Stress and Manifesting


By Robin Sage

I find that stress is not only caused by having too much to do but also by not having a clear direction in life. In other words, going in too many directions at once. In order to heal this; write a full page listing everything that you would like to manifest in your life. Then wean out the desires that are only a means to an end; such as, I want a red sports car so that others admire me. What you want to look for is the end result such as health and happiness or an abundant flow of money or everlasting friendship. Most other things will only bring temporary satisfaction. Having said this, write whatever you like.

Now choose your top three desires. If you have any more than that you will overwhelm your system and bring on more stress and an inability to create. In other words, you will weaken your power to manifest. Write your top 1-3 desires on a piece of paper and read it whenever you can, hopefully at least 2-3 times per day. Feel good when you read them, otherwise you have not chosen correctly and you will not be able to create what you wrote. Feel free to adapt your list as necessary. If you feel good as you read your goals, imagining they are already in existence, they will manifest quickly!

Have fun!

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