MI Training: Level 2, Week 4, Home~Play

  1. Gratitude Diaries- Chapter 7

Chapter 7 written under “Chapters” in Audible.com is really chapter 8 in terms of what the author says at the beginning of each chapter. This is because there was an intro to the book which Audible calls Chapter 1. Someone please let us know which chapter we are on. Write it like this, for example, Chapter 2 written/Chapter 1 spoken. Write this below where you can comment and/or in our private Facebook Group. Thank you!

2.) Meditations:

a. Gender grounding~ remember it is most important to fill up with what you want: 5 minutes per day.
b. Walk in nature: 5 minutes per day
c. Sun Star/ Earth Star- align your chakras: 5 minutes per day
d. Make a green smoothie every day for breakfast. (Recipes are on my website blog called, “7 Steps to a Healthy Life.”

3.) If you can think of a good name for my new pet, (or channel his essence), please write it here. Thank you! I am open to suggestions. I will put pictures of him in our private FB group.

If any of the newer student don’t know what the meditations mean because you have not yet listened to that class recording, call one of your classmates (Contact list on Google Doc) and they will be happy to explain it to you and help catch you up. They are very simple. (The meditations, not students. Ha, ha!)

No AP call this week. Time for a well deserved break! Enjoy 🙂

27 comments on “MI Training: Level 2, Week 4, Home~Play

  1. Margaret

    1. Gratitude diaries: listens to chapter 7/spoken, chapter 8 read.
    2.A) Gender grounding:Done
    B) Walk in nature: Done
    C) Sun/Earth Star alignment: Done
    D) Green Smoothie: I am still away on holidays so could not do this week. BUT I love that this is homework and can’t wait to start again when I get home.
    3. Have not thought of a name yet but will think more tonight:)

  2. Jamie

    1. Listened to the next chapter.
    2. Did the meditations. Spent time outside all week- really happy to be back outdoors again.
    3. Speckle belly- Specs for short?

    1. Jamie

      2a. Did the gender grounding
      b. Spent time outside daily
      c. Did the sun star alignment on my own and with my kids too
      d. Made the smoothie 3x

  3. Mitsuko

    1. Listened to Gratitude Diaries- (Chapter 7/spoken) Chapter 8/read
    2. Meditations/Smoothie/Nature Walk: Can’t say did perfect, especially green smoothie which came out brown/orangish sometimes (carrots and some seeds?)
    3. Harry (Since he seems to like to hid in the hair?)

  4. Heather

    1. Listened to the gratitude diaries
    2.Did meditations gender grounding most days/got outside some days
    3.Sun Star/Earth Star-did not do this. I needed to call someone to find out what it was and I did not
    4. I did not make green smoothies. I had some resistance show up this week. I feel that I recognize it and did some work on it and I feel much better going into next week. Thank you

  5. Phaedra

    1. Listened to Gratitude Diaries Chapter 7

    2. a) Practiced gender grounding daily
    b) Walked in nature some days
    c) Practiced Earth Star/ Sun Star chakra alignment daily
    d) Made a green smoothie daily. So grateful for this “assignment”! Are we supposed to be drinking it with our breakfast, or AS our breakfast?

    3. Have not put my mind on rat but he is so cute! When I thought of a name just now, Charles popped to mind, haha 🙂

  6. Chelsea

    1. Listened to Gratitude Diaries
    2. Meditated daily:
    A) Gender grounding
    B) Walked in nature (not today, but have done it the rest of the week)
    C) Sun/Earth Star alignment in meditations
    D) Green Smoothie: I put spinach and green powder in my vegan protein smoothie, but I haven’t done the green smoothie yet…I want to, I just need to go grocery shopping.
    3. I emailed you a name for your rat: Nicodemus, one of the main characters from the movie, The Secret of NIMH. 🙂

  7. christina k

    1. Gratitude Diaries, Chapter 8/read.
    2. A) Gender grounding – Still not sure if I’m doing this right.
    B) Walked in nature- mostly at night.
    C) Sun/Earth Star alignment
    D) Green Smoothie: I have not done this.
    3. Idea for pet name: Ratcliff

  8. jennifer

    A.Gratitude Diaries Ch 7. Read and enjoyed!

    B. Meditations-Gender grounding- practiced daily and filled up with various colors, pink, yellow and green.

    C. Nature Daily- I spent time in ocean and enjoying sunshine

    D. Sun star meditation- Practiced this meditation daily- enjoyed feeling aligned to source and earth.

    E. Green smoothie- I’ve started incorporating this atleast every other day. Protein powder helps. 😉

    F. Sirius or Cyrus 😀

  9. Ruth

    1. Gratitude Diaries – I haven’t listened to this chapter yet, but I will before class tomorrow.

    2. Meditations – I haven’t been able to do these regularly this week. Although not on the list, I have been doing IFG and grounding as needed throughout my week.

    A. I have been doing the gender grounding past two days.

    B. Walk in nature, took a long walk this weekend instead of daily walks

    C. Sun/earth/star alignment – I need to call a classmate to learn this as I’m still catching up on classes from the previous level.

    D. I have been making green juices about 4-5 times a week with kale, celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger, and mustard greens. So good.

  10. Robin

    1) Started listening to Gratitude Diaries chap 8, need to finish.

    2) meditating daily,
    A) gender grounding, have not done this meditation daily
    B) walk most days, but some days i have been having trouble getting out of the house
    C) earth star/sun star mostly daily
    D) green smoothies i was doing daily for awhile, but have started eating more cooked greens for breakfast …still drinking smoothies some days.

    4) I don’t have an idea for your pet’s name, but I did have a dream about it…I don’t remember much except that i was near some water and I saw 3 white rats and I thought about yours, and that I might like to get a pet rat too…when i first saw them they were were swimming, which I thought was odd, and then they started flying above the water, which I thought was even weirder…and then i think it turned into another dream. I have tons of crazy dreams every single nite! But until I saw the picture I really thought he was white.

  11. T2H

    1. Gratitude Diaries, Chapter 7/8: Done – I am so grateful how gratitude changes negativity!
    2. Meditations:
    – Gender grounding – Still resisting this one; have been doing my own grounding techniques regularly.
    – Didn’t walk in nature, but worked a lot outside. Its been hard saying goodbye to the beautiful trees that have surrounded me for the past 6 years. Its been like living inside a Pauline Johnson painting.
    C) Sun/Earth Star alignment: haven’t been consistent with this one. I want to try it a few times daily next week to see if it helps alleviate my current spaciness.
    D) Green Smoothie: I didn’t get back to internet land until last night, so didn’t know about this. Interestingly though, I collected all the ingredients this week, as I had a strong impulse to start drinking them again. I even got the Greens, although I don’t like them much.
    3. Name: Have no idea where this came from: Topaz

  12. maia

    Gratitude Diaries – Chapter 8 read
    2.) Meditations:
    a. Gender grounding 5 minutes. Done
    b. Walk in nature 5 minutes. Done
    c. Sun Star/ Earth Star- align your chakras: 5 minutes per day. Done
    d. Green smoothie every day for breakfast. Done 3 times
    3.) Teo says Emerald

  13. Crystal

    1/ Gratitude Diaries, Kaplan // read Ch. 8
    2/ Meditations: various techniques combined with gender grounding; in the garden 5-15 minutes minimum per day.
    3/ Sunstar-Earthstar alignment & chakra balancing / mornings and evenings.
    4/ Greens for smoothie / breakfast and incorporated with lunch and supper / daily. Super!!
    5/ the New Kid: Prospero (fabulous magical lead in Shakespeare’s “The

  14. angel

    1. Gratitude Diaries compete.
    2. Meditation
    a. gender grounding complete.
    b. Walk in nature complete (with my puppy bulldog)
    c. sun/star- align Chakra – complete
    d. Green smoothie- Made daily. Love them
    3. Can’t think of a name

  15. Susan Palmer

    1. Listened to Gratitude Diaries chapter 7 spoken/ chapter 8 read

    2. Meditated every day.
    a.Twice did gender grounding.
    c. Did not ever contact a student to find out what sun star/ earth star meditation was. Aligned my chakras with Jin Shin Jyutsu Main Central Vertical Flow.

    b. Walked in nature at least 5 min each day.

    d. Made green smoothie every morning. (I’ve been doing that for 2 years now.)

    3. Rat name: Ratatoullie (sp?) , like the movie.

  16. Kat

    1.) Gratitude Diaries- haven’t done this yet

    2.) Meditations:

    a. Gender grounding~ completed five minutes per day
    b. Walk in nature: I’ve been able to soak in water for at least five minutes every day, but I haven’t been able to walk in nature every day.
    c. Sun Star/ Earth Star- completed five minutes every day
    d. green smoothie- did this every day, added protein powder and green powder to it.

    3.) Pet name: ratatattat

  17. Emily Tepper

    I also just completed the Audible listening Chapter 8 from the Gratitude Diaries.. also way too late for grading, but done at least!

    who still can use an accountability buddy?? I need one!!!


  18. Lil

    1) Gratitude Diaries – yes
    2) Meditations:
    a. Gender grounding 5 minutes – yes
    b. Walk in nature 5 minutes – again not daily, but longer walks a few times
    c. Sun Star/ Earth Star- yes
    d. Green smoothie – my digestion doesn’t handle those well & I don’t generally eat breakfast, but I have been eating a lot more salads n veggie soups this week.
    3) Sunshine/Eclipse


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