MI Training, Level 7 Week 3, Home~Play

  1. Meditation: Grounding. Notice when you are in and out of your body. Smile, breathe and invite yourself back in and be deeply rooted into the Earth. She loves you!
  1. AP Reading:

Get grounded before the reading. Love your small portable timer because it is your assistant. Make sure your timer is NOT your phone. 45 minutes each reader. You may read each other on different days. 20 mins on part one (10 minutes cons and 10 minutes pros) and 20 mins on part two (10 minutes cons and 10 minutes pros), and 5 minutes for the fillery beginning and end.

Ask your AP a “yes-no” “Should I this or should I that…” question. This time make sure it has two distinct parts, such as, “Should I eat rice or should I eat quinoa?” Or “Should I advertise for readings by standing outside of a health food store or yoga studio handing out business cards and offering free readings?” or “Should I put up flyers and stay home with my fingers crossed?”

3. Flyers - finish up your final draft: who, what, where, why, professional picture/image of you: head shot. Send Robin what you have so far in a PDF even if you did already. I can’t respond by email as it would take too long to write out the suggestions. Please schedule a time to call me if I note that there are some suggestions to be made.

6 comments on “MI Training, Level 7 Week 3, Home~Play

  1. Ruth

    1. Meditation: Being more aware of when/where I notice I’m out of my body and working on grounding.

    2. AP Reading: Question: Should I share a booth with a friend at a farmers market and offer readings or should I work at a small vegan restaurant? Part 1 (Cons/Pros): You may feel frustrated with sharing a space and that your own business is being overshadowed, but there are also benefits to sharing a space that include broader reach of potential clients and the opportunity to practicing talking about what you do to those who are curious but wouldn’t seek it out. Part 2 (Cons/Pros): At the vegan restaurant you may be frustrated at times given the small number of employees, but there is an opportunity to make new friends, be more social – laugh, smile, enjoy others, and potentially get a few new clients for your business. In summary, although sharing a booth with a friend may result in some minor stress for you, if you go into it with an open mind and heart, there are some benefits like expanding your client base. The vegan restaurant overall seems like a very positive experience and reflects the energy you are trying to shift around employment/work.

    3. Flyer: I will send final draft today.

  2. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Grounding meditation daily. Feeling more immersed with mother earth!

    2.) Ap reading:

    Questions: Would it be better to move my mom into a skilled nursing facility or an assisted living home where she was?

    Nursing facility Cons- It was cold, starchy and colorless.
    Pros- If anything was to go wrong the staff would be extremely beneficial towards correcting any medical issue to keep her pain free.

    Assisted living: cons- There may be a feeling of too much stimulation as well as possibly feeling as though she’s missing out on the social interaction and activities due to being bed ridden.

    Pros- This place was light and full of life and warmth. The staff was also very friendly here. I also saw that she’s able to make this place more comfortable by surrounding her room with more personal things and having more space to do that.

    In summary I felt that being that this is being towards the end and she wants more to be surrounded by love, joy and warmth and her family. Filling these hours with things that she will remember is most important. I felt that the Assisted living facility has the lightest energy for her.

    3.) Flyer is done, unless there are other ideas from your feedback.

  3. Susan

    1. Meditating sporadically & infrequently, but have been noticing when I am ungrounded, how that feels, and what my behavior looks like then. Then taking a few moments to breathe, smile, and ground.

    2. AP Reading: Q#1: Should I stay on dating sites? A#1: Cons – Wading through lots of lower-energy possibilities. You’re putting pressure on yourself, feels more studious, constricts your energy & causes you anxiety. Pros – You have a wider range of men to pick from. You feel happier being able to pick & choose. Saw kind, blonde young man sitting atop your aura, calmly waiting.
    Q#2: Should I get off the sites and try meeting someone by going out into the world? Cons – You have a vast area to cover to meet more men. The men you meet are fairly non-committal, being on an island. Pros – You have the opportunity to meet a lot of men and be light-hearted & have fun.

    3. Dealing with mother’s passing so have not focused on the flyer.

  4. Chelsea

    1. Meditations done.

    2. AP Reading.
    Should I continue to focus on Energy Reading or should I shift gears into Astrology?

    Energy Reading Pros/Cons:
    This path was clear and filled with magical energy. My AP was guided on the journey as an Energy Reader that continued to provide peace, growth and learning. The cons were self doubt and sabotage which had been passed down through family generations.

    Astrology Pros/Cons:
    The Astrology actually went well with the Energy Reading. It is just another tool in her tool box and the path of learning it fit into her energy field like a puzzle piece with the assistance of the Goddess Athena. The cons of this was my AP worrying about having time and money which I saw would be fine.

    3. I just saw the email from Robin regarding my flier. I will work on a new one and email it to her ASAP.

  5. Robin

    1) meditations done, it’s so helpful to notice when I’m out of my body and I hope to do it more.

    2) AP reading:
    Should I focus on my music or on my business?

    Music pros and cons:
    The pros of the music are that it is nourishing to your creativity and feeds your soul. This puts you more into a state of flow, which brings more fulfillment and opportunities. Things happen with more ease.
    The cons that I saw were of you being in an energy of striving, and of worrying about producing results, and not focusing on your creativity. Even if the music is not your primary focus, your energy is much more uplifted and inspired by having it in your life in some way.

    Focusing on business pros/cons:

    The pros of focusing on your business are lots of growth and infinite opportunities. I see gold, and everything lighting up brightly.

    The cons are just that things are moving slowly, and you feel a little stuck. The energy of worrying and not trusting… Not knowing exactly how things will turn out because it’s still new. Turn the worry around with prayer/affirmation and really trust.

    In summary, the pros of having your music in your life is that it feeds your creativity and passion, but why have to choose one over the other? Focus on what nourishes you and things will flow. Your business brings so much light and blessings, and is healing to you as well. I see infinite opportunities and when you relax into what inspires you things will work out beyond what you can imagination.

    3) sent flyer tonite.


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