Digestion and How To Let “It” Go


by Robin Eagle Sage, Medical Intuitive

When you have an unpleasant experience it makes you body tighten up. If you don't address the experience you will think about it repeatedly. This reoccurring thought becomes a circular pattern of negative energy in your body. It will keep going around and around both consciously in your thoughts and subconsciously in your body. It will reeking havoc and destroy your bodies ability to digest food (or life) properly and to let go of fecal matter or life experiences. Think of poop, thoughts and experiences as synonymous.

If you worry, the same thing is true. When you think about an unpleasant experience it stays in your body as a worry, until you deal with it. Worry is fear. You fear that something will happen. By thinking about this fear repeatedly, you manifest your fear into "reality."

You will not be able to change your reoccurring negative circular pattern or fear until you deal with it. Why would it go away on its own unless you dealt with it? If there was a sex offender who escaped from prison and was hanging out in your back yard, you would probably feel unsafe with your children playing there until he or she left.

If you want your children to have a healthy diet and you don't tell their teacher to stop feeding your kids sugar, you will probably not feel good about their diet or their ability to stay grounded and have good memory. Your concern for your children will not go away until you deal with the issue and feel confident about the changes. Then and only then will you feel safe and be able to relax.

The moment you relax, your system will let go of it's worry. The round repetitive negative pattern will become a single line of energy and will release out of your body. This happens when you yawn. Zip, there it goes! At this point your digestion will begin to process food properly and guess what? Zip! there releases your poop out of your body with no trouble! Proper digestion means being able to break down food AND to release it at least three times per day. Yes, you heard me correctly, three times per day! When we feel good, relaxed, and safe, we let go and release.

The moral of this story is, if you want your digestive system to work properly, address issues as they come up. There may be times when you question yourself and say, "Did so and so really just say what I think he/she said?" This is a lag time that is caused by you not trusting yourself. Learn to trust yourself. And if you are unsure ask, "Did you just say...?" If the person says yes and you disapprove, you are worthy of stating your feelings. YOUR FEELINGS COUNT!!! If you don't honor your feelings you create distrust within yourself. This leads to lack of empowerment. Then you won't speak up and you won't take care of "business." This is the worst punishment you can give to yourself. You are literally saying to yourself, "You aren't worth the trouble."

You ARE worth the trouble and it doesn't have to be trouble to speak your mind. Simply say, "It's not okay what you said or what you are did." After that it's up to the other person to change or not. Their part is not your business. You did your part and you can now move on. You protected yourself and possibly your children. You were stern but not aggressive (unless you need to be.) We must deal with each situation individually. If you are being attacked, you will not politely say, "Stop." You will yell with all of your might. Deal with each situation as peacefully and succinctly as you can depending on the gravity of each case.

Without applying good boundaries you cannot feel safe. Be proud and stand up for yourself and try to stay cool, grounded and concise when you do so. You are worth it and so is your health. Without pooping all of life stops. With breathing, relaxing and feeling safe, (due to creating proper boundaries) we can feel proud enough to address and let go of issues as they arise.

The more you trust yourself the shorter the lag time will be between noticing something and dealing with it. This feels freeing and empowering. You are worth the freedom. Smile, breathe and confidently stand up for your rights. Your body will thank you for it!

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