MI Training, Level 9 Week 5, Home-Play

  1. Read: Chapter 4

2. Do a 45-60 minute reading with your AP on a pet of their choice. Ask difficult and different questions if possible- for the practice. Use the 5 step pet reading procedures:

1.General reading (5-10 minutes.)
2.Answer questions
3.Scan pet for blockages (if the pet has passed they may not want this, ask)
4.Give the pet a healing (if the client wants you to.)
5.Channel the pet

That's all folks! Enjoy your week.

6 comments on “MI Training, Level 9 Week 5, Home-Play

  1. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Reading Ch. 4

    2.) Reading on Spunky-
    Questions- Is there a rainbow bridge? How does Spunky feel about Princilla?

    I saw a place in the afterlife that was filled with animal spirits. Some in preparation to come into another life and be apart of a human family. Others come back as undomesticated animals to fulfill their journey.

    Spunky was a very relaxed dog and at experienced alot of comfort. When Pricilla arrived he felt slightly annoyed but still remained confident in how the family loved him. He learned how to take more risks and have fun because of Priscilla’s vibrance. He was a highly content dog and will have a place in his heart for all of the family members forever.

  2. Chelsea

    1. Read Chapter 4

    2. AP Reading:
    I read a Vada the dog. She was very playful, however had a strong side of her that was sturdy and mellow. Her main job in the relationship with my AP and her family was to distract them from heavier issues, reminding them to play and that they are loved. She guarded the house from any possible entities that were less than of the highest vibration and she provided comfort when the family needed it the most in their lives.

  3. Robin

    1. Done

    2. AP reading:
    Her energy was very sweet, loving and loyal, with such depth to her soul. She really wanted my AP to forgive herself and let herself off the hook for all perceived limitations. She reminds her that situations in life are so fleeting, it is much more important to be connected to the playful presence that is always there.
    She wanted my AP to give all that love and nurturing to herself, and really open her heart to recieve the blessings all around her, and that she is so worthy of. Frita is so full of peace…she is pure joy and love. She was fulfilled thru their time together, and they are both blessed.

  4. Ruth

    1. Reading Chapter 4

    2. AP Reading: Read Snowball, a fluffy white cat. She was a playful, loving devoted cat who was very sensitive to her surroundings and had an ability to protect my AP from negative emotions and anger that was expressed in the household. She cherished the innocence and bright light that my AP brought into the household as a child and Snowball took on the role of guardian and protector of this light.

  5. Susan

    1. Done.

    2. I read a little white dog, Tucker. Tucker’s annoying bark is instinctual, like he’s a soldier, to alert others of something happening. Otherwise, Tucker is a higher being, is peaceful and expansive in his energy. He knows what his owner is feeling. As for the chaos in the household, he absorbs it and is able to release and clear it. He hates the muzzle that is put on him when he barks a lot bkz it makes him feel not a part of the family anymore. He knows he is loved, in spite of everything, and he loves his owner and wants her to be happy, and can bring her comfort at times.

  6. Paedrin Blues

    1. Catching up on book.

    2. Was not able to get together with AP so I did a pet reading on a friend instead.

    a. Crash the cat was like a chameleon, able to morph her energy to different situations in order to achieve balance and harmony in the lives of her people. She protected her person, as a sensitive young boy, from psychic attack as he slept, and created a safe capsule around him to regain and heal his energy in the night. She had an extremely ancient, wise, regal, refined energy, but was able to shift into a playful, energetic kitten-like energy for the young boy and was there for support when he needed.

    b. Did Crash really come out of the rubble of the plane crash?
    How did Crash die?
    All cats have the capability to live many lives, but that doesn’t mean all can do this. Crash had mastered this talent, and emerged from the rubble with excitement, passion and purpose rather than trauma and fear.
    Crash knew that it was her time to go, and left this plane without fear or pain.

    c. I saw that Crash had disconnected from emotions and was extremely ungrounded. When I tried to heal this, I was met with resistance, and realized that Crash felt complete with her final life on Earth, and decided to move to a plane shaped like a belt or ring around the Earth. She is gathered there with the spirits of extinct animals and creatures- unicorns, mammoths, dinosaurs, as well as beings from other planets and wise sages from ours. They are there to help Mother Gaia as she makes this transition, and Crash felt inspired to take her place on this plane by the kindness she experienced from the young boy.

    d. Main points of the channeling was Crash’s gratitude for the experience of her last life on earth, and the completeness she felt from this. She expressed her pride in how the young boy had developed and grown and was living his life, and her pride and honor in the missions she had fulfilled as Crash. She felt much reciprocity in the exchange of energy between her and the boy. She explained that her heart is still connected to his, and she continues to send him love and positive vibrations.


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