Level 3 Class 4~ Homework


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Partner reading:

Find a machine in your partner (explained in the packet) talk about why it is there and how they can heal it. Reader: after finishing the reading, use your loving wings to dissolve the machine. Readee~ break sticks and end the agreement. Then both parties fill with light for 5 minutes. Switch partners after 30 minutes total per person. Use a timer and don't go past 30 minutes. Give yourself a 5 minute warning of when to start the healing.

Exercise: Meet a Deva. (Devas are protectors of nature, such as wood elves, sprites or fairies.) Ask for their name, what they do and if they would like to work/play with you.  Draw a picture of him or her in your notebook. If you want, send me a photo of it and I will post it for you.

Blog about your deva in one paragraph or less!


IFG 30 minutes per day!

12 comments on “Level 3 Class 4~ Homework

  1. Nan

    As I began tuning in, I was asked to sit on the ground & remove my socks & shoes. A small red headed creature dressed in burgundy & oatmeal colored calico flitted by quickly. It was a challenge to keep her focused on talking with me! Her job is to sing to the flower buds to help them open, extend the blooms and attract the bees to them. I saw her making a web of brightly colored pink string was wrapped around the plants in the garden. She told me that it is a network telling the other fairies that the work in this area has been done. She offered to join me while I pulled the weeds in my own flowerbed & promised to sing to them when the time is right. The message I heard as I was pulling the weeds was to feel the fine vibration of the flowers, it has healing properties.

  2. Andrea

    Her name is Cheri, pronounced Sher-ee. She is a water sprite with wings, short curly hair, child-like, and a very light, fun personality. Along with many others of her kind, she oversees the water in the world. She explained that water is a conduit for all information and life. She gathers the information out of the water, cares for the water and makes sure it is purified. She said she will help me to learn a completely different way to perceive water and bring more fun and levity into my life.

  3. Rose

    Sat in my “deck garden” next to my favorite plant. A beautiful big spirit came called “White Wings” . She is very peaceful and graceful. She is there to help me be gentle and relaxed and receive communication, she is light and happy as well. Very big. I asked her if she was an angel and she said yes – she is working with me in that garden space to connect with my grounding and earth connection and connections with the devas in my garden. When I am gentle and peaceful I can hear that they are supporting each of the plants to find it’s best nourishment and growth potential given what is at hand in terms of sunlight, feed, pests and my previously haphazard approach to gardening. Thank you “White Wings” and devas. As I sit there gently and peacefully I will achieve my goal of being centered and grounded while talking with others and also be able to relate to my plants with more informed and helpful treatment of them so that they can flourish more. And I will flourish as well.

    I feel grateful for this outdoor space and spiritual communication and support.

  4. maia

    Her name is Sarah . She is the deva of the big tree in my back yard . She told me Im very connected to the fairies word but i forgotten how to work with them . She ask me to take care of the garden applying feng shui and creating little altars here and there . My job is to sit in meditation and see what the devas what me to do in the garden . She told me that if I do it, my prosperity will increase 🙂 This morning the big tree had new pink flowers !

  5. Thomas

    My partner read a clock malfunction in the head leading to confusion and linking to lower chakras , a chipper machine spewing and losing energy out of my body. Will force is being compromised by this machine – effectiveness is compromised – for instance when a plan is formed confusion sets in thru this machine and the energy of the plan was difused by the energy bypassing heart and throat chakras and dissipating out solar plexus – 0ne of the keys besides removing this machine was to center idea in heart, tune into guides, and ground. chipper was cutting off ground between earth , soul and source. writing uninhibited non thought way to disconnect this system – source was mother not allowing me to be – constantly attempting to change me – My partner had a box machine that she retreated to in times of stress – withdrawing from people and the environment – when issues of control, environmental disruption, people conflict arose the machine would kick on – requested help to remove this box which had roots and deep connection – filled with light after removal – then removed an implant – in the psychic door, occiptal ridge.

    deva was a small green nature being that was very aware of everything that enters its space – accepting – yet firm about boundaries – very light and energetic – communicating enter but leave no remains of your presence – energy and healing are abundant in the forest – but is a balanceof give and receive – be conscious of the balance

  6. Marie

    I met Filo the flute player. He keeps all of the other fairies and sprites happy by playing the flute and keeping it fun! He invited me to bring my wooden flute outside and sit with him and play.

  7. Toto

    When asking for a connection with a Devic energy I saw these vertical wavy lines rising up from my flowers in the yard.They were soft rainbow colors that rose up above the tops of the plants and flowers. There were small beings floating amongst this energy of the flowers. They appeared to be flashes of light. They pulled and stretched strands of the plant/flower energy. This was a way of supporting the plants and attracting the best insects for pollination ( it was all about attraction).
    I asked to speak to an individual. Her name and color was Violet. I did not see her face but she seemed to have fine transparent wings with veining in them (like an insect’s wings) She says she helps me see color variations in the garden and gets my attention to what the insects are doing. They really like it when I laugh and get really close to the plants and bugs.

  8. Tracy

    I heard a few different names from the Deva I met. I sensed from the Deva a lack of concern for being pinned as male or female. For the sake of speaking I call him male. Many colors, I got the sense of light waves of color. Movement similar to sound wave and rhythmic patterns. I heard a few names and would ask is this your name and got yes for all of them. The ones that stuck were Rajah and Quasar. Rajah connects in with the song. One specific task is that he help to protect the plants by orchestrating their songs. These songs connect people to the plants and heals the relationship. I saw him bringing the songs of the plants to my heart. Often a song will come to me when I am harvesting plants, a song that is specific to that plant and i will sing it as I harvest. Information is transferred to me through this song. Information about the plant and about which plants really want to be harvested and what they want to be used for.

    1. Tracy

      Also, There was a very deep connection with music in the cosmos…..music of spheres or something like that.

  9. Barbara Hall

    I was introduced to my fairy, Lilliana. She had a beautiful golden light at the center of her being and the rest of her was white. She vibrates at a very high level, and brings this quality to nature, the flowers, the plants, the grasses, and trees, and flowers. She brings a high energy that reminds ‘all.’ including me, to open to the full magic and beauty of the world. She tells me that I can vibrate at this level also. Lilliana hangs out especially with the Lily flower, and brings a message of hope and rejoicing to all living things, including the earth. She tells me to embrace all these qualities, and this treasuring of beauty is part of the healing and health for me and this planet.


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