“Turning Felicity’s life around”


Medical Intuitive Corner
by Robin Eagle Sage, Medical Intuitive

Have you ever wondered if your physical pain is caused by unresolved emotional experiences? Each month, Medical Intuitive, Robin Eagle Sage, will share one of her medical intuitive readings with you. Using her clairvoyant abilities, this wise Sage will unravel the causes and cures of a patient’s illness. In turn, you will discover the great power capable of every individual to heal from within! Pseudonyms are used to protect the patient.

Patient: Felicity

Medical Issue: Stabbing sharp pain throughout entire body. Lower pelvic pain, abdomen pain, dysfunctional uterus bleeding, fibroids, iron deficiency-anemia, ovarian cyst, ovarian ruptured cyst, pre-cancerous lesion on the cervix, pelvic inflammatory disease, migraine, headaches, indecisive, mentally exhausted, frustrated, un-ease, blocked. Lack of concentration. Unable to express thoughts and feelings. Unable to tolerate noise. Worry, fear, doubt. I feel off-balance, blocked, mood-swings, emotionally exhausted, hurt, guilty, unhappy.

When I asked what is causing Felicity’s health issues, I saw a number of spirits, entities and people in her crown chakra trying to confuse her and feed off of her energy. I saw that Felicity is intelligent, funny and dynamic too. But all of these spirits and people are trying to put out her fire! What this means energetically, is that Felicity is agreeing to it, on a subconscious level. My job is to find out why.

I saw that Felicity is unsure about who she is. I asked her about this and she agreed and said it started happening about a year ago. I believe it started much earlier than that. Felicity’s confusion about who she is, is both the cause and effect of these beings who control her. When there is confusion and doubt about one’s identity, it creates a magnet for energies to enter and take over the body. It also furthers the process of confusion. I did some healing work on Felicity’s head and crown chakra to clear some of these entities and taught her how to voice her need for space and to ask them to leave.

Next, I saw a past life of an old black man with grey hair wearing overalls and holding a pitch fork. He was an inebriated slobbering hick telling his granddaughter (Felicity) a bunch of nonsense. I felt love from him toward his granddaughter, but I also saw that he was giving Felicity a lot of excuses for his debilitating behavior and inappropriate actions. Her grandfather was a sex-offender who “took” every opportunity to have sex right in front of the young girl. He did “it” with anyone and all the time.

Her grandfather told Felicity, “In order to survive in life you have to be strong.” He said this to imply that what he was doing was right and that it was up to HER to be strong. This confused Felicity. She loved and trusted her Grandfather who was her only family, yet he was doing terrible things. Felicity could not understand if his addictions were right or wrong. She trusted her granddaddy. She even wondered if these issues were her fault.

I asked Spirit how this past life is affecting Felicity now. I heard, “These past experiences have made her buy into what other people say, even when they are false. Felicity lacks self-trust and believes that other people’s actions are okay when they are not.” I told Felicity that she must become clear about what is right and wrong. I told her that she must let go of guilt and that all people, especially children who are victims of sexually inappropriate behavior, believe it is their fault. As long as Felicity believes this on any level, both spirits and people will invade her space and continue to dupe her. I suggested counseling for Felicity in order to help her understand that her past experiences are neither her fault nor appropriate. And that she can stop believing everything she is told.

At this point, Felicity told me that in this lifetime, when she was 17 years old she was corralled into a job selling magazines across the nation. In truth, she was kidnapped, could not leave the “job” and was trafficked into a haram with an older man who raped and tried to kill her daily.  These were Felicity’s exact words. Apparently, every time she tried to escape this man would control her and tell the police it was simply a domestic quarrel. Sadly, the police believed this award-winning con-artist, pedophile and sex-offender. This continued for years before she finally escaped. Felicity said that many years later, she is now in the process of a court case to put this man into jail once and for all. Apparently the police have been looking for him for years. Now it is Felicity’s chance to empower herself, but she will have to be strong and do whatever it takes to remain safe.

I explained to Felicity that the reason she had this experience is because she hadn’t healed and learned from the experience with her grandfather in the past life. In order to grow, Felicity must: acknowledge that it was not her fault, stop believing what everyone says, learn to call a spade a spade and let go of shame and guilt. In addition, her daily routine must be to fill her womb with her own female beauty, self-trust, love and self-acceptance and to know that she is a worthy child of God who deserves a safe life. Felicity and I spoke about how she can become more empowered and self-assured and what she can do in order to feel this way. I am not an advocate of guns, but I saw that if Felicity feels safer and more empowered with a gun, pepper spray, a guard dog or police protection, that she should employ such protection as she builds her courage and inner strength. It will be important for Felicity to feel safe in order to fully heal and let go of the past, so that such harmful experiences need not occur again. When the cells of the body (human energy) turn from fearful to safe and whole, one is out of harm’s way. Felicity is a strong soul and she deserves to have a healthy body and a joyous life! My blessings are with you Felicity.

Robin Eagle Sage is a medical intuitive, healer, clairvoyant reader, author and teacher. She writes the Medical Intuitive Corner in Whole Person Magazine in Los Angeles and in Sedona Conscious Magazine in Sedona, AZ. Robin gives energy readings and healings over the phone and Skype worldwide. She is the founder of Sage School of Light and teaches a Medical Intuitive training program for beginners. Robin is the author of the book, “The Financial Alchemist; The spiritual and material recipe for financial success,” the CD "Soul Love; An interactive meditation to attract wealth, health and the relationship of your dreams!” and three audio meditations: “Financial Success & Abundance,” “Releasing Stress and Fear” and “Love & Joy.” For more information visit Robin at: www.MedicalIntuitiveTraining.com.



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