MI Training, Level 6 Week 3, Home-Play

  1. AP reading: Where is the sun/Source in relation to your AP? What is in the way of self love and soul's alignment. Let them know why the sun is where it is, what is creating the misalignment and how to heal it.  30 minutes each. (15 minutes on why it's out of alignment and 15 minutes on how to re-align.)
  2. Soul Love meditation and deep breathing for 30 minutes per day.
  3. 64 ounces of Green smoothies daily for breakfast. (1 pitcher.)
  4. Finish your HW from last week!

8 comments on “MI Training, Level 6 Week 3, Home-Play

  1. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Ap Sun reading:

    Where Source/the sun is and what’s causing it:
    The sun in front of you, towards the left side. Emotional waves are preventing you from seeing all sides and connecting with Source. I see fruit: a lemon and apple. This is sugar, acidity. It overtook part of your body, feels fuzzy and sharp. Little shards coming in on the right side like daggers. I’m looking into cells, invaders, angry cells, trying to invade, yet haven’t completely. The left side wants to remain in homeostasis. Your old habits are being pushed out. The larger part of you is healing that. When your body is in homeostasis, it will be aligned with Source. Guilt is on the right side. The feeling of “not being enough.” You are very hard on yourself with a desire to be perfect. Guilt is preventing you from owning how far you’ve come as a mother and in the Medical Intuitive Program. I’m seeing your mother. She has expectations of perfection for you because that’s what she held herself to. She had in mind a different path for you. There is a guilt sore and if you rub it and rub it, it cannot heal. It’s emotional and every time that you guilt yourself or have a negative thought about yourself, it opens back up again.

    How to heal:
    Every time you do something good for yourself, acknowledge it. I see your kids. Your daughter, Monet, is in observation mode. Healing yourself will bring more of the feminine energy into your relationship. It will benefit her in her teenage years. Allow yourself to be perfectly imperfect. Know you are still a masterpiece. “You can be a work in progress and still a masterpiece.” I see you painting something beautiful to look at daily in your room that reminds you, you are perfect. Truly pat yourself on the back. Even if you do something that isn’t perfect, like eating ice cream or candy, enjoy it. You won’t be consumed by your addictions anymore. Love yourself through it. I see an inward knife. When you fell the guilt, gently drop the dagger of guilt and say, “I love you Chelsea. I’m doing the best I can and that’s enough.” You are the trophy. Release the expectation of perfectionism, cut the cord of mom. Give her back her energy. Your path is the perfect path. I see your jewelry and doing what you love. Give acknowledgement a color. Sit with it in the morning with your green smoothie. Seeing an old skeleton which represent the old you being buried in the dirt. I see the old portion shedding and put to sleep peacefully. A new integration with both sides of your body. I see you lifting your arms up to the sun, up to God. You are your own angel. Bring in your sun and own it!

    2.) Soul love meditation: I truthfully was overworked and under meditated this week. I spent perhaps 40 minutes total in meditation.

    3.) Drank approximately 32 oz of green smoothie daily. Will work up to more this week!

    4.) Finished

  2. Ruth

    1. AP Reading: The sun is over your right shoulder. It feels like it’s being pulled back and forth – you are trying really hard to bring it closer but feels like it keeps going away in the other direction. You are lassoing the sun, but you don’t realize it is already part of you. I see you looking into the night sky and feeling sad and defeated. Bright stars surrounding you – don’t give up. You are really close, on the cusp, of stepping into yourself and finding your own freedom. It’s absolutely critical that you stay grounded during this transition. There will be much joy and happiness among you and your children. Your rebuilding your life and all those dreams you have always had about your life will start to materialize and come together really nicely.

    A big piece of the misalignment is related to self-doubt. It has become programmed into the cells in your body like a natural response over time from experiences from childhood and throughout life. It runs automatically almost without notice. To heal the programming around self-doubt, touch a series of points along the body – forehead, cheeks, throat, nipples, stomach, sacral and lower back at same time, and bottom of feet. While you touch these points consciously say, “with holding these points I am releasing any programming at the cellular level of patterns of self doubt. I’m creating space to make a new pattern. To fill myself with self-confidence and love.” Hold bottom of feet and fill with confidence and love. Do this for 26 days. I see a lot of lightness coming your way and clarity. Your intuitive senses will be more fine-tuned. To heal this push/pull energy with the sun – know you don’t have to try hard you are already source. Eat a lot of berries – you need the antioxidants in your body, specifically your brain. There has been some brain fog happening. Cedar wood or essential oil will be helpful to smell or to put your hands in cedar chips for grounding.

    2. Soul love meditation: I missed a day, but otherwise have enjoyed doing the meditations.

    3. Smoothies: I’m doing doing green smoothies every day but I haven’t been able to get to 64 ounces regularly. I’m still building up to this.

    4. Done: Noticed a big shift this week after doing the enema last week – changes in appetite, diet, and overall feeling of health.

  3. Chelsea

    1. AP Reading:
    Where is Source or Sun and why:
    Your sun is on the right side behind you. Feeling a restlessness and also envy keeping Source out of alignment. You’re wanting change and wanting it now. Your desires are in the way of allingment and not being content just being. There is also anger, frusteration and resentment linked with parents. A feeling of “Why didn’t you set me up better.” There is a feeling of blame and resentment towards them. It’s keeping your sun pushed back. It wants to come over to you. Smoking is related to this to relax. You didn’t feel like they did their job and rose to their highest good. You’r punishing yourself for these feelings by smoking. Envy is blocking connection in interpersonal life. Accepting others unconditionally. Finding balance in contenment and in what you allready have.

    To heal and align with Source:
    I see you wiping your hands clean of mom and dad. I see you saying ‘I’m done feeling resentful.” I see you in white, crisp clean energy. When you are content, those things will come automatically. You won’t want them so badly and they’ll flow to you more easily. Everything flows with ease and you will have no desire to smoke. You chose this path and knew it wouldn’t be easy. I see a strong connection to source and third eye as well as guides and angels. They want you to communicate more with them. I need to heal this because you’re going to be helping a lot of people with similar issues. Meditate when you get up and ground, conncecting to source and guides. Write down what you want to change and your goals. It will help to map it out and take baby steps. Do this with your son. Meditate in nature, connecting with yourself. Your soul is craving a feeling of being spoiled. Bathe in bath salts and get a massages. Put flowers in your house. Connect with a feeling of love and feminity. Spend time with a significant other. You’re ready to bloom. You can say to your parent’s energy, “‘Thank you. I Iearned my lessons. I release you now.” You have everything you need.

    2. I have been meditating daily. I’ve done the Soul Love a couple times so far this week.

    3. I have been drinking my green smoothies. Not every day, but almost.

    4. I haven’t don’t the enema from last week’s homework yet. I got my kit, however I got a UTI after taking antibiotics for my tooth that was hurting the week before. I’ve been having some physical problems and major learning curves since the relationship with self and others part started and since quitting my addictions. I plan to do it when I feel better for at least 24 hours prior. I’ve been doing some major healing with my guides, angels and Source and trying to reset my body.

  4. Robin

    1. AP reading:

    Sun is behind you, slightly to the left. This is because you are not where you want to be, and want your current situation/circumstances to just be behind you already. There are some fears and worries about the future in the way. Know that life loves you and is happening for you. Trust in the process of life. Everything that’s happened, and is happening, is for your greater good. Trust in your source, you are Always taken care of and will be provided for. Bring yourself back into alignment thru out the day by releasing energy, and call your own power back to you.. Know that you are whole. Consciously feel into your connection with source, and your knowing that all is well. When you are in alignment you are more empowered to move forward with more ease. Feel the feeling of being fulfilled now. It will help propell you forward…everything is in Divine perfect order. Go back to the healings with Muriel, she is with you and guiding you…helping you to move forward. Know that you are moving forward…things are happening for you. Water is healing, picture a waterfall flowing from above all the way down, releasing any worries down into the earth, and grounding you. Drink tea for relieving stress and mini get-away. Trust!

    2. Meditating daily, and doing the soul love and deep breathing, but falling asleep before 30 minutes usually.

    3. Drinking more green smoothies but still not up to 64 ounces…and I need to buy more greens.

    4. Finished most of it, still are 2 things I need to get done.

  5. Susan Palmer

    1. Your sun/source is slightly to your right, above your head. Feels dissipated rather than strong & contained. The sun has a weight on it, which is your older son, pulling on you for security. To him, you feel like his safety net. To help him feel secure without tugging on you, say loving and supportive words to him, letting him know you’re there for him and supporting him. What’s in the way of self-love & soul alignment is grief about your feeling that you haven’t actualized your power and capable-ness.

    2. Sporadic, but deep breathing off and on throughout the day.

    3. More like 20 ounces. Will continue to increase the amount.

    4. Did the enema…….

  6. maia

    1- AP reading: n/a
    2- I’m doing my best but it’s been hard. I’m grieving my departure from the Board of my school and the loss of some of these relationships. I’m taking hot baths and sleeping a lot.
    3- Yes. this is been vital for me.
    4- Finished.

  7. Paedrin Blues

    1. AP Reading:

    AP’s sun was ahead and to the left of her. This was related to first-chakra concerns, a bit of a fear of the future and of survival.
    This fear came from a lack of trust- in Source, in the Universe, and in herself.
    The lack of trust was related to a male figure, who had a lot of influence in her life as a child and she looked up to. He violated her innocence and betrayed her trust.
    In order to strengthen her trust and thus bring her back into alignment, we focused on some mantras, meditations, and exercises that would help. One is to say, “I trust myself, I know that the Universe will provide”, or something like that, and really feel that trust. The more that the trust is acknowledged and really felt, the more her constriction will release. Her energy will become more and more expansive and free, and doors will naturally open for her.
    Also saw some lifestyle things that will be beneficial for her, such as lemon water.

    2. Focused on last week’s meditation this week, and forgot to incorporate this one! I have been loving the Soul Love meditation lately though, as I had been feeling blocked up in this practice, but found a way for it to flow naturally.

    3. Been getting back into green smoothies, feels great! Doing more like 40oz a day though, been low on veggies.

    4. I posted my homework last week but it hasn’t shown up. This seems to happen often, and I would like to know if there is a way I can resolve this. It is a bit frustrating that I am making sure I get my hw in on time for nothing, and then having to rewrite it all later.


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