MI Training, Level 6 Week 2, Home-Play

  1. Read all students blogs from last week on love

2. Purchase a domain name. Write it here.

3. Receive at least one colonic or enema. I recommend the open system with one tube only for water to flow in and feces to flow out around the outside of the tube. This way you can release when you want to as opposed to when the practitioner releases the valve. Try both to see which you prefer. Experiment. I suggest chlorella implants. Use probiotics to fill your colon with healthy bacteria. If you don’t release unhealthy physical matter from your body it will be more difficult to change and create new healthy emotional patterns and thoughts. Blog (in both blogs) about the importance of this. Leave the link here as usual. Please keep it short. You may also write about your experience or teach others how to do a colonic or enema. If you use an enema bag be sure to use organic coconut oil on the tip for easy insertion. :))) Colonics are a huge part of healing as the intestines are a major factor in the immune system and they must be flowing, not clogged with toxins or bulging, etc., in order for a person to heal. PS- Jen left a "how to do an enema" link on our SSL FB group. 

4. What are you adding to your loving list this week?

5. 30 minute reading on your AP’s addiction. Read in two parts: 15 minutes looking at the causes of the addiction and the effects of it on their body, emotions and life and 15 minutes on the cures and what to do to heal it. Make sure you remember what each cause is so that you can address each one (physical and emotional) during the latter part of the reading. Always write about it here and only highlight the major cause and cure. In other words, please keep it succinct. 

6. Meditation: "I am a successful business person." Visualize what that means to you. How do you feel? How are you dressed? How often do you work? How much do you make? Who are your clients? What kind of readings do you do? Please write a short amount about this experience and not just, "done."

7. Take this food susceptibility quiz and watch the video. http://foodfreedomquiz.com/

New Reading Procedures

Pre Reading:

1. Confidential

2. Yawning

3. How I read energy

4. Their question/topic

During Reading:

5. Names

6. Half cons/cause, half pros/cure


7. Thank you, this reading is now complete

8. How do you feel?

12 comments on “MI Training, Level 6 Week 2, Home-Play

  1. Chelsea

    1. I read all the blogs that were available on Love. I really enjoyed them and they made me contemplate if I am truly loving myself.

    2. I have a domain for my spiritually based creative business. (www.akashcreative.com) However,I did buy one for the assignment in case I do have my Medical Intuitive practice on a separate site. It is http://www.energyspirithealer.com

    3. The enema: I went to Walgreens to purchase an enema bag/kit, however it was not the kind I was looking for (it was the squeeze bottle kit)…I was going to try amazon. I will hopefully have it before our class on Wednesday.

    4. This week, I am adding working on my creative business and Medical Intuitive class, lots of meditating, continued refraining from sugar, alcohol and coffee, yoga…

    5. Our reading is scheduled for 6pm PST tonight. (Will update right after.)

    6. Meditation: “I am a successful business person.” I look like myself, but dressed more to my style, more jewelry that I love, confident, feeling powerful. Work is flowing and abundant, but orchestrated to be self-sufficient in some ways. I do woman’s moon circles, group healings and readings as well as private clients, energy readings and healings. I also have a shop and space in my home for gatherings. My clients are individuals who are looking for guidance and want to learn how to help themselves and share their healing stories to others for self-empowerment.

    7. I took the food quiz. I loved the information she shared. It just reinforced my desire to heal my addiction with sugar (and flour).

    1. Chelsea

      3. I ordered the enema kit from amazon.

      5. I had a beautiful reading from my AP. Here is the reading I gave her on her addiction to sugar. I saw the energy of her around 12 years old with feelings of overwhelm related to the pressure of needing to be perfect. The sugar addiction ensued to distract her from the pressure. I also so my partner as a teen in high school feeling like she didn’t fit in with female friends and eating sugar to help her feel better about that. I also saw a gray cloud over her head that felt like a magnet pulling her down with sadness because of the addiction. I saw her stomach being affected by the ice cream she was eating, feeling bloated. The cure for this was to breath in the feelings of pressure, and overwhelm and acknowledge the 12 year old and to release it. The same for the other situation. We filled with gold healing light and talked about some things her energy was needing to replace the sugar (protein and iron came up). I felt the warm, yellow sun replace the gray cloud and one of her angels came in to tell her she was loved and supported in her healing.

  2. Susan Palmer


    2. Life-illuminator.com

    3. I literally have spent a huge amount of time trying to find somewhere that sells enema bags. To my amazement, no success. So I’m going to order one online and do it when the bag comes. But:

    4. Sing, Stop and really listen to someone, Read to my mom, Lie on ground and relax, Allow myself to sit and hang out with housemates for ½ hr, Epsom salt bath, Go for a walk, Allow myself time to make goodies, Eat organic food, Do my homework, Work on my paperwork, mail, and get organized, Massage my throat/neck, Allowed myself time to go to the symphony with a friend, Let tears flow

    5. Her addiction is creating distance when she has the opportunity to be intimate. As a child, conditioned to feel great distance from your parents, as their faces were high above yours as you sat on the ground. This created distrust that you are loved. Affects — Body: tissues shriveling up, draining life out of you; Emotions: Sadness, feeling alone, and frustrated; Life: self-doubt, holding back.
    Healing: 1)Practice moving incrementally closer to partner, each time waiting until feel safe. Feel her gentleness & loving, voice to her what you’re feeling. 2) Affirmations. E.g. I am safe, beautiful. I am okay. I am open to giving & receiving love. See your heart chakra opening with her. 3) Do a meditation on your parents, having compassion & forgiveness for them, knowing they loved you and were doing the best they could.

    6. I am confident, smiling because I’m enjoying it. I’m happy, independent & prosperous. I have plenty of $. I am relieved to not feel burdened by the survival aspects of life. Work is flexible, no more than half time. I make
    ~$40,000/yr. Clients are nice people and horses.

    7. I was an 8.

  3. Ruth

    1. Blog posts: I enjoyed reading all the blogs and different perspectives on becoming love.

    2. Domain name: vitalityhealings.com

    3. Enema: I purchased a kit from amazon and did a salt water enema. I wanted to start with something easy to start. Many years ago I did some deeper cleanses and have seen the mucoid plaque build up that is released. Seeing this in my own body made me understand the importance of doing enemas or colonics to clear out the intestinal walls and release toxins that are impairing digestion and causing other health problems. I’m looking forward to doing another one using a medicinal formula for more deeper cleansing. My blog: https://intuitiveinsightspathway.wordpress.com/2016/09/20/why-colon-cleansing-is-important/

    4. Loving List: Taking time to make new friends, packing lunches and food for the day, embracing the feeling of being stripped away of identities and free of structure, giving myself time to be tired and rest without judgement. Using crystals to help clear and release blocked energy.

    5. AP Reading: Her addition is sugar. This is related to the many masks she wears in her life (work, friends, family, etc) that feel really separate, not integrated. The stress and anxiety of managing these different parts of herself at a deep level are linked to the sugar cravings. Emotionally this lack of integration is sometimes exhausting, but keeps her moving fast from this and the next thing. Sometimes it’s too fast. Another connection is fear and feelings around finances and feeling safe.
    One way to heal this is to take the palm of one hand and place it on top of the other, trace your fingers up your arm and say I don’t need sugar, I am safe, taken care of, loved etc. This can be done whenever getting sugar cravings, both hands. Eat fresh parsley.

    5. Meditation: I’m glowing and my eyes are bright. I’m centered, grounded, and living my heart’s desires. I’m doing healings in-person using different modalities and long distance work including some kind of life coaching. I’m teaching toltec shamanic practices about using masks and mirrors, and obsidian mirrors for healing. i want to empower others to take their healing into their own hands by providing practical tools, exercises, and meditations. My clothes are more flowing and relaxed. I have a flexible schedule. I’m financially comfortable and able to travel in free time.

    6. Foodquiz: I was a 2.

  4. Jennifer Connery

    1.) I read all of the blogs. They were all so unique and put such an incredible touch on love!

    2.) My domain name is medicalintuitiveguidance.com

    3.) I finally found an enema bag tonight after looking for days and will cleanse tomorrow. Will keep you posted afterwards through blog and SSL post.

    4.) I’m adding to my loving list this week my ability to know when a situation doesn’t serve me and having the ability to softly look for areas of work that feel lucrative and fair.

    5.) At a young age my Ap was scorned by her mother. She had a need to feel validated and accepted as well as safe. The judgmental energy was affecting her to this day. It led the pathway to many addictions where she felt a need to feel free which she temporarily did then it stopped working for her. There was a cord from her mother into her 2nd chakra which caused her to feel enmeshed and still not safe in her presence. To heal this area she needs to cut the cord and fill in constantly with self- love and validation bringing in a beautiful pink. I saw her finding other avenues for childcare such as meetings and support groups with nurturing women. Important to surround herself with empowering energy on all levels. At night instead of ice cream it would help to get nurturing from drinking tea. Seeing a tulsi rose would provide the comfort she’s craving. I saw all of her guides as well as mother Mary surrounding her in a blanket of love, comfort and safety.

    6. I am succesful meditation: I visualized myself in an office at in a home where I had my own sacred room. I make atleast $300 a day to start, charging $150 an hour. I see myself dressed comfortable yet elequent, with long flowing skirts and beautiful handcrafted jewelry that I’m able to afford. It feels easy and relaxing. My clients are a mixture of people I’ve known in my town for years who can’t wait to get a reading as well as online clients from all over the world. I see myself working alot with horses and traveling to meet with them to ranches around the country. I have all of the freedom I desire and I see myself and my son being able to take trips in the summer time without hesitation. I’m able to afford a brand new car which is a beautiful Honda Crv or a a new metalic green Subaru. I’m in love with helping others and have the time and energy to have a balanced life for me and my son in ease and comfort.

    7.) Took food suseptability quiz and rated a 3. Will watch video tomorrow morning.

  5. maia

    1- I loved the blogs and see how we all shade light on different aspects of love.
    2 – maiamedicina.com
    3- I didn’t have a chance to do that yet.
    4- This week I did something huge for me. I left the Board of Directors of the school I helped to create 5 years ago. I cried and cried but I knew it was the right thing to do, especially because in the last couple of years the amount of energy for me to be there, was affecting my sense of freedom and happiness.
    5- n/a
    6- I loved this meditation. To think about me as a business woman give me an amazing sense of freedom and wisdom. I dress simple and elegant; I work an average of a couple of hours a day, I make about 5000 a month ( for now), I work with people from all ages and all cultural backgrounds, I give many different types of readings, but my favorite are healing readings, relationship readings, and life purpose readings.
    7- I got a 3.

  6. Paedrin Blues

    Robin I am not seeing my homework! Is there any way that you can retrieve it so that I don’t have to write it again?

  7. Heather Viccaro

    1. done

    2. Still working on the domain name

    3. Booking for Thursday

    4. Adding Celery Juice early am which has done amazing things for my skin I love it

    5. Had a great reading with my AP very healing and helpful

    6. Have been getting meditation done in the am but have not thought much meditated on success. I do know that I want. and that is to
    I want to work from my home office Monday-Thursday and see in person or over the phone 4 -5 people per day at $125- $150 per visit doing acupuncture with readings or readings over the phone. People are drawn to my Acupuncture practice because of my unique way style of practice combing acupuncture with readings/energy healing.
    I have another successful business which I am starting now doing Cosmetic Acupuncture and Anti-Aging which focuses on beauty from the inside out and offers women a natural healthy alternative to botox. I also do weight loss and cellulite treatment and teach about the importance of detoxification. In the future I may also make and or sell natural beauty products infused with a little magic. Really this ends up being a spiritual based business the end goal is to teach women about energy and how that is an important piece. I just got out of a bad relationship and can tell you that I feel that I look completely different then I did a few weeks ago for the better.


  8. Robin

    1. Done

    2. Domain name Healingintolight.com

    3. Did enema, I was intimidated before I began, and a little nervous also, but I definitely felt lighter and more free after I finished the process. Still need to blog, will update when done.

    4. Adding to my loving list: more kundalini yoga, swimming as weather still permits, went out this wk\end with old friends, time for myself, daily meditation & energy routine, lots of healthy food, no ice cream!

    5. AP reading:
    There was anger from not being validated, not getting her needs met, anger and frustration from not getting the love and support she craved as a child… Smoke, trying to release the stress and tension, but it’s only temporary. I saw her cut off between her heart and throat/head. She needs to breath and oxygenate her body, cells, whole being…. Feel her connection to source , stay grounded in her body, grounded into earth and connected from above also… I saw worry, for her to release it and turn it into an affirmative prayer of what she is worried about. So much compassion and love surrounds her, breath it in and feel it for yourself! Serenity prayer will be helpful also. Be present, surrender and bring yourself back to the moment.

    6. I will update this as well.

    7. Done, I scored a 9… I based it on my past when I was actively bulemic. I haven’t struggled like that for a long time now thankfully.

  9. Robin

    3) blog completed:


    6) I am a successful business person:
    I feel useful and competent, I love that I’m able to help people. I am dressed very feminine, flowy dresses, maybe a touch of gothic. I work as much or as little as I like, but I love it and do not consider it ‘work’. I make $3000 a month. I’m not really sure yet who my clients are or what kind of readings I will do. I’m thinking their may be some intuitive Angel/oracle card readings, maybe working with crystals also. I know I’m very interested in energy medicine too. This is something I’m hoping will become more clear for me soon.


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