MI Training, Level 13, Week 4, Home-Play

  1. Give an MI reading to a stranger with a medical issue. Send the recording to them and me. Let me know which recording you would like to use as your final. Write about the reading here in 5 sentences only. (Copy it to use for a blog on your website if you wish.) 1. Their medical issue. 2. Causes. 3. Cures.  4. What did you do well in the reading? 5. What could you have done better?

2. Relax and read the book, The No-Grain Diet by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

  1. Catch up on all homework. Send me the link to your revised article on the Niceness Disease and how you saw in a reading that it caused cancer. NOT that it MAY cause cancer, but that it DID cause cancer in one lady. 

4 comments on “MI Training, Level 13, Week 4, Home-Play

  1. Susan

    The readee has severe digestive issues, especially in the colon. The causes were stuffing anger at parents throughout life which suppressed the function of the stomach and caused despondency and a colon that had given up. Cures were to practice speaking up as often as possible about what she feels and needs, and to forgive herself and her parents. Connected well with the woman during the reading, and the healing was very powerful. Better: my info came slowly, so I could have regrounded more often and remembered to use NAC throughout. Also, sometimes my little laugh sounds like a cackle — could stop doing that!

    2. Reading. Taking tai chi class which is helping me relax, focus internally on energy and body, and my sense is it will help raise my sensitivity for readings.

    3. Sent revised blog on ND. Also starting to write some blurbs for my website.

  2. Jennifer Connery

    1.) MI reading- Questions were what are the causes to my headaches and do have any issues with my kidneys? The causes to the headache were around being hard on ones self and overachieving. She also has been experiencing a lot of downloads and a connection to the cosmos since a young age which tends to be overstimulating the brain. The causes to kidneys were around generational contracts with the women in her life and healing energy around ‘hardship’. To heal she needs to spend more time in her body and grounding her first few chakras as well as to be easier on herself.

    2.) Still awaiting my book. It was ordered weeks ago should be here this week!

    3.) All homework is caught up.


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