Level 4 Week 1 Home-Play

  1. Blog: Create a blog platform. It can be Word Press or any platform you like. Later you will connect it to your website. Choose a name for your blog that has to do with who you are and what you do. Such as, Intuitive Connections or your name and specialty depending on how you want to “brand” yourself. Make sure this blog is only for your intuitive work. This will be your personal blog. You can write what you like and when you like. Though class assignments will be specific. SSL BLOG #1: Introduce yourself and talk about who and what you are and the program you are in. (Like the video.) One to three paragraphs. Keep this one short and then follow up when you like. Leave the link here.


  1. AP reading on the 1st chakra. (20-30 minutes each.) Write about it here in brief. Please state the color and what's going on in your AP's chakra. State the meaning and not pictures or “psychic-ese.” Program B.


  1. Write the meaning of the 1st chakra on the Google Doc. Please only write the meaning. No colors, pictures or “psychic-ese.” If you want to be included in this book (if we publish it) make sure you add to the Chakra book after your name.

4. Meditate and spend time with your 1st chakra. You will continue to learn more about yourself by looking and listening to it. Also, offer it a healing and fill it with love and flow and the positive pictures of your dreams. If you learn more feel free to add it to the Chakra book at any time throughout the program. Write about it here in brief or copy and paste what you wrote in the Chakra book.

18 comments on “Level 4 Week 1 Home-Play

    1. JoDean

      2. AP reading: I saw this beautiful fuchsia color radiating out from my AP partner with purple at the edges and white tinging the outlines. The fuchsia root chakra represented a very strong powerful, self-empowered stage of her life. There was also the strong imperative for her to refill herself wtih the regal, royal and luxurious fuchsia energy she gives to all of us.
      To embrace her true royal self. Wear a strand of white pearls and bathe in a bath of rose petals. To remind herself of her origin. To refuel with the very strengthening grace she gives to all of us.

      3. Google Doc on 1st chakra: It is complete.

      4. My interpretation on my 1st chakra: My 1st chakra is about staying centered…in the core of Mother earth, the center of the galaxy. By taking time each day to say hello to my innate spirit. Going to special lands to soak in natural hotsprings, meditate more freqently. It will support me in staying centered. More importantly I need to be centered to be open to new ideas, transformation, and changes that are coming my way.

  1. JoDean Cooper

    I’m having issues with the link going live.

    This is the excerpt from my blog post:
    Hello, my name is JoDean Cooper and I am a student at the Sage School of Light, studying as a Medical Intuitive.   https://robineaglesage.com

    I have been working and playing as an empath, clairvoyant, clairsentient personal coach for thirty years….To my friends and family.

    Spirit has wanted me to seriously follow my intuition my entire life and I had kept putting it off. Thinking it was something I would embarrass myself with in my social circles and with my family.  It was at a very specific moment in April 2018 I decided to stop worrying about other people and go for what my intuition and skills have wanted me to do my entire life. 

    I’ve realized it is time to step into the light and embrace my talents and gifts in order to help others. 

    I welcome you to follow my blog and my progress.

  2. Les Adler, M.D.H.

    1. I have been using my professional facebook page as my blog for my medical intuitive work. https://www.facebook.com/LesterAdlerMD/ I just added a post that serves as an introductory statement. It is called BeyondMDMedicine. I will post another day about my involvement with this class.

    2. I will meet with my AP on Monday morning.

    3. I completed an entry in the Chakra Book.

    4. My first chakra is about support. It supplies a comfortable space for the other chakras. It is very loving and strong in it’s desire to support the whole body. And it does it without much effort. It enjoys fun and has a very playful side. It has a unique way of connecting to the earth. It is quite strong, surprisingly so. It supplies the brakes when we need them. If we have gone out to far, the chakra will bring us back to earth in a very gentle fashion. It takes care of money and security. Again, it takes it’s job very seriously. It keeps the home neat and clean, and is also responsible for orderliness. It does not like messes and will tend to either avoid being around them or put out the effort to get everything cleaned up. It also is a protector and may very well create a signal to the body of possible danger. It likes to be available and at the same time enjoys relaxation

  3. Laura Jepsen

    My first chakra is about connecting to the physical plain. It is the densest in energy of all the major chakras; and for this reason, it is at the lowest point in the torso. Heaviness sinks with the weight of gravity. That is the first chakra. It is what is tangible in the physical world: our human body and all of it’s workings and physical functions.
    It is money and all that money can buy. Think about how much more REAL a dollar bill is that you hold in your hand rather than a debit or credit card. Think of how much more grounded a dollar bill is that you physical pass to a clerk in exchange for an item. That is first chakra energy. The plastic cards are more conceptual, not as rooted in reality. No wonder we “wonder where the money goes.”With the dollar paper bill you know it, touch it, see it, even smell it and hear it’s crispness. All 1st chakra. The first chakra is all these senses that perceive the physical world. Being very present and here now is first chakra energy. My house, neighborhood, sidewalk, all first chakra. Time, like mathematics, is also first chakra. You can measure it. It creates a structure, a framework.

  4. Laura Jepsen


    1. color: I saw swirling purple with white, similar to swirling colors in handmade paper making, almost a paisley swirl. I saw a past life from the Stone Age where my AP was making tools with stones and that that life is bringing forth the 1st chakra energy in to this life. The reading revealed how my AP could see the bigger picture about the world around, natural and even the universe. There were a lot of connections in the reading. How he could connect his 1st chakra to the heart chakra and feel a sense of awe about the world at large. There was also a negative that I saw, where sometimes he gets frustrated when daily tasks aren’t going smoothly.

  5. Laura Jepsen

    there was a typo in my post above: I labeled my AP reading as 1. instead of 2.

    2. color: I saw swirling purple with white, similar to swirling colors in handmade paper making, almost a paisley swirl. I saw a past life from the Stone Age where my AP was making tools with stones and that that life is bringing forth the 1st chakra energy in to this life. The reading revealed how my AP could see the bigger picture about the world around, natural and even the universe. There were a lot of connections in the reading. How he could connect his 1st chakra to the heart chakra and feel a sense of awe about the world at large. There was also a negative that I saw, where sometimes he gets frustrated when daily tasks aren’t going smoothly.

  6. Michelle LeMoine

    Here is my link to my blog: https://verdegardens.wixsite.com/energy-healer
    I plan on scraping this when I play with creating a real website in the coming weeks. But for now it was good practice.

    The color in my AP’s 1st chakra was red initially and then turned to a light blue. I saw it with spokes in the middle of it like a bike wheel. Some of the spokes were missing. The meaning behind this was lack of confidence rooting from parents’ parenting style not being gentle enough. My AP has a gentle soul which was difficult to absorb this type of communication. Healing for this lack of confidence is being with horses where there is no judgement. This brings my AP great joy and a feeling of peace.

  7. Victoria Reese

    1.) Blog link: http://veggiebat.blogspot.com/

    2.) My phone is dead in the water. Will post as soon as I connect with my AP later today.

    3.) I completed this writing.

    4.) The color of my first chakra has been both purple and red. I have gotten the real sense that many of my creative dreams are birthed forth from this chakra. I see this area as vibrant, dancing and abundant. I have felt even more grounded as I have looked at this area and just sat in quiet observation of the movement and direction of this movement. Getting into the flow, my creative flow and even visualization of this has brought healing to this area.

  8. Michelle LeMoine

    1. See earlier post
    2. See earlier post

    3.Completed entry in google docs.

    4.The meaning of my 1st chakra: is grounding to the earth, spiritual connection, provides core strength and is an energy source in and out of the body.

  9. john walsh

    1, https://www.wix.com/dashboard/e520b4c2-13cd-406e-8197-d82b835cbde8/blog/?referralInfo=sidebar.
    Posted first blog and published it using wix. Still working on images and visuals of the site.

    2. Saw the color green in my AP’s chakra. Proceeded to look at the color and began reading a personal relationship. My partner was very pleased with the reading and felt that it was very accurate. I was very pleased with the reading I gave but need to working on extending the length of my readings.

    3. Done.

    4. When I meditated and read my own 1st chakra I saw anxiety and fear. I saw fear regarding finances. I focused on releasing fear, and anxiety, down my grounding cord and bringing in positive loving white light, and visions of what I would like to manifest.

  10. stefan fabry

    1. Blog: https://stefan3294.wixsite.com/website/blog/the-miraculous-beginning-of-the-new-me

    2. 1st Chakra reading.
    My AP has a great ability to experience joy in her life. She has strong drive and is able to play with the given rules of the earth plane, creating and taking charge and fully enjoying the momentum of creating at a fast pace. To balance this drive she is so used to, she needs to allow herself to relax and consciously create a new habit of slowing herself down. Her body has the momentum of habit and a propensity to go back to what it knows: the rush of speed and manifesting. This is a hindrance in her ability to integrate new behaviors that are healing for her. To find wisdom in life she needs to allow herself to create the new habits which are all related to slowing down and feeling what is real right now in her body. She needs to talk to her body like to a good friend and tell it what she wants it to do, like to regulate release and the containing of liquids in a way that is harmonious and healthy in the long term. To practice listening to her body she would benefit from laying on the ground and focusing on the inside of her thighs and legs all the way down to the arches and humm at lowest comfortable frequency to guide and direct her energy down to the earth that way and receive the benefits of being rooted.

    3. Google doc: Done

    4. My first chakra is the touch point where the rubber meets the road. It is used to discharge lots of energy suddenly with lots of fiery energy and momentum behind it. This leads to ungroundedness, exhaustion and the propensity to behave in and feel extremes. This is balancing itself out by stopping. While stopped in its tracks it can reharmonize the communication downwards.
    The fire is kept in check with the flow of receptiveness like water is receptive to all it encounters. Eventually, the flow is less rugged and there is harmony between all extremes. One other thing that keeps it harmonized is the practice and repeated exposure through the meditation upon the truth that all is indeed one. Tremendous strength lies latent here waiting for that balance to happen in order to tap almost unlimited possibilities.

  11. Victoria Reese

    2) I saw the colors pale pink and forest green in my AP’s first chakra which represented a childhood trauma and spiritual growth and confidence. One of the next steps mentioned to keep her first chakra healthy was engaging in a moonlit shamanic dance. We had a wonderful and powerful energy reading!

  12. Chloe Josephine

    1) https://1111visionary.wixsite.com/website

    2) Saw in Ap’s 1st chakra beautiful chestnut color and mountains. At the base of the mountains there was a unhealthy red swerl that had black tar in it. This meant that the person was experiencing slugishness in life in general and lack of trust. To heal this black tar, a beautiful vibrant healthy red was poured in like paint to get the stickyness out. The healhty version of my AP’s 1st chakra was a red /light brown wich ment strength in physical body and ability to move fluidly in life.

    3) Done

    4) Learning and loving up my first chakra I notice it has a strong and deep grounding chord. Meditating on it I grow the width and increase the red color. Making it wider maked me feel more confident in my physical body. My unhealthy parts are dark brown and mean I need to trust more. Trust in my body and its strength and that the world can hold me, that when and if I make a mistake the world will not cast me out. Healthy 1st chakra is a beautiful burgendy and ruby red, and affirms that all my needs are meet.


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