Teeth and Fillings


Fillings and Teeth

What I saw in a reading is that metal fillings, especially the kind with mercury in them, create a very hard substance in the middle of teeth that can conduct and attract other negative energies. The tooth itself we may think of as hard, but it is not in comparison to the filling. When we go through our day we take on various energies and they hopefully flush out of our bodies and teeth. The teeth are organic and soft as are bones energetically. Energies may easily run in and out of them. But with fillings, foreign energies stick to them like a grounding rod and create a negative currency throughout our bodies, especially affecting our nerves. Nerves are like delicate fibers of energy that look like wispy feathers that run throughout our bodies. Have you ever felt a strange feeling running up your arms or neck? I get this occasionally and it is a very odd feeling. This is grey matter/energy which I will explain below.

Fillings act as literal antennae. They attract electromagnetic frequencies such as cell phone tower waves, computer waves, television, radio waves, sonic waves, micro waves, x-rays, wi-fi, fluorescent lighting and other EMF’s. They also attract alien energy. The fewer of these waves the better. Back in the day we only had natural light and then more recently we only had radio waves to deal with. Today we have so many waves in one little living space and it is too much. We also have refrigerators and so many electrical appliances even right by our heads as we sleep. Add to this chemicals from laundry detergents, soaps, carpets, plastic, etc. All of this weakens us and makes us more susceptible to disease. I try to unplug everything at night and I ALWAYS turn of my wi-fi when I am done with it. I also keep plants, crystals and rocks around me to protect me of such currencies and try to get into nature daily to diffuse such energies.

All of these energies, such as alien and EMF’s, are the color grey to a clairvoyant. (And remember, we are all clairvoyant even if we don’t think we are.) What I suggest is to ask, imagine or pull these energies out of your system daily. Energies can go anywhere in the body and will filter into the weakest or most vulnerable parts of your body. You can do a general clearing but I especially suggest clearing out your fillings and teeth daily. Other important areas are the gonads, heart and brain. When you finish, always fill your body with positive energy and light (not necessarily the color white) and see your entire body as ONE in alignment with yourself; body, mind, heart and soul.

Blessings on your health! And remember, please educate your friends and co-workers.

Thanks you!

Robin Sage,
Medical Intuitive

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