


By Robin Eagle Sage, Medical Intuitive

When I do a medical intuitive reading for a person, I typically find past traumas that are causing the person’s illness or issue at hand. The types of traumas vary depending on the person, but I always find something in their energy field in the form of a “picture” that is creating stress in the body, which leads to the blockages or illness. These pictures are similar to the pictures that you see at night while dreaming.

Usually when I say “energy field” people say, “Oh, do you mean the aura?” Well, the aura is simply the energy around the outside of a person’s body. In a medical intuitive reading, I am usually looking inside the person’s body. That’s why I call it the energy field. Though I am technically reading “energy” as far as the main stream population is concerned, energy is actually matter, it’s just less dense.

If you don’t pay attention to blockages in your outer energy field or aura, they will eventually make their way into the center of your being, thus, creating a physical pain or lump that you can no longer deny. Blockages are the body’s way of saying, “Look over here! Wake up! Your body and life is out of balance!” It’s the head-banging frying pan that we dense people need to become aware of our issues and do our healing work so that we can once again relax and smell the roses.

The following are some examples of debilitating pictures that I have seen during a medical intuitive reading (with ADULTS) when I asked to see the cause of a disease or issue.

* A child pleading and screaming for their mother not to leave the house because       when she does the child will be left alone and abused by his/her father.

* The swirling of energy in motion of a car accident even though the actual accident happened several years or decades prior.

As you can see from the examples, the energy field does not recognize the difference between the past and present. As far as the body, mind and soul goes, it thinks the accident or trauma is still happening! That is why it must be dealt with and healed before you can get better.

If you are physically sick or emotionally unstable on any level, think about what has scared you (or still scares you) in your life.  The fear is what is making you sick. It could even be fear from a painful past life. If you have any inkling or memory of something scary, use that memory and feeling to do the following healing work. Imagine and feel a bubble of energy that represents your fear. See it as a color. Put your hands around the bubble and imagine it balancing. Imagine all of the fear grounding out of the bubble and then fill it with healthy light, thoughts and colors. Do this often.

You can’t expect to heal yourself by doing this exercise once or twice. Do it all of the time and don’t wait until you are in emotional or physical pain to do so. Do it regularly until you feel better on a consistent basis. And even then, keep doing your healing work. You can’t expect things to change overnight that took years or lifetimes to incubate within. As you work, take deep relaxing breaths and put a smile on your face.

It’s that simple, and yes, it does take time. People who are sick or are overweight have had deep traumas. It’s a fact that cannot be denied. Therefore, be easy on yourself and turn your blockages from fright into light. And so it will be done with your asking.

One comment on “Healing

  1. maia

    thank you robin ..
    i will practice this healing it again and again and again and again ..
    .. until it will all be done !!


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