Empowerment Program, Level 2, Week 2, Homeplay

  1. What percentage of your closet is orange?

2. Add the meaning of orange to the Color Book.

3. Meditation: Say hello to the healthy color orange in your space so that it will grow stronger, more liberating, and to learn more about the color and yourself.

4. AP Call: Strictly socialize with your partner. Learn about them. (10 minutes maximum each.) Write about your AP here.

5. Daily mantra, “I love my vagina or I love my penis!”

6. Socialize with your friends and do something fun. If you don’t have any friends, this is your opportunity to reach out to someone new. Write about it here.

7. Optional: Read 1 hour of the book per week, “5 Personal Development Classics” per week. This will be chapters 1-8 for the entire Level 2. Feel free to read ahead if you like.

7 comments on “Empowerment Program, Level 2, Week 2, Homeplay

  1. Michal Ragsdale

    1. Orange is approximately 5% of my closet, one pair of pants.

    2. Will add meaning of orange to color book.

    3. I am doing the meditations daily and greatly enjoying getting to know orange and my person attributes related to orange.

    4. Spoke with AP partner. As a mom and perpetual learner she has been very busy. She is looking forward to 1.5 wks from now when her schedule will free up a bit.

    5. Hell yeah on the daily mantra, definitely doing it.

    6. I love to socialize. As I have been growing and changing I have noticed what I want to talk about and my tolerance for certain conversations has changed. I have been enjoying watching and being a part of this processes. I have noticed as I change so do the people in my life. These changes come effortlessly and flawless and some not that smooth at all.

    7. I am reading the book. 1 week prior to the book turning into home play I had started to read think and grow rich. Funny, funny.

  2. john walsh

    1. Zero

    2. Done

    3. Done. Noticed a lot of unhealthy orange emotions, issues. Felt my 2nd chakra was weak, low energy, a lot of conflicted emotions from the past. Meditated, was able open up to the more positive, healthy emotions associated with orange. Has allowed me to look at these issues from a different more positive perspective.

    4. Done. Enjoyed call with my AP, she is very easy to talk to, nice energy. Discussed how much we are enjoying the course, our interest in energy, and our curiosity to see where this course will take us. She was in the process of traveling cross country, is was good of her to find the time to connect.

    5. Done.

    6. Got together to watch opening day baseball. It was good to be able to put aside work, stress, etc. Had some good conversations about “soul contracts”, Law of Attraction vs. “meant to be”. The need to hit bottom, to change life path?

    7. Done.

  3. Victoria Reese

    1.) I have a smidge of orange in my closet. Maybe 1%. However, two of the rooms in my home are a shade of orange; apricot. I love the color orange but have noticed it is not a color frequently seen in clothing. Just today I ordered an orange baseball cap. It took me some time to find it on Amazon. Looking forward to adding more orange colored clothing to my wardrobe.

    2.) I am adding this in as soon as I log out of here.

    3.) I have enjoyed meditating and working with orange this week. It has brought out a sensuality and a playfulness that I have enjoyed. I have even found myself craving oranges this week. This has been fun for me to awaken a piece of myself that had been asleep.

    4.) I had a great time chit-chatting with my AP. It had been awhile since we had connected so this was great to catch up in each other’s lives. I learned that she has a lot going on these next two weeks, as do I, and that we are both ready for some downtime.

    5.) Totally empowering and fun to say, shout, and giggle over my mantra this past week.

    6.) By default, I was at an event this past weekend which also had several of my friends there too. I also had a “phone date” with a long-distance girlfriend. I don’t really have any like-minded friends in my community anymore. Tomorrow I am seeing a girlfriend, who I don’t know well but am going to ask if she wants to go do something fun so we can get to know each other better.

    7.) Listening!

  4. Chloe Josephine

    1) 1%

    2) Deep, mystery, eager, unwilling, scared,

    3) Done

    4) My AP partner has been in retreat due to health issues, socalizing isnt a priority but is happy to be in a group of like-minded people working on themselves.


    6) I socalized a couple of times this week, the first was work people who I dont usually do stuff with outside of work so i just let my self have fun and be easy. The second I connected with a friend I meet through work in 2015 and have stayed in contact casually. I really enjoyed the one on one time with her, we talked about life, business, new ideas and how we can help eachother.

    7) Done

  5. Stefan Fabry

    1. 3%

    2. Done – the system needs improvement though – it takes forever under current instructions.
    I propose we have one scribe who takes down and inputs all words found by the group in class, with mention that it was a group effort.
    I don’t feel comfortable claiming words under my name which I have not found myself in class; maybe other people feel the same?
    I liked it much better in the first week when I could look at the color red internally and free associate as I was viewing it. That flowed and reached some depth for me. In this current version on orange, however, I spent more than 30 minutes on sorting out if the word that I wanted to type has been picked already or not. Consequently, that time I did not spend on further exploring the color orange since my time for the day was up and my creative impulse was used up by a logistic task. I would rather focus on reading the color though.

    3. Did enjoy the effects of this, but feel I need to revisit more in-depth and more specifically; I do feel an increase in playfulness overall since class

    4. AP Call: did socialize – though we forgot to set the timer, or at least I did, and we went a few minutes overtime.
    I learned that my AP is drawn to serving in her life. That she loves doing that. She distributes a hemp oil product that seems intriguing and helps with digestive illnesses. She’s organized a community evening with a partner to introduce her local community to the spirit-plant of hemp in form of that oil extract.
    She works in a restaurant and has a partner she enjoys very much in her life. He’s a chef. She’s half French and lived on various farms to explore that facet of life. She traveled the world a bit. I enjoyed socializing with her very much.

    5. I still love my penis

    6. I went to a support group this morning and got to meet two new people and chatted for quite a while. Tomorrow evening a dinner with two friends and two teenage kids is planned. Will attend with Mitra

    7. I listened further to the book on tape. I think I’m at chapter 4 or 5 of Napoleon Hill’s section.

  6. Lilia Collins

    1. 10/15%

    2. Completed.

    3. I’ve been working on orange for awhile and I’ve noticed how much it has empowered my self worth.

    4. Called AP, spoke about how we each came into this class he spoke of his girlfriend and children.

    5. Doing.

    6. I spent a week in WA state. It was all about being social with my relatives. I played ball with my younger cousins. Once I return to South Carolina, I will reach out to an old girl friend named Idalia via phone.

    7. On second hour of book.

  7. JoDean Cooper

    Hello all, I’m the new girl JoDean

    1. Only 5% of my closet clothes are orange. Although, in the last year I have added 35% orange to my home with wall art, hangings, pieces of floral art, etc.

    2. I don’t have a Color book yet.

    3. Meditation: saying hello to healthy orange in my space… I will do tonight.

    4. No AP partner yet.

    5. I love and support my vagina!

    6. socialize; I went to the end of season employee party, I’m the new girl. Even though I’m new I knew a few people and had a couple of nice conversations. Then I had to return to work. My husband and I took our dog out to the woods, under some very old evergreens. We played with our dog and played in the water- it’s my zen place.

    7. I need to order the book.


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