MI Training Level 6 Week 1 Home-Play

  1. Finish listening to the audio homework from last week under Advanced Modules: Cite Creations.
  2. Decide on a domain name and find one that is free and purchase it.
  3. Create a numbered list on a document of the loving things that you do, such as, eating organic food. Add to it as you go. We will see who has the most at the end of this level.
  4. Reduce your unloving list throughout this level. What is your game plan to stop yourself from doing unloving things?
  5. Personal blog only: Blog about becoming LOVE and what that means. Write what you like. You may write about your own process. All students must have an on-line personal blog by now. I recommend Word Press. Copy the link to your blog and make sure it works when you click on it.
  6. Meditation: Soul Love & IFG

12 comments on “MI Training Level 6 Week 1 Home-Play

  1. Chelsea

    1. Finished videos

    2. I am continuing with the domain I have for my spiritual based business where I will offer Medical Intuitive readings.

    3. Loving Myself document created.

    4. I have already cut out 3 things on my list! I am getting used to some major changes. I plan to continue to do more and just by taking this class, one of the biggest ones will be eliminated in time.

    5. https://soulbeautifulblog.wordpress.com/2016/09/12/loving-myself-through-my-sugar-cravings/

    6. I have been doing the meditations.

  2. Ruth

    1. Website Videos: Done

    2. Domain name: I have a short list of available domain names that I’m considering. I will aim to finalize and purchase before class.

    3. Loving Myself Document: Done

    4. Plan for Reducing Unloving List: One of the areas I will focus on is my job and making sure that I take care of myself and make better choices throughout the day. I also want to exercise more and get stronger physically. I want to practice patience with myself and challenge myself to speak from the heart and to be mindful of my words when communicating.

    5: https://intuitiveinsightspathway.wordpress.com/2016/09/11/becoming-love/

    6. Meditations: Done

  3. Susan Palmer

    1. Still in the process

    2. I’m working on this. Have picked a name but have not purchased it yet.

    3. In process.

    4. Game plan is to check in with my body, my heart & my solar plexus before doing those things that I know are unloving to me.

    5. https://medium.com/p/b82d4dffa1f5/edit

    6. Doing some days. Having technical difficulties that make it inaccessible.

  4. Maia Caccavari

    1- Done!
    2- Done!
    3- On the making.
    4- Working on it. I realized at this point the biggest unloving thing I’m doing to myself is procrastination caused by fear of failure. I’m realizing this is a big one for me.
    5- My blog post is not finished yet. I’m having resistance to finish it. It keeps feeling incomplete.
    6- Doing it every morning and evening!

  5. Robin

    1) done

    2) still working on this

    3) in the process

    4) I really didn’t think I was being unloving to myself, so am becoming more aware of this. I have begun re-reading ‘Loving Yourself to Great Health’ by Louise Hay and two other’s, and more importantly, practicing it more! I’ve also begun a brainwave entrainment audio program.

    5) am finding it difficult to write my blog post, it will be here when done:


    5) doing mefitations

  6. Paedrin Blues

    1. Finished modules

    2. Bought my domain a month or two ago and now I’m kind of wishing I had been able to take into account the things you pointed out! Oh well.. it is paedrinblues.com.

    3. Document created.

    4. I had dropped the ball on my morning routine of writing my affirmations for the past few months. Picking this back up this past week has helped me to consciously make time for myself, and I have been doing things like resting, pampering myself, and setting better boundaries.

    5. My internet has been down so I haven’t been able to post my blog this week, but I am working on a document right now and will post by this weekend.

    6. So enjoying the meditations!

  7. Heather Viccaro

    1. Audio not done

    2. I have a few domains already one is my name I would like to use this rather then getting another for right now I think (its my name)


    4. I plan to stop, breathe, and think before I act and also think through the action and its consequence. I think that this point in my healing I do love myself. I have more work to do on that but I want to feel happy and healthy by honoring my physical body.

    5. Its on a word doc

    6. I have been meditating almost every morning now


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