Hippies and Their Drugs


In my opinion, kombucha­ and cacao/chocolate are not healthy foods. Saying that these foods are healthy is like saying that wine is healthy. One must look at the entirety of a food or drink when considering its health benefits. It is the resveratrol in wine that is healthy, (which can be found in grapes) not the alcohol. Therefore, wine in its entirety is not healthy. Think about it this way, if you ate broccoli in excess would you become ill? Probably not. Nor would you want to eat broccoli in excess, as it is not addictive the way all unhealthy foods are. But if you drank wine in excess, you would become an unhealthy wino and your organs would slowly begin to fail over time. Of course, no foods are good to eat in excess and that includes broccoli. My point is that only unhealthy foods are addictive.

If a food or drink is truly appropriate for the human body, it should be able to be consumed in moderate quantities, such as kale, without the person becoming sick or addicted. There are other foods, such as, oranges, which must only be consumed in small quantities to receive health benefits. Otherwise, oranges can make a person diabetic and sick, such as, by raising the blood sugar level and by creating an influx of candida. One must look at food in its entirety to understand if it is truly beneficial.

Kombucha has become the Champagne for hippies. It is addictive and it makes candid grow wildly. Hippies and “spiritual new-agers” seem to be in as much denial as their parents that came before them. They think that they are so much more evolved than their parents, yet the only difference I see is that they have changed their drug. They drink chai instead of Sanca, kombucha instead of Champagne, smoke marijuana instead of cigarettes, take agave instead of cane sugar and eat dark chocolate and cacao instead of Hersheys. Granted, it is healthier to eat organic dark chocolate over non-organic milk chocolate, but either way, they are still unhealthy addictions. Spiritual new-agers seem to think that because it’s organic or plant based it is okay to consume. Believe me, I used to think the same way! I hate to tell you but cocaine is also plant based. And even though your parents may not have gone to Peru and had a shaman guide their way into “sacred” ceremony, I’m sure they felt just as enlightened with their drug-induced experience as you. If you think taking iowaska, payote or san pedro is going to lead you to enlightenment then you have got another thing coming. Sure, you may feel enlightened at the time, but so do people on acid, cocaine, heroin, marijuana and alcohol. Or… a perhaps a simple bag of cookies.

When people take drugs (including sugar and caffeine) their life force energy leaves their body. This is unhealthy as they are no longer in control of their body and any number of hosts can and will come into their body to take over while they are vacant. This is what leads to dis-ease and becoming out of control of one’s body and life. Different drugs and different places, but the same repeated patterns with spinning wheels.

Being present and in your body is the healthiest way to be. You will be grounded and know what needs to happen in your life. Deep breathing, exercising and eating healthy foods, such as vegetables, is the best way to stay grounded and to be present. This is the true path to enlightenment and health. When one knows one’s self one knows God.

Don’t fool yourself. Addictions are addictions. It doesn't matter if it is vinegar, alcohol, bread, caffeine, chocolate or another; it is still an addiction. The only way to be truly free is to release all addictions. Addictions will stop your dreams from manifesting. When you punish yourself with unhealthy foods, drinks or drugs it says to your body, "You don't deserve a good life." Try eating vegetables and see how hard it is to let go of your addictions. Then you will know how truly enslaved you are. Keep eating vegetables and see how free and healthy you become. Your dreams will come true when you become more aware and "treat yourself" with healthy foods, drinks and attitudes.

Good luck, because you will need it! Addictions come on every level; spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, financial, relational… To change one aspect of the self, such as via the diet, means to automatically change the other aspects. That’s why I say to you, good luck! Because when you change your diet your whole world will change. First it usually feels like hell. And then with good habits and consistency you will happen upon heaven. Whatever you desire you may achieve. We are here to evolve and to be free and joyous.


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