Basic Level~ Class 4 Homework


I'm really happy about the progress that you are all making!


IFG & imagining goal together for 10 minutes per day
Receiving/running Earth energy 10 minutes per day
Receiving/running Cosmic energy 10 minutes per day


Write one page about how happy you are that your goal has been achieved and anything positive to do with this goal in your notebook.


Call your partner and read your "goal-page" to them. Let them be your witness. Notice if you feel uncomfortable while doing this exercise. If so, it means that you need to ground and accept your goal on a deeper level. Breath through it.


Briefly describe your paper and how you feel about your goal.  In other words, is it aligned to you and do you believe in it? Also write one sentence about your meditations this week. Do you look forward to them?



16 comments on “Basic Level~ Class 4 Homework

  1. Mary Helen

    The day after our class, I had someone contact me for a reading for a friend of hers. This friend contacted me for a reading for herself-not her animals. This had been included for my goal-doing readings for people as well as animals.

  2. Rose

    Goal paper – I felt good about the combining of the meditations, my personal dreams and meditations and spirit guide help and the healings from class, giving me realizations and opportunities to practise being centered and grounded – bring in self love which enables me to stay centered and grounded. Then the witnessing communication homework left me feeling that I had shared too much and was not centered and grounded enough. So back to the ongoing learning curve. More deep breathing and releasing. Have to find some amusement again.

  3. Toto

    My the chief aim of being a successful energy reader (with the idea of successful being financial and self-satisfaction) is based on the idea of reading people as well as animals. Working or being an intuitive is something I’ve always wished for. By my committing to classes and tests and homework, I show a committment to myself. Knowing I am making this committment to areas that are new and unknown is an active part of manifesting my soul’s desire.

  4. Marie

    Had a beautiful soul love and IFG meditation this morning for about 30 minutes. It felt good! LOL. I also connected with angels and spirit guides and received many very helpful messages and healings. All is well in my world. Namaste.

  5. Marie

    I feel good about my goal. I have been doing well with it all week again and feel that it is in alignment with me. I am becoming more supportive of myself and appreciate and am grateful for the support of others in the class too. My partners have been great. Namaste.

  6. Rose

    In the other class I felt deep peace even while the class waited for my reading. Kind of weird to be so slow with the reading but stayed with the deep peaceful feeling and waited. That’s a good day for me.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      You see, your goal is being achieved! It WILL feel different. it’s good to slow down 🙂

  7. Mary

    I am getting closer to achieving my goal, but I have learned that I need to continually stay focused on it. Sometimes when life gets busy or tough, I put off my meditations for when I have the “time,” and I can really notice a difference. I am definitely aligned with my goal and I believe in it, but I’ve realized that it’s not always going to be easy and I need to work at it. I feel good when I am working toward it. 🙂

  8. Nan

    I felt good reading my goal sheet o my partner and I felt aligned with it. I have had to let go of some expectations that I had about my goal. Basically, the parts of my goal where I had to rely on others to carry boxes from the basement, I left go. As I let those expectations go, I no longer had to remind others of what I needed their help with. I have been faithful with the meditations and feel good about the progress I have made toward my chief aim.

  9. Diane

    I am feeling connected centered and grounded except for today. Had some serious stress after finding out about a friend’s passing. Meditations are coming along – short five minute sessions work better for me to fit it in.

  10. Barbara Hall

    Writing down my manifesting desires and goals was a good exercise to do and share with my partner for the week, as it carried a different energy than just thinking it in my head — and I even had to write longhand, which I rarely do, because my old computer wouldn’t turn on. The writing and sharing of My my main goal for this period of time – receiving (at leat) $350 a week in income through my intuition (including energy reading/healing) and creative painting – brought it into a more concrete feel for me. It feels like a breakthrough for me to feel 100% OK with receiving money for my offerings! And . . . to stop associating negative energy with money.

  11. Diane

    Robin – I hope you received my email message. I can’t make it tonight and am wondering if I can take the final on Friday. We had water damage in our den and have to talk to someone tonight about getting it fixed.

    As far as my progress – I am connected centered and grounded. I think I need to start a new goal on being on a regular schedule to do my meditations daily. I want to do more but find I get too busy.


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