MI Training, Level 4 Week 4, Home~Play



Lay down for 15 minutes per day and ask Muriel to give you a healing on your brain. This will help you rid the machine, so that you may believe in yourself, trust and be positive. Use your timer.

SSL Blog:

Write each day of the week and what the healing color for your above healing is and a message from Muriel. For example, Monday: Purple. Muriel said to let go my fear of the future.

If you want to write about your experience with this powerful intergalactic angel in your personal blog feel free, but it is not required.


Read chapter 5 in “Ask your guides”

11 comments on “MI Training, Level 4 Week 4, Home~Play

  1. Jennifer Connery

    1.) mediated with Muriel daily.
    First day I received purple and my message was to have faith that im here to do big work and to let go of my defeatist attitude! The next day my healing color was green without a message though I was in a tired space to receive. Last night I received the color blue and my message was to calm myself from inner challenges and to get out in nature and submerge in water!

    2.) Blogged! https://intuitivehealthsite.wordpress.com/2016/05/30/a-message-from-muriel-angelic-help/

    3.) Listened to Ch. 5

  2. Ruth

    1. Healing and Meditations: Done

    2. SSL Blog: see below for color and message from Muriel

    Thursday: Purple – trust and let go. Love is a vibration, don’t be afraid when you feel it

    Friday: Maroon/dark red – be open, you will receive healings in your dreams

    Saturday: Blue, yellow, and green – every day visualize the tissue in your brain healing

    Sunday: Silver – trust in yourself that you are a receiver of light and can transmit to others

    Monday: Purple – stop trying to define what is or isn’t, your past, present, and future is in every moment.

    3. Book: Done

  3. Mitsuko

    Excuse me for being a little behind the due date for homework –

    1. Healing/Meditation: Did my best, probably 60% of the time. Often found my mind wandering off or falling asleep.

    Th: Green: Open yourself up to what is out there
    Sat: Purple: Enjoy the joys you find each moment
    Sun: Brown: Be grounded, Connect to Earth

    3. Have listened to chapter 5

  4. Robin

    Healing meditation:
    I did this most days.

    Sat.: yellow- trust in my power, trust in my worth as an innocent child of God

    Sun: purple/lavender- surrender my fears and anything blocking love…be willing to let the light in, even just a little, and it will empower you and flow in to help remove any obstacles to peace and love.

    Mon: yellow- keep your heart open and be expanded…stay expanded thru the contractions…stay open in love, & just love whatever is there. You can do this, you are strong beyond what you imagine.

    I read chapter 5

    Sorry this is late!

  5. Susan Palmer

    1. Healing and meditations done starting Friday. Due to stress and physical exertion, my body has been tight and thus very restless when attempting to meditate. But here’s how I did.

    2. Friday: Orange. No message perceived.
    Saturday: Deep red. Read with presence through your affirmation cards. Remember this red & this feeling ( of safety, security, and deep warmth) when off balance, feeling insecure or abandoned.
    Sunday: Lt blue turned to soft pink. Wear pink and be feminine.
    Monday: Dark blue & light blue interchanging. Take time for yourself, to rest and meditate.

    3. Chapter 5 read.

  6. Phaedra

    1. Done.

    2. Here is my blog, and a summary below:

    Thursday- PURPLE. This was the night I listened to class and I didn’t quite get a message related to my fear of not being able to interact with the outside world.

    Friday- DUSTY DESERT ROSE AND CREAMY SUNSET ORANGE. “As long as your crown (Sraha) chakra is open and you are connected to Source, then you have nothing to fear. You can not be susceptible to brainwash when you are one with God, you are too powerful.”

    Saturday- CACTUS GREEN. “By trying to hold on to the empty, dried up pieces of the past, you are manifesting the very thing you fear. You are not experiencing the beauty that is Now, and it is not possible to remember what is not fully experienced, let alone enjoy and Be in it. Merge with what Is, and you will merge with life, for the only thing that exists is the Present.”

    Sunday- ELECTRIC BANANA YELLOW. “You need to trust in your intuition to keep you safe and to properly discern. This fear is keeping your mind muddled. If the sky is clouded, the sun cannot shine through to fully illuminate the dark. Release this fear, and your intuition will strengthen.”

    Monday- CREAMY WHITE-YELLOW. “This particular fear is actually freezing you up and leaving you disempowered in parenting your children to your fullest potential. Once again, your intuition will be your sound and steady compass leading you down your correct path.”

    3. Finished Chapter 5

    I want to ask you Robin, is my homework due on Tuesday since I am an auditor, or on Monday with the rest of the class? I am posting this late on Monday night.

    1. robin

      Excellent job with your HW organization and content.
      It is due on Tuesday. If you can do it in the morning that would be great as my assistant heart corrects the HW on Tuesday afternoon.

  7. maia

    1- done it before going to sleep.. asking for the healing to continue all night long!
    2- Friday: Blu – Hold the Vision!
    Saturday: Pink – Tomorrow buy flowers to yourself 🙂
    Sunday: Gold – Say yes to bounty!
    Monday: Green – Remember to ask for my energetic support in any matter regarding your role as a mother.
    3- Im a little behind with the book .. checking up!

  8. Chelsea

    1. Healing/Meditation: done

    2. Healing messages from Muriel:

    Friday: Purple/red energy. Like a river, you can go with the flow or you can swim against the current. Enjoy every moment you have. They are a gift.

    Sat: Yellow energy. You are a being of light. Don’t be afraid to shine.

    Sun: Light blue energy. You have chosen a difficult path, but look how far you have come. You have accomplished so much already. You are supported by many. Be kind to yourself. You need to rest, drink more water and more greens.

    Mon: Gray with silver or iridescent energy. You hold all the power you will ever need within you. Find peace even with all the distractions and when others are effecting you in a negative way. Let the mother heal you. You will rise and bloom like a beautiful lotus. Trust your inner voice. It knows the path of least resistance.

    3. Book: Done.

  9. angel

    1. Keep falling asleep

    2. Friday: Green – Let healing energy in. Let go of red anger in heart.

    Sat. : Fell asleep

    Sun: green – Let the healing in

    Monday: Pink: Nurture yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself.

    Purple: Royalty. Be treated the way you should be treated. By yourself and others.

    3. Book: Done


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