Symbol of The Neck And Neck Pain


The neck is our gauge of ease. How easy going and aligned are you? Do you have a pain in your neck? Are you a pain in the neck? I know I am! The main factors which affect the neck are judgment and it’s opposition; acceptance. Many people with sore necks have been judged and persecuted in their past and in past lives. Especially by way of guillotine and hanging, which involve the neck directly.

What I am slowly realizing is that we who have been persecuted and victimized are also the ones who judge the most! The two energies go together. If you have been a victim, you better believe you have also victimized! Sometimes it happens life by life. But mostly it happens day by day. In other words, one day you may feel judged by yourself and others and then the next day you will be judging away! Remember that when you judge yourself it opens a huge highway for others to judge you. Why? Because, “As on the inside is on the outside.” The more you judge yourself, the more others MUST judge you. It is energetic law. The inside of your body and thoughts are always “what you get” in your outside life.

Do you stick your neck out in situations or do you allow for ease and grace? What is the right thing to do and when? If you are not sure, breathe, tune-in and ask yourself. If you become angry when you “stick your neck out,” then it’s probably not the right thing for you to do. If you feel bad for not doing or saying something, then you most likely need to find a way to speak up that feels like it’s being executed in a peaceful and balanced way.

If you have what is called, “forward head” by chiropractors, then you probably have two issues that oscillate back and forth. One issue is “sticking your neck out” too far, such as getting involved when it’s not your business or without integrity and balance. The other is not sticking your neck out enough. For example, not speaking up when you need to in a way that would be in alignment with the rest of your body, mind and soul. Who are you? Are you being yourself? Are you at ease? If not, ask for ease and grace. Be in your masculine or feminine balanced energy and flow will come to your neck and to your life.  When you correct the physical position of your neck and head you will correct the other social and emotional issues as well.

I did a reading for a lady who was having neck pain and anxiety. When I looked at her neck’s energy I saw that she was sitting in a dance class and a fat woman walked in whose energy she didn’t like. My client started to judge the fat woman. Let’s make up an anonymous name and call my client Betty. Now here’s the interesting part. When Betty judged the woman, the woman started to feel insecure and act even more disheveled than before. I saw this as a current of energy running horizontally from head to head of each person. Then the negative energy swirl became part of the entire class and the teacher started to feel insecure about her dance moves. Then the students joined in this negative and debilitating current as well. When Betty left the class she started to feel better. It’s because her head disengaged from the negative mental current.

You see, we really are all one and are affected by each other. That’s why to do well in life we must love, trust and accept ourselves, as well as be very positive. Always look for the positive aspects in people. This will strengthen them and you! Instead of seeing a fat person, notice with neutral eyes that there is a person, just like me and you, with a million qualities and quirks. Then bring your attention back to yourself in a positive and focused light. This will keep you heathy. The moral of this story and every story is self-acceptance. In doing so, others will accept you too. It is law. You will no longer feel the need to judge others to keep yourself feeling safe. Let go of the mental twister that doesn’t even make sense. Accept yourself and together we will be ONE; united in a Kingdom and Queendom of love.

By Robin Sage, Medical Intuitive

If you liked this article and feel you need help loving and accepting yourself more, check out my "LOVE & JOY" Meditation MP3 download for sale at my new on-line shop. It was made with this intention. Please visit:

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