Homework for the week of 3-27-13





Partner Reading~ 15 minutes each person

* Set reading intention before you call: I will read a happy and abundant past life that will change my life for the better.
* Ask your partner, “What would you like a reading on today?”
* Your readee says, “A happy and abundant past life.”
* Always use your reading procedures.
*Read a happy and abundant past life of your partner. (Review directions in packet if necessary.The packet is slightly different than what I taught in class. Either way is fine.)
* 7 minutes: read past life
* 7 minutes: how it applies to their life now. This can be part cognitive and part reading in moment. In other words, cognitive means you use the info you just provided to make a rational statement about how their past life applies to their life now. Reading in the moment means that you ask, "How does this reading apply to the person now; see a color and read it.

3 Meditations

5 minutes each per day

1)      Set your intention: What do you want in life?

2)      I am LOVE

3)      IFG

Please remember to write about each part of the homework (reading and meditation) in the comments below. For the reading part, write VERY briefly about who/what the person was in their past life and what they are trying to learn from it now.

Thank you and have fun!

11 comments on “Homework for the week of 3-27-13

  1. maia

    the reading was amazing and fun as usual . i was working with amber and it was absolutely perfect . amber was a russian princess in russia around 1700 . in young age very light and loved princess, bringing a bright light to all that came in contact with her and in older age a very wise medicine woman in service of her people ( the villagers ) . everybody in that life would benefit from amber confident and light approach to life . these are the qualities amber is carrying in this life too and these are the qualities the she can focus on in order to express and share the beauty of her soul .
    i have to say thank you to amber because to get such a matching picture it makes me happy . the reading i got from her was amazing too : an older woman being in peace doing nothing but contemplating her huge land . fields and fields of beauty . this make me to understand that all i need to do it is to sit in contemplation and ‘ see ‘ and enjoy what ever i want to accomplish . this the way it will come to me . no effort is required .
    this week my meditation was a disaster . 4 days passed without me even remembering about it . i again had some strong physical issues coming up and 1 night of emotional break down, where absolutely every single thing in the world was dark and black . what i can see is that im getting very ‘high’ during class and during the home work readings but im crashing during the days in between .
    it is being a very up and down process . i need to found balance .
    this week i also completely forgot about setting my intentions . in that sense i realized that i dont even know where to start from . so maybe that why my days are so energetically scattered .
    i also like to say thank you for this space . while i write i also integrate and understand about my process . thank you robin . i feel very blessed for this opportunity.

  2. Amber Herron

    The homework was interesting. Maia sees lots of details and has great confidence when reading. As I read her I saw a middle aged woman in India who lives close to the land, with chickens. She owns a whole valley of fields in India but doesn’t have to work them. Other people do that for her.

    She sits and feels proud of the beautiful fruition of her labours and expression. She moves out of the picture to make sure I look at the length and depth of her fruition. She is at one with herself, very calm, very happy about the fruits of her expression. A very calm picture. Deep peace.

    Imagine in deep contemplation and trust and all your efforts will easily come back to you double and triple fold. It is a very easy process.


    We get the confidence and everything, by asking for it. Imagining it daily.


    I love doing the meditations daily – I’m enjoying the little moments when I feel I am seeing and allowing a little more light in – and getting answers to questions.
    Asked about raising my vibration – build more exercise into my day.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      I like that you wrote about and are aware of your matching pictures. I can see that you are really learning and benefiting from your readings. That’s what it is all about.

  3. Carolyn

    Loved working with Mary Helen. I felt the reading I did for her really flowed and found myself really getting into this woman, who was keeper of the gems of a royal court. She was far rarer than the gems themselves but she considered it her pride and joy to watch over these for the King and Queen. She carried them in a cloth lined basket to show off to all who came to the court to visit the King and Queen but they all seemed more intrigued by her than the gems. Little did she know they reflected her beauty and likewise in return she reflected their beauty. She cared for them like a mother and at night would let the moon light glow upon them as they sparkled. This picture was truly portrayal of Mary Helen and the gifts she carries are much like these gems except, her pride is in the caring not that she is the sole keeper of these gems. This was her simple abundance not the monetary value of the gems though certainly they were and rare and beautiful indeed.
    In a way are pictures match, in that she portrayed me living on some beautiful Swiss land in the Alps I believe and our joy was in growing and caring for the land we lived on. Raising our own food together with a family and community, cooking it, eating it together, laughing and appreciating each moment of simplicity in this land. Being in nature and the outdoors and connecting to the land in a very earthy way, that every act was in the moment. Again an act of caring with no conditions attached except for a happy, abundant life of joy, laughter and prosperity of enough rich wonderful food and the abundance of nature all around and family and community and sharing.

    My meditations with filling myself up with Love and feeling that ever glowing, warm sun through my body has been a great picture tool to reflect back on. So whether I am walking, lying still, less sitting because of my huge contusion and even in brief moments when I know my mind needs to slow down, I sit briefly, and meditate this.
    Still working on my intentions. They are there in my mind and often I write them down. Long term is harder. It helps if I can remember to surrender and then just feel the peace and love and open up to what the universe presents to me, to be in the moment. While amused by my intentions, I try not to let them dominate my life but rather as you said Robin amused by “wouldn’t it be nice if this could be.”

  4. thomas

    The meditations have consistently made the effectiveness of the day more obvious.. My attitude continue a to get better day by day., I find I am less easily triggered. It is another tool ifg and self love, grounding make each day smoother and smoother.

    I did my homework with Andrea we had an amazing exchange. Before I had hesitantly about the storyline but now I see the purpose and find it easier and easier. With that the ability to interpret also gets easier. Definitely a self reflection while reading another. Useful to both of us.

  5. Edy

    4/3 1 PM. Tracey and I just completed out homework. Certainly getting the past life is easier than the application to the present. I saw Tracey in the 17th Century in Frances. She was a wealthy Jewess who owned a library. She, being outside society, could reach poor and rich. People secretly sent her their children to educate. Her ability to love and reach out to the pain inside each child while teaching passionately, formed lifelong bonds. In later years, when life became dangerous, both the poor and the rich children, now adults, protected her. Today, Tracey’s ability to touch people’s core make her an ideal teacher/healer. She is now in her “library” exploring what she would like to heal or teach in this next phase of her life.

    Tracy’s reading of me was inspiring. She saw me as a shaman; I told her that as a child I was fascinated with witch doctors. 🙂

    It is a relief to “have to” meditate in what has been a very diversely busy week. It has helped me stay focused and able to sleep. I have been meditating daily, but sometimes not until just before bed. I also forgot to do the intention piece, so I will start that today.

    Robin, I so hope you are feeling better. We can put you in a healing circle tonight.:)

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Thanks Edy! I’m glad you are meditating, even if only at night. It’s very empowering to do so.

  6. Andrea

    The Reading portion of the homework was amazing. I had a great experience with Tom’s reading, both giving and receiving. Through these meditations, I have been able to access a broader scope of intuition, from physically seeing energy and energetic color to accessing more and clearer information. Looking forward to the next assignments:)

  7. Tracy Mangold

    Just a quick note as I’m trying to get my son fed and to bed before class begins. My work with Edy today was nice. I was impressed with Edy’s detail. She has the NAC. My readings could use more certainty. I saw Edy in a ceremonial headress, as a man. She was communing with star beings to help her guide and teach the people…connect them to earth ryhthms. She seemed to be near the large stones of Easter Island. The message was that she carries a gift to heal those around her and in times when it seems stressful this presence that she has gives her a grace that can carry her through. And it’s time to remember who she is.
    My meditations are still a bit of a struggle though i am getting more consistent. Mostly due to my busy schedule and I think I’m lit a bit…..irritated. I found myself meditating as I’m laying in bed because i’m just so busy as soon as I’m out of bed…..it’s a rush. So I intend to do myself this favor and complete the homework of meditation for this next week every day.

  8. Nan

    Our homework of reading a past abundant and happy life was great. Biplab has great detail to his reading. I am finding that after my initial nervousness doing readings that I am relaxing and enjoying them more. The meditations are going well but I need to be more consistent with them.


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