MI Training, Level 9, Week 2, Home-Play

  1. Write one paragraph about the message of turtle. Put it in your blog and paste the link here. Also in the Google doc.
  1. Animal communication reading: (30 minutes each)

Have your AP say the name of a pet or animal they know/knew. Make sure they don’t tell you anything about the animal.

Clairvoyantly read:

  1. First color you see in the animal’s auric field: talk about the animal.
  2. The fur/skin color
  3. The gender
  4. The animal type/species
  5. The message of the animal
  6. Alive or dead?

Ap tells the reader the answers. Write what you saw v/s the fact.

3. Read chapter 1: Horse as Teacher: The Path to Authenticity by Kathy Pike

10 comments on “MI Training, Level 9, Week 2, Home-Play

    1. Jo BIRDSONG

      1. Added to ANIMAL SPIRIT google doc. Blog link above.
      2. Clairvoyant animal reading:
      Blue-purple aura. Very content. Lovable. (true)
      Yellow fur (actual = tan/blonde)
      Female (actual = female)
      Cat (actual = bunny)
      Co-exist in peace. Relax. Avoid chaos & stress. (true)
      Alive (actual = unknown)
      3. Book ordered.

  1. Robin

    1. Will update when complete

    2. Animal communication reading:

    1. black
    2. green (black)
    3. Male (yes)
    4. Lizard (cat)
    5. Message: soak up the sun, let it shine on you and adore you, everything is copasetic, surrender to the Divine flow
    6. Dead (yes)

    3. Done

  2. Susan

    1. https://medium.com/@sooselene/what-i-learned-from-owl-7f4eb5286eb8#.stomgttwy
    2. AP reading:
    Energetic, high energy, determined, loves play
    Deep red (brown, short hair)
    Gender Female (yes)
    Betta fighting fish ( dog)
    Look to your dreams, explore them more in depth. Move in the direction of your dreams with whatever steps you can take now. Your dreams will bring you abundance and fill your cup.
    Dead (yes)
    (I first saw a dog, then the fish, and wasn’t able to get a hit on which one it was actually)

    3. Done.

  3. Ruth

    1. https://intuitiveinsightspathway.wordpress.com/2017/03/19/turtle-energy/

    2. AP Reading:
    1. Yellow color – vibrant, playful, happy, likes to around others, center of family
    2. Brown (actual = black)
    3. Female (yes)
    4. Cat mixed breed (actual = dog mixed breed)
    5. Be happy, joyful, play. Don’t take self too seriously. Embrace the dance of change – even when you take a step backwards it’s really just a way to dig deep or reflect on something different that will give you more information to move faster.
    6. Dead (yes)

    3. Will finish by class

  4. Jennifer Connery

    1.) https://intuitivehealthsite.wordpress.com/2017/03/21/the-eyes-through-honu/

    2.) Ap reading:

    1.) I saw the color green and noticed the animal was small and low to the ground. It appeared to be burrying something in a hole. My conclusion was that it was a small breed of a dog. It’s here to help all of the family members in their own way.

    2.) white with orange spots (White)
    3.) Male (yes)
    4.) Dog (yes)
    5.) Trust yourself and see yourself in the image of God and the way Tucker sees you!
    6.) Alive (yes)

    3.) Waiting on delivery of book.

  5. Chelsea

    1. Turtle updated: http://www.akashcreative.com/animal-communication-the-turtle/

    2. Animal communication reading:
    1. Aura color I saw was dark green. Personality was regal with chest out however very playful as well. (info matched the animal)
    2. The fur/skin color I saw was a mix of gray, white and black with shaggy hair. (The animal actually was black and white)
    3. The gender I saw was female. (male actually)
    4. The animal type/species I saw was a small shaggy dog (Shih Tzu: Correct)
    5. The message of the animal: Don’t take yourself so seriously. Take care of yourself.
    6. I read Alive (Correct)

    3. My book has not arrived yet. I ordered it last week.

  6. Paedrin Blues

    1. Google doc posted, blog link coming.

    2. Roxy Jane
    1- Lavender core with pink radiating out. Roxy was raised and nurtured in a way that vested in her a strong sense of inner calm and peace, and she exuded much sweetness and warmth. Gold scars on the outer edge of her aura indicated a trauma to her back left leg which brought her closer to Source and en-light-ened her energetic field.
    2- Yellow/ Blonde (actual- fawn color)
    3- Female (actual- female)
    4- Dog with a lot of feline energy (actual- dog)
    5- Dead (actual- dead)
    6- Don’t worry. Wait, listen, be still. Put your ear to the earth, connect with your heartbeat and that of Mother Earth. Live from your heartspace and allow it to set fire to your inner vision. Open up and let it surround you. Align your Self, align your spine, and allow Source and Gaia energies to flow through you. Then you will know, then you will be, in Love.

    3. Done.


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