MI Training, Level 6 Week 6, Home-Play

  1. Re-word your AP reading from last week's’ HomePlay. Be grounded, concise and specific with your words.

2. Ap Reading

  1. Soul connection. 2. Fears. 3. Addictions. This time look directly at their fears, addictions, etc., without them telling you anything. Make sure you tell them what you will be reading before the prayer.  (20 mins cause 20 mins cure.) Use the new reading procedures to practice for your in-class final. Send the mp3 recording of your AP reading to Robin. You may use Hightail or any company that sends large files.

3. Three blogs (SSL, FB, Personal Blog). Leave links here.

Write about your reading in no more than 4 sentences. This will help you to discover what the reading was really about. (Summarize.) Stick to the topic. For example: My AP’s connection to Source was a bit shaky as she gets involved with too many projects. She needs to learn how to slow down. My AP fears the completion of projects because she fears being alone, present and quiet. She must learn how to finish and let go of projects and be ok with being still, as well as to accept the glory and celebration that comes with being finished with a project.

On your personal blogs you can preface the blog with, “I just gave my accountability partner from my medical intuitive training at the Sage School of Light an energy reading on the topic of fear, addiction and their connection with Source. (I will not mention their name to protect the innocent.) To summarize the reading I found that they…bla, bla, bla.  I always learn so much... when I give a reading, I get a reading!” Or something like that.

4. Love List

Number your “Love List” on the Google Doc that was sent to you.

5. Book (optional)

Finish the book, “I AM” at your leisure.

10 comments on “MI Training, Level 6 Week 6, Home-Play

  1. Susan Palmer

    Sun/Source showed judgment from parents and other people when young, keeping you subdued & from feeling how beautiful and amazing you are. Supportive man in your youth is still with you, although you feel you have to do it all on your own. Mother’s judgment, harsh, didn’t understand who you were as child, tried to keep you conforming. We removed metal plate placed on left side of your head that was shield from her judgement. To heal, when meditating see powerful column of turquoise light going through your body from earth to source, to validate yourself and your gifts & the amazing healing you have to offer others. You are guided and have angels working with you.

    2. Done.

    3. https://medium.com/p/80a1922422b5/edit

    4. Done

    5. Still reading.

    1. Susan Palmer



      2. I found that AP was distrustful & suspicious of others, often felt alone and hollow inside, this being the result of feeling isolated from the warmth & attention of the adults around her as a baby. To help heal these things, I read that she can hit a stick against rocks, ground, trees, to feel the solidity of them & herself. She can speak her truth from her heart to others who are safe, to practice sharing herself & finding that others can be trusted. She can prioritize what is most important to be learning, but that she already knows everything she needs; it comes from within & from her guides.

      3. Personal blog: https://medium.com/@sooselene/intuitive-reading-about-fears-addictions-80a1922422b5#.30gfjxfdb
      FB: https://www.facebook.com/lifeilluminator/

      4. Done

      5. Still reading.

      1. Susan Palmer

        Your Sun/Soul star was behind your body, shining brightly through, with a dark column in front of you, representing hiding yourself from the world. (To heal, same as for the addictions) Your fear was of showing who you truly are, causing you to feel alone & hollow inside; to heal, tap a stick against trees, ground, rocks to connect with the solidity of them and of You. Another fear was of not knowing enough; heal this by prioritizing, and know you already have the information you need inside of yourself. Your addiction was making up stories about others why you should be suspicious of them; to heal, look at others (and yourself) with compassion. Also, wrap yourself in a pink energy blanket, rock yourself, say affirmations of self-love & feel the heart warmth.

  2. jennifer connery

    1.) Reposted last weeks corrected ap reading.

    2.) Ap reading completed, my ap will be sending recording.

    My ap’s soul sun connection was to the far right. I saw that her attention was on her son and son’s father. Her lack of connection was due to putting herself last. Her fears were around making the changes necessary in her relationship to find freedom. To heal I saw her writing a letter from her higher self as if she was courageous already and to release any fear and doubt while filling in with courage and faith.

    3.) https://intuitivehealthsite.wordpress.com/2016/10/18/weekly-spiritual-reading-for-guidance/

    4.) Love list completed and posted in docs.

    5.) Still listening to ‘I am’ book.

  3. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Reposted last weeks corrected ap reading.

    2.) Ap reading completed, my ap will be sending recording.

    My ap’s soul sun connection was to the far right. I saw that her attention was on her son and son’s father. Her lack of connection was due to putting herself last. Her fears were around making the changes necessary in her relationship to find freedom. To heal I saw her writing a letter from her higher self as if she was courageous already and to release any fear and doubt while filling in with courage and faith.

    3.) https://intuitivehealthsite.wordpress.com/2016/10/18/weekly-spiritual-reading-for-guidance/

    4.) Love list completed and posted in docs.

    5.) Still listening to ‘I am’ book.

  4. Ruth

    1. Re-word AP reading from last week: In summary, I saw her sun/soul connection was misaligned from feelings of abandonment from experiences in this lifetime and past lives, which have become part of her genetic makeup and carried forth in a repetitive pattern. At a young age, she was forced to be strong beyond her years; this led to her fierceness, fire, and determination but also blocks her ability to truly be herself. To heal, we cleared the lifetimes of abandonment using a machine with big brushes that covered the body and then dipped her body in wax to mark the end of this pattern – healing both the physical body and the intellect, specifically any stories she created about herself that were causing emotional suffering or pain.

    2. AP Reading completed and audio file sent.

    3. Blog post: https://intuitiveinsightspathway.wordpress.com/2016/10/17/energy-reading-exchange-of-gratitude/

    To summarize the reading I found that my AP often involves herself in demanding projects or tasks that are too draining and cause her energy to be scattered. This functions like an addiction, where she invests her energy into projects that deplete her energy, which causes misalignment with her connection to source and an inability for her to receive the deep gratitude and appreciation for her work that her soul craves. This pattern is fueled by a fear of not completing tasks perfectly and her ancestors lack of respect for the earth when settling in the states many generations ago. To heal these addictions and fears, we worked with the trees to ask for forgiveness and her angels filled her with light while creating a new brain pattern so she can see new ways of accomplishing tasks that will nourish the soul and leave her energy intact – or better yet, even stronger.

    4. Love list; Done

    5. Book: Not completed yet.

  5. Chelsea

    1. Done (See last weeks homework)

    2. Done.

    3. http://www.akashcreative.com/the-greatest-good/ and https://www.facebook.com/akashcreative/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE&fref=nf

    AP Reading:
    My AP’s Soul/Source connection was pulling down behind her due to her addiction to fear. One of the things causing the fear is her lack of control of her relationship life plan. She also needs to slow down and be open to receive love and information from Source, guides and angels and is lacking self-care. To re-align, she needed to know that she already has everything she needs. She needed to ground and treat self-care like it is homework. She also needs to be precise about the type of relationship and life she wants, then relax and know that when things don’t work out, it is always for the greatest good.

    4. Love list done.

    5. Almost done with the book.

  6. Robin

    1) AP reword:

    Your Sun/soul alignment is slightly out of balance because you are fearful and are doing too much, you are on fire but be careful, as it could burn out of control. To heal this, slow down and take time for yourself, fill yourself first so you have it to give to others. Trust that you are being guided and the Universe has your back!

    2) Am working on figuring out how to send the recording. It is one long recording of mine and my APs reading. Also my reading for my AP was cut short because we ran out of time and I had to get my son off the bus. Am willing to redo it if necessary, and in fact maybe should have just rescheduled it.

    3) still need to blog, will update

    In summary, your Sun/source connection is being blocked by fears of owning your power and expressing yourself fully. Your early conditioning has made you feel wrong and attempted to keep you small. Ways to heal that are to bring in so much validation for yourself, know your are truly empowered, and you are so supported , feel that support from your Divine guidance. You are ready to break thru, so take that step into your full empowered self and know you are safe to shine your light!

    4) still need to do this and will update as well

    5) have listened to more, but not completed yet

  7. Paedrin Blues

    1. Rewording (posted on last week’s HW blog as well)

    In summary, you were disconnected from Source because you were not acknowledging your own perfection that comes from being connected to the All. To heal your addiction to perfectionism, you need to acknowledge your wholeness, forgive yourself, and bring in joy, laughter, and an energy of playfulness. Also, express the creativity and femininity which has been stifled through your right-brain endeavors towards a perfect image.

    2. You have an addiction to pushing yourself too hard out of a fear of not having enough time; pushing yourself has caused you to push Source away, making your connection to Spirit less accessible than it can be when in balance and healthily aligned.
    You have also developed an addiction to red meat in an attempt to reconnect with the buffalo which was sacred to you in a past life, and you have carried trauma with you after watching the slaughter of these animals in that lifetime.
    You have all the time that you need. Release your fear of limited time, and time will stretch and open up for you in ways you wouldn’t have thought possible.
    Connect with the buffalo and integrate it’s calm, steady strength and stamina into your being.

    3. Will leave blog links when I complete them.

    4. Completed love list.

    5. Reading book!


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