayed the course and having cleared so much. I have much gratitude for your help with this.”

Cheryl Ridall

Cheryl Ridall

“WOW! Your interview was AMAEZN' dear Robin. I loved your clear and grounded energy. Very real and informative.”

Pati Maez, Healer, Big Island, Hawaii

 “I loved the clairvoyant class work we did together. It has really helped me get back into touch with skills I had many years ago. It has definitely opened some doors for me. Thanks again for your willingness to share with me. I send you much love and light. Hugs,”

Pat Cegan, Guardian of the Forest, Casa das Borboletas, Brazil

“Hi Robin,

It is amazing what you said to Toma!!! And to me!!! I adore your talent to read energy and to give people so much joy, hope and good energy! Everything you said makes sense. You did not know us, but you were able to describe us both very differently and very clearly!  I still listen your recording whenever I feel the need to elevate my self-esteem and just one more time to hear that I am on the right path. Thank you so much!”

Margarita Milkin, Boston, MA

Hi Robin.

Tonight was our Christmas get together. It is party that I both love and hate. I love meeting with all my family and catching up with them but dread when my father shows up. In fact, typically a couple of days before the party, I start getting antsy worrying about what he may do. That has always been the most fearful thing about him is his unpredictability. He has no sense of the harm he inflicts by his behavior or perhaps believes it is his right to act in such a manner. I really don't know. The fear factor for me is always, what will he do? And so I begin dreading our Christmas party. The past couple years I have been able to be there and act as if he is not. I don't look at him or speak to him. My husband has had several talks with him about staying away....

Last night I was not able to sleep. I was in a-fib and my heart rate was out of control. I tried to get in a calm state and talk to my heart. I was telling it how much I appreciated it, loved it and that it had no need to fear. I had no confidence in telling it that because I had fear aplenty. When I tuned-in to my heart, the way you have showed me, I saw tears leaking out of the top of it. I asked my husband to sit with me and hold my hand. After a while of doing so, I began to cry for the little girl who was so afraid of her daddy, his unpredictability and the many years of sexual abuse.  I couldn’t believe that I could be safe or be in control. I began to cry the big ugly cry. Afterward, I feel like the fear was washed away through the tears rolling down my face. More importantly, I felt my heart releasing pain and becoming more peaceful.

This morning when I awoke my heart was still in a-fib, so I rested a bit more. After a couple hours of rest,I began getting ready for the party, and I started to vocalize. Just short bursts of yelling, as we have done in our sessions. I just did it when I felt like it. Family thought ,"Oh no, here goes mom again!" But it felt good.

As we headed to our destination, I checked my heart rate and I was out of a-fib. I was calm, cool and collected. I thought "Hmm, what's this all about?"When we arrived at the party I saw my mom and dad sitting at one of the tables. Others were avoiding sitting directly next to them. As I looked at them I began to think of how sad their lives were and that the energy or aura or whatever that they project, keeps others away from them. In hindsight, I recognize I had no fear of any kind when I saw my father.

Later on I found my husband and told him I wanted to talk to my dad. Mom and dad were both getting ready to leave so we stopped them in the hall and I said to my dad, "I have something to say". He promised he would listen (although he never truly does). "I wanted to let you know that I have done a lot of physical and emotional healing and wanted to tell you that I no longer have any hard feelings about the past." At that point he launched into verbal vomit, like he does, and said,"I just want to tell you that one thing I have learned about hate is that you can hate and hate, blah blah blah blah." Now the miraculous thing is that from the time I saw my parents sitting at the table alone, some part of me went into an altered state, where I was talking to others and having fun but I knew where my parents were at all times. I felt directed in some way, like I was two people, -- sorry that's the best I can do to explain it. And because of that altered state, I KNEW that to speak in that moment would be a big mistake. So I waited until he paused and I said, "It was never about hate it was about fear." He then launched into, "I've lived with your mother for 50 years and I've never hurt her. You had nothing to fear, blah blah blah." I waited a second and I said, “I'm not interested in arguing with you.“  He proceeded to put down what he was holding and gave me a hug and a kiss. The hug and kiss really meant nothing to me other than it was a landmark, a time of putting away old fears for me. Another awareness came to me; he is a little boy inside, putting up his fists and swinging at everyone to keep them from hurting him. He is the loneliest existence of anyone I know. But I am free, free, free, free!

I praise God that he has allowed you, Robin, to come into my life. You have given me your time, taught me skills and helped me grow. I feel I am so incredibly blessed to be healing in this way.

Thank you my friend.
Love you,
(No name will be given to protect the innocent!)


“Hi Robin, Thanks for the reading! I went grocery shopping with my son on Saturday, and we bought much healthier foods. I'm loving those blueberries. I think I've finally said goodbye to coffee even though it tastes so good. Like you said, coffee is very detrimental to your system. I'm planning on doing some sort of colon or intestinal cleanse, but I'm going to do some checking around to see what cleanses are good. I had a dream on Saturday night about my intestinal track, and it didn't look very pretty. It's something that I'm definitely going to work on. Also, I noticed since the reading I had with you that my energy vibration has changed. This sounds crazy, but my energy over the weekend was so much stronger. I was subconsciously making the lights in our house flicker on and off. It could have been Tyler's (my son) energy, but I have a feeling it was coming from me!Thanks again and take care.”

Deidre, Seattle, WA

"I have worked with Robin and she is a fantastic teacher and healer and I feel she will do so much for so many should she get this book publishing prize . She is one of the most gifted people I have met in some time and really deserves this award."

God bless all of your wonderful work! My healing session with you was one of the best I've ever had! You get back what you put forth and you my dear are simply the best !! You really touched my life with just that one reading I had with you .. We need people like you out in this world to spread the gifts God gave us and kiddo you have a remarkable gift !!! Maui misses you!

Love and Light ..
Warm alohas from Bonnie on Maui

Bonnie, Maui

"Thanks for the reading Robin! It was worth every penny! It was thorough, accurate, and deeply moving. I feel like I got some answers about my past that had been haunting me for years. Your reading allowed me to let go of them and feel excited about my future."

"I also feel so grateful to have discovered your classes. They are so convenient to attend and I always feel relaxed, happy, and having discovered something important about myself by the end. They classes are powerful tools for self growth and spiritual empowerment."

Cecilia Benjumea, Raw Food Specialist, Sonoma, Ca http://www.rawglow.com

"Class was fantastic! Loved your channeling; extremely interesting. I am always intrigued by channeling. I think you will, indeed, have another book."

Barbara Hall, Therapist/Artist, Sonora, CA

"Hi Robin,
Thank you so much for meeting with me. I received a ton of information from you which I feel is very helpful-thank you! I think it's funny that you can pin point so much information in an hour that I've been working on for years! Have a beautiful one!"

Rasha, Des Moines, Iowa

"A couple of months ago I decided to take a clairvoyant energy healing class taught by Robin Eagle Sage. When I looked at her picture I knew I had something to learn from this woman. So I took the class.

When I started the class I stated that my intentions were to help women release stuck energy during births that hold up their labor so that it can be an easier process, as I am a midwife.

After my first weekend of class with Robin, I was called in to a birth literally 6 hours later. The woman was progressing at quite a clip and taking the contractions well. But then the next morning everything seemed to have come to a stand-still. So I decided to use the tools I had learned in class to see if I could help keep her labor going.

I closed my eyes and "tuned in" to the pregnant woman. I saw a picture of her being sensual with a man. I figured it was her husband and so I forgot about it. Then later, I tuned in again and saw the same man! So I asked spirit if it was her partner and I got that it was not. I asked the woman's husband to leave the room and told the woman that I saw a man in her space that seemed to be a previous partner. I asked her if that could be so, and she said, "Yes." I asked her if she thought she could let go of him so that we could get the labor moving again. And she began to cry........wailing and releasing as she began to sob her way through 'their' story.

After she was done, we practiced several ways of releasing this man. Some that I learned in Robin's class and some that I made up. And finally..... he was gone. I asked her if she wanted to discus this with her partner and she said "Yes." I left the couple alone to talk and went into the other room.

When I came back, she said she felt much lighter. The LABOR STARTED PROGRESSING AND HER WATER BROKE.....what a trip. It was almost instant. Oh my goodeness, we were on to something! I knew that different energies could hold up labor, but to know that I could possibly read these energies and help to move them through, was to me truly amazing.

When we got to the hospital she was at the same dilation for 3 hours and the doctor was concerned. So I tuned in again. This time she was clear but her husband was not. He was full of anger and resentment about this previous partner. My feeling was that he had to let go of this for the labor to progress. I expressed this to him, he agreed, and I sent him out to do his work. He came back in and guess what? In no time her dilation had increased 1 cm and was continuing. It was almost as if I had taken this class in order to prepare for this birth!

So my friends, I would totally recommend this training for midwives, doulas or any practitioners who get into situations where recognizing stuck energy could help. This could actually be at home with your children, partner or in any situation. Robin Eagle Sage is an amazing teacher and I feel truly blessed to be in her presence.

Peace, love and blessings to all"

Robin Garrison, Midwife, Maui, Hawaii

"The other day I received a reading from Robin Eagle Sage who is a medical intuitive and a spiritual advisor. I must say it was the most amazing experience I have ever had with a reading before. Normally you get a reading and you walk away from it going, sure it was insightful and can help me move forward; but Robin's reading was so much more.

During the reading Robin offers you a healing for whatever is unfolding within the reading at that time. This was so effective for me and long lasting. The healing was intense and for more than 24 hours I was floating and integrating the treatment. The information she offered continues to move through my heart and mind and to this day I am still expanding my understanding of how this insight is serving me.

I enthusiastically recommend Robin Eagle Sage for spiritual readings and medical intuitive healings, if you are seeking answers and guidance to the challenges within your life."

Mary Nelson, founder of LaStone Therapy, Tucson, Arizona

“Hi Robin,
Thanks for the session with you. Many of the things you said resonated deeply within. I feel lighter as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Seems like this is related to two things; allowing myself to let go of the record of hurts that have come my way and having the validation that what happened to me is real and I don't need to keep asking myself if it was true. It seems funny to even say that consciously but my whole life I have questioned if it really happened. I was told as a child not to trust my perceptions of reality, so it feels good to allow myself to believe them. I am blessed to have been pointed in your direction. You are amazing. Thank you! I am still looking over the notes I jotted down and am processing them. Will let you know how thing are going in a couple of days.
Thanks and be well.”

Mt Holly Springs, Penn.

"The readings I have had with you have totally helped me see things that I really needed to SEE!

This is so much work, yet so necessary. Thank you so much for your kind words and your guidance. I consider you my "teacher". Your guidance in the classes and your insight in class and in readings is very inspirational. Like Barbara said "Robin is always right. It just may be in ways that we may have not yet considered." So I am working on this as best as I can. I am trying to relax and find my answers within, letting the feelings come, and healing them.

The chakra work has been excellent for me. The 5th chakra, I feel, has been my most dormant area…. with my fear of being able to communicate. But lately I have felt what the heck; I’m going to start communicating through the fear. And I actually have been able to make a stand in my relationship and say that we HAVE to look into our stuff to find out what is behind it. The reading with you really helped me to get clear on my feelings. Now we are in the middle of some new revelations.

I am also realizing that it is okay for me to want healthy relationships. The 2nd chakra empowerment class helped with this too. There is progress happening as you can see!!!!I love the study of the chakras. It has come at the most opportune time in my life, and I don't know where I would be with this relationship stuff without it. It has also allowed me to feel so much more spiritual and close to God. And has also heightened my love for Jesus, which is fascinating, because so many people would say that the Chakra stuff isn't related to religion/Christianity, etc... Fascinating!!!

Thanks again for being you!”

Liz Evans, Lexington, Kentucky. Chiropractic Office Manager


I just want to thank you for my session with you last week.  I think it one of the best sessions I've had with a healer.  Maybe because I am finally ready to open to the truth."

C. H., Bayfield, Co

"Hi Robin,

I really enjoyed the last sexual empowerment with a whole heart class. I got in touch with the denial that you shared with me in my personal session about my bladder. It is doing much better now and I have been cleaning my ovaries and bladder every morning the way you taught us in class. It’s amazing how much it is helping.  I just wanted to thank you for everything.


Carolyn Hamilton, Bayfield, Colorado

"Many thanks for your fun and highly interesting classes, which always open me up to a wider reality, in fact, a wider world."

Babara Hall, Therapist & Artist, Sonora, Ca

“When I went to my doctor, who has known me for several years, he noted that I was more "upbeat" than he had ever seen me. I attribute this to what you have added to my life. It was three years ago in June that you gave me my first treatment. After that session, and I still don't know what mysterious event happened, I thought to myself, she just changed my life and does not seem to be aware of it. Keep helping people Robin!”

Richard Robinson, Scientist/Writer, CA

“I woke up one morning with a sinus headache so painful, that I decided not only to make an appointment with an ENT doctor, but since I also wanted to know if there was an emotional reason for the headache; I made an appointment with Robin. After an endoscopic exam of my nose, it revealed an abnormal polyp or papilloma in one of my left sinuses. The doctor sent me for a CT of the sinuses so that surgery could be scheduled to remove it. He said that it could be reoccurring and that if it grew back it could be cancerous.

For two weeks prior to the CT, I worked with Robin to try to minimize this condition. She gave me a list of things to do for my mental, emotional and physical well-being which related to my condition.  I did them to the best of my ability. Robin also worked energetically on the papilloma to remove it and told me what it was related to on an emotional and spiritual level.

Two weeks later I went to have my CT done and then I went by the doctor's office to drop off the film. The doctor came in the room and said, 'I saw the film and the growth you had is not as big as I thought.' So I said, 'good, does that mean we can postpone the surgery'? So he says, 'I'm not so sure yet. I want to take a look at your nose again to see how this thing shrank...' So I get 'endoscoped' in the nose again, and after probing and probing, the doctor says, 'well, I'm just shocked that the papilladoma is gone. I could have sworn that 2 weeks ago it didn't look good in there. It was very large in size.He kept reading his notes from a couple of weeks ago and he apologized twice because he said most likely he misdiagnosed the papilloma as the nose was very swollen. But then he said, 'of course, your body must have responded really well to the medications I gave you.' Right!!!!! I had to stop myself from laughing. I didn’t tell him that I stopped the prednisone treatment 2 days earlier or of my energy healings with Robin.

Now, the CT shows that the sinus on the left all the way in the back (I think is the ethmoidal sinus), is still clogged up with mucus. But that's a lot better than having a mass growing in the sinus. The great news is that he said that I didn’t need any surgery after all, but to come back for a checkup to make sure things were in order. So I have to go back in 2 months to make sure that everything is normal. Because of Robin’s healing and advice, I will not be having any endoscopic surgery in my sinuses.  I must say, I’ve read stories like this before, but never thought it would happen to me.So thank you so much for your energy healing. It worked.”

M.U. Penn. USA

"I contacted Robin for health issues, as I was having a reoccurance of chronic sciatica. I had sciatica 4 years ago but recently it came back three times as strong. This time I could not afford to be slowed down with pain as I have a 9 month old baby who demands being held! I have been working on myself with other tools such as acupunture, nutrition, essential oils and so on. However it wasn't until my session with Robin that everything melded together and a huge door of healing opened up. Robin's reading gave me amazing information about myself, my health condition and about everything. It was clear, precise, SO accurate and to the point. And most importantly it was very helpful as I have had absolutely NO PAIN since our session and that was weeks ago! It feels so good to be able to move again freely. Robin also gave me amazing dietary and other suggestions to follow regarding my life, in order to keep me on track with my health. It has been life transforming and I can't wait to have my next sesson with her!"

Fe Bailey, Certified Quantum-Touch Instructor, Berkeley, CA http://www.tropicalhealing.net

"I started having sessions with Robin on the recommendation of an acquaintance when I was struggling with a great deal of anxiety that I simply didn't know how to handle anymore. I am not a stranger to energy work, I have gone to many healers and tried many different types of therapy, and they helped with the anxiety but not to the extent that I needed. After one session with Robin I felt very different. She was able to go directly to the source of what was causing my panic and heal it. I have had several more sessions with her since then working on the issues that underlie and surround the general anxiety and feel like I am really opening up. It isn't just that I feel calmer, but I feel like blocks that I have been struggling with inside myself relating to many different things are being released and that energy of mine is being freed up. Robin is a wonderful intuitive who heals with humor and compassion so sessions with her are not only very helpful they are fun as well!"

Y.R. Jerusalem, Israel

"Robin, there is some kind of magic around you ... can't quite put my finger on it. Every time I meet or speak or do something with you, I'm boosted to another higher vibration of some kind ... opening a new door of some kind. Thanks for that, even though I cannot describe it really."

Sharon Cozzette, Minister, Wisardess, Energy Reader & Clairvoyant Teacher, Bay Area, CA http://www.gotaura.com

"Fabulous work Robin! The work you do is some of the most powerful healing I have experienced, yet easy. I am glad I discovered you now as I know there will be a waiting list soon. I look forward to feeling inwardly free and empower myself whether things are going well or not. My business is already starting to be more successful as I am calmer and can act more effectively. I just feel better, so everything becomes easier and fun. It is the inner self that seems to be running the whole show."

Todd Kingsley, USA

"I feel like got such a physical and emotional healing from the last two financial freedom and energy reading and healing classes.  I really feel like a big shift occurred within my body. Thank you! "

Deidre Lorenz, Algona, Washington

"Robin,   Thank you for the very helpful session. It brought so much awareness and facilitated a greater sense of peacefulness in my body which has been through "a ringer" of late.  I will continue the healing work and am grateful for your guidance with clearing out the negative energy today."

Cheryl, Austin, TX

"Aloha Robin,
Thank you again for last week's class, it was extremely enlightening.  I would like to share with you... at some point during the week (after the class) I found myself overwhelmed and confused as to how I would manifest my move/money/getting my cat back to Kona. I was walking at the time as that always seems to help me clear my mind.  As I was walking and thinking the color "black" came to me and the word "strength" came to mind!!! I started recalling the class and the conversation we had about the color black. And that when it is in balance it means strength and courage, like the powerful horse Black Beauty. When I embraced this color I began to feel better and more confident all at once.  So, thank you very much for your help and dedication to helping us improve, grow and move into a more fulfilling life.
With warm aloha"

Marie-Claude “Nohealani” Kona, Hawaii

"Robin’s weekly tele-classes are so worth it!  On a personal note, I'm seeing a trend of energies that I'm holding onto, and things I need to let go of. For example, I’ve had cervical cancer and have been holding onto abdominal protection (aka sexual-energy/life force-squelcher); it’s come up at least a couple times already. I’ve been able to clearly identify and shift the energies to create health and ease in my life. It’s intense stuff, but glad to be working on it and letting it go.

Professionally, I’ve been on the brink of success and fortunes at several points in my life. With Robin’s help, I’ve been able to see where I keep myself stuck, or “imprisoned.”  After attending the Financial Freedom workshop, I have begun to transition my thinking, and am ready to “leap frog” into my new career with leaps and bounds of success.  I’m already acquiring new clients and it’s only been 2 days!

Robin is a great mentor and teacher!  Her voice is calming and soothing, her insights are spot on, and her playfulness is light-hearted and fun: a perfect blend to heal and make positive changes in one’s life."

Lisa Hines, Certified Life Coach, Conscious Living Circle, Sonor, CA www.LisaHines.com

"Hi, Robin,  Hope you are well.  Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the class on Tuesday!  It was so awesome, and my heart chakra is feeling so much better!  I really need to let go of the fear, and go with the flow!  You and the other ladies in the class are so incredible!  You are so right about not forcing things.  Everything we do should be easy and natural.  My body is really starting to change since the class.  I feel like I'm relaxing more, and it feels really good. Anyway, Happy Holidays and I'm really looking forward to our next class on 1/06/09.  Lots of love, and hope you're keeping warm in all the snow."

Deidre Lorenz, Super Mom, Algona, Washington

“Robin’s ability to read energy is amazingly accurate. At the end of a session I feel I am brought home and that my deepest self has been seen and heard. Robin’s insights are truly life transforming. I would recommend Robin to anyone wanting and ready to embrace their inner truths!”

Amy Vaughan, Sedona, Arizona

“You have inspired the most exciting and demanding work I have ever taken on; getting to know, love and be honest with myself and everyone else.”

Dean Johnston, Architect, Maui, Hawaii

"I am really excited about what you are teaching.  I love being in the group with other women and learning from their wisdom.  Thank you for providing and holding the space so beautifully with your guidance.  I feel very appreciative."

Deb Terry, Licensed Massage Practitioner, Bellingham, WA

“Outstanding!!! Incredible…Thanks you so much for your TLC during my session. Warm aloha.”

Mary-Ann Tenness, Teacher, Maui, Hawaii

"I just wanted to let you how much we all appreciate you and all your great work!  You bring such light, hope, joy and beauty to so many, many people. During this "Great Fall" that we're in right now lightworkers like you are very much needed and appreciated (we always appreciate you though).  Nothing but success can come out of your current and future endeavors because your intentions are so good, pure and honest.  It just feels like whatever good you manifest will come to fruition."

Deidre Lorenz, Algona, WA

"I’ve always had the tendency of being too intellectual, even in my yoga practice. I’ve needed so much to let go to something other than myself. To let my memories be brought to the surface by somebody else… somebody with your level of understanding of the flow of life. Finally, with your help, a long forgotten accident made its way to the surface. And I realize better now how a seemingly common experience, such as a childhood medical procedure, could dramatically affect my connection with spirit in the years to come. Regardless of all the work that I have done on myself in all of these years, I have rarely been capable of digging as deep as you did in just one session. It has been a very important step towards my freedom… and happiness, if you wish.
Thank you"

Andrea Varalli, Architect, Italy

"Last nights class was very productive for me. Considering I started feeling like I had nothing to give and no energy to work with and by the end I was buzzing! Thank you. Your calm and reassuring nature truly provides a safe platform to spring from."

Mrs. Betsy Vance, Summit, New Jersey