MI Training, Level 8, Week 2, Finances

  1. Finish “Having it All” if you have not already. This is an exceptional book that I recommend reading over and over again.
  1. Post at least 5 business flyers. This is a must in business if you want business.
  1. Level 2 Financial Audios.
  1. Meditate and visualize your dollar amount for 10 minutes each day. You can do this during your scheduled client time if you do not have a client.
  1. AP Reading: Limiting subconscious thoughts and beliefs for financial success. (1 hour each)  Write two sentences about the reading only. 1. What is creating the limiting belief for financial success and 2. Its healing. These two sentences are your summary. Remember to state your summary to your client in only two sentences and to not repeat what you already said in the reading. In other words, find a new way to say it in present time.

7 comments on “MI Training, Level 8, Week 2, Finances

  1. Ruth

    1. Book: I will finish the book by Wed. I have a little bit left which I will finish on my commute.

    2. Flyers: I have posted flyers in most places in my neighborhood. I will post several more when I’m in the city this week.

    3. Financial Audio: I’m starting Level 2 today.

    4. Meditation: Done – this has been fun!

    5. AP Reading: Self-doubt and need for validation from others, based on childhood patterning, is limiting your financial success. To heal we worked with your inner child to free these limiting beliefs and welcomed a new you, bright and filled with self-confidence, that will help you grow your business and develop new skills as a healer.

  2. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Book is finished

    2.) posting 4 tomorrow, new flyers will be posted soon, awaiting finishing touches and shipment.

    3.) Level 2 financial audio, profound!

    4.) Meditating daily on $$$$$

    5.) Ap reading:

    There is a fear of opening up and exposing herself to earn money in the field of healing is the cause of financial blockage. To heal this she needs to meditate, journal and channel about her dream of teaching healing modalities.

  3. Chelsea

    1. Finished “Having it All”

    2. Posted one more flyer. Will post the rest before our class.

    3. Just started Level 2 Financial Audios today. I was a couple days behind from last week. Absolutely love them.

    4.I forgot to do the visualizing for money. Will start that today.

    5. AP Reading:

    Saw limiting subconscious thoughts for financial success rooted in a past life where she was a pioneer crossing the plains and all her food and belongings were lost as well as the current energy of the need to control situations in her life.

    Healing the past life, we aligned with the energy that there is always enough food and shelter in this lifetime and currently relaxing in the knowledge that she will be taken care so there is no need to control things.

    We still need to do my reading. She didn’t have time.

  4. Robin

    1) am still listening, will finish it up

    2) have not posted any flyers..

    3) having trouble downloading audio’s so have not been able to listen

    4) have done meditations most days

    5) AP reading:

    She had limiting beliefs and fears around being powerful, from conditioning that is meant to keep us small. To heal this we did a meditation to let go of these blocks, and when any fears or doubts do come up, to have acceptance for yourself and know that it is only temporary and not able to hold you back.

  5. Susan

    1. Finished

    2. Have not posted any.

    3. Listened to it most days.

    4. I was in Kauai during this week, and I forgot to do this meditation. I did visualize it off and on, however.

    5. AP reading: She had a fear of being seen as a powerful woman, and difficulty feeling her own sense of power. To heal, she can call on her masculine guide for help at any time, and to validate herself often.

  6. Paedrin Blues

    1. Just about finished the book!

    2. Posted a few flyers and will post more this week.

    3. Finished audios.

    4. Been meditating on my dollar amount of $300 and already made it in February! Setting it to $400 now.

    5. Did not do my AP reading that week.


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