MI Training, Level 2 Week 6 Homeplay

  1. Gratitude Diaries: Chapter 9 spoken/10 written.

2. AP call: Read the color orange, healthy and unhealthy

3. Listen to the audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender Grounding

4. Meditations: Intentions, Gender Grounding, Soul Love- 5 minutes each per day.

Remember to fill up with the strength and purity of healthy black this week and have fun!!! Let’s notice where this allows us all to be stronger and feel free to post about it on our FB page.


26 comments on “MI Training, Level 2 Week 6 Homeplay

  1. Emily

    Gratitude Diaries: Chapter 9 spoken/10 written.
    2. AP call: Read the color orange, healthy and unhealthy
    3. Listen to the audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender Grounding
    4. Meditations: Intentions, Gender Grounding, Soul Love- 5 minutes each per day.

    Unhealthy Orange:
    lack of creativity, low sex drive, hyper sex drive, low self esteem, feeling lost, lack of purpose, lack of drive, cold, bitter, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, heavy periods, lack of period, early menopause, hormonal imbalance, frustration, hair loss, digestion issues in upper and lower intestine, loneliness, pale skin, Vitamin C & D deficiency, anemia, stifled, dehydrated, dry desert, death valley, dry spells, droughts,

    Healthy Orange:
    vibrant, energetic, healthy sex, passion, creative juices, a clear path in life & direction, bettering your talents, knowing strengths, art/artistic, natural, healthy, slow, happy, juicy, oranges, glowing radiant skin, healthy relationships, healthy boundaries, positive work ethic, healthy family dynamics, sacral chakra functioning well, fertility, wise sage aging vibrantly and sharing her wisdom, physically active, dance and cardio exercise, eggs/yolk/nutrients in the yellow yolk. magnesium, zinc, self love, self care

  2. Lil

    1. Gratitude Diaries: Chapter 9 spoken/10 written – did it.
    2. AP call: Read the color orange, healthy and unhealthy
    Unhealthy orange – puke, rotten, clogged kidneys, clogged lungs, foul smell, hot, infection, annoyed, irritable unpleasant, fear, smudge, exhausted, fatigued, fatigued adrenals, warm, stale, stagnant, flat

    Healthy orange – fruit, health, vibrancy, calm, orange, papaya, happiness, cool, vibrant, exhilarating, free, circular, fresh, sweet, baby, newborn, dimples, light, purity, himalayan salt,

    3. Listen to the audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender Grounding – did it
    4. Meditations: Intentions, Gender Grounding, Soul Love- 5 minutes each per day – most days

  3. angel

    1. Listened to gratitude diaries
    2. AP Call: Unhealthy: Stagnate, moldy, sick, inflammation, canker sore, herpes, stuck, hell, demons, trickster, car accident, danger
    Healthy: Lightness, joy, peaceful, calm, warm, pumpkin pie, sweet, family, pulse, apricots, juicy.
    3.Listened to the audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender grounding
    4. Meditations: Intentions, gender grounding, soul love-5 minutes most days.

  4. Phaedra

    1. Listened to Gratitude Diaries Chapter 9

    2. Read the color orange with AP:

    Orange (the fruit), vitamin C, stronger immune system, juicy, yummy, nourishing, quenching thirst, warm, cuddly, snooze, nutritious, plain good, invigorating, sun, sun ray, cat, furry, cuddly, seeping through, tingly, poppy, sleepy, relaxed, drowsy, alert, bright, clarity, insight, accommodating, freedom, reflection, changing colors, salmon, omega-3, carrots, carotin, orange pepper

    Rotten, turning brown, rotten orange food, too much information, blinding, sun in your eye, skin problems, skin disease, rotten fruit/ veggies that are orange, gripping too tight, stubbornness, pressure in the forehead, pressure in nasal cavity, pressure/ tension at top of spine, pancreatic cancer, sluggish, stagnation, cancerous, growth, overgrowth, uncontrollable, out of hand, rotten pumpkin, Halloween, negative spirits, negative vibes, traffic accident, clean-up, debris, cracking bones, gas leak

    3. Listened to Sexuality and Gender Grounding- thank you for this Robin!

    4. Practiced Intentions, Soul Love and Gender Grounding daily.

  5. maia

    1 – Gratitude Diaries: read
    2. AP call: Read the color orange, healthy and unhealthy.
    Orange unhealthy: obsession, memory loss, co-dependency, love addiction, gas, putrid, accumulation of wealth, greediness, ego, lungs congestion, breast cancer, unwilligness to follow through, fear of abandonment, mental confusion, attitude of superiority, arrogance.
    Orange healthy: fun, connection, friends, dancing, exploring, curiosity, love, generosity, bright ideas, creativity, expansion, good with children, humbleness, being a student of life, gratitude, faith, surprise, running, healthy lymphatic system, healthy gums, connection with flowers realm.
    3. Audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender Grounding done.
    4. Meditations: done.

  6. Mitsuko

    1. Gratitude Diaries: Listened to Chapter 9 spoken
    2. Unhealthy Orange reading with AP:
    rotting loquat, arrows flying in the sky, dramatic love story, Hanuman love story, fullness in your belly, too much food, stagnation, backed up, sour, rotting, brothers turning against brothers, desperation, despair, love sick, attachment, grief, emptiness, nostalgia, holding on, uncomfortable in your own body, closed, closed off, afraid of one’s own voice, rusty, wearing away, not wanting to move forward, bird throwing up on a person.

    Healthy Orange Reading with AP:
    orange sky- fells warm and soft and romantic, bowl of oranges, fresh, exotic, refreshing on every level, silver jewelry which feels feminine and peaceful, ocean, warm waters that is really calm, sensual sand that’s warm, peaceful, euphoric, the sun as a big orange in the sky cut down the middle, Orange Sunshine, brotherly, sisterly, a big tribe family, connection, depth in everyday life, mothering seabirds, ocean in the horizon, purifying, cleansing, child-like and pure and calming, rope swings (innocence, fun, child-like), circles like cycles, coming full circle, blue

    3. Listened to the audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender Grounding

    4. Working my best to do Meditations focusing on Intentions, Gender Grounding, Soul Love- 5 minutes each per day.

  7. jennifer

    1.) listened to Gratitude Diaries Ch. 9. Amazing chapter!
    2. ) Read the color orange with my son- added a few things after. 😉

    A cabin at night, a man sitting in a chair early 1900’s with no family-loneliness, a burnt orange sky, war-fear and despair. Masturbation out of boredom, addiction and drugs, instant gratification, latch key kids-boredom, no friends-despair and sadness. Abandoned animals-hunger and poverty, inappropriate sexual touch, weird sexual energy. sexual confusion, promiscuity, being locked in a room-isolation, no choices, A mother bringing child place to place in own accord- no choices against will. Heavy menstruation, pms, no passion or hobbies, desperate, ridicule, not appreciated.

    Healthy- Party, celebration, a summer day, a beautiful town, family closeness- a tight connection to family. A brother and sister having fun-warmth and comfort, a home cooked dinner, laying on the beach in the warmth glow of the sun-enveloped by the glow and warmth- feeling content. A birthday celebration, Batmitsva. Feeling protected and adored and safe in a relationship. Happy, alive and embracing life.

    3.) Listened to sexuality and gender grounding audio.
    4.) Daily meditations- gender grounding, soul love and intentions.

  8. Ruth

    1. Listened to Gratitude Diaries Chapter 9

    2. AP call: orange
    Unhealthy: smashed pumpkin, means all of a sudden it’s over, in the past. Canned pumpkins, dog walking who seems sad and lonely, something in the body near the trachea or lung area, some unhealthy goo. Opaque cloud over someone’s head, blocking their inner seeing, house burning down.

    Healthy: Field of golden grass with orange glow meaning abundance, face with a big smile, joy, vacuum meaning cleanliness, clean and shiny, pumpkin pie, horse furry with winter coat and seems content, people running and laughing and shrieking with joy.

    3. Listened to sexuality and gender grounding audio (thank you for this!)

    4. Practiced meditations – intentions, gender grounding, soul love.

  9. Chelsea

    1. Read Gratitude Diaries: Chapter 9 spoken/10 written.
    2. AP call (Emily): Read the color orange:
    flakey, self indulgent, sunburnt, chemical treatment from pesticides, abusive power, ungrateful, contempt, blood pressure, adrenals, endocrine glands, leukemia, impatience, expectations, power struggles, panic, alarms, offensive, caution, guarded, restricted, conditional, no entry, destroyed, large, demonic, controlling, bitter sweet, fake sweet, too much sugar, warfare, battle, fear.
    Royal, respect, self respect, code of arms, emblem, good signs, healing, white blood cells, life vibrance, warmth, sunshine, happiness, grounded, family, stability, wildness, tribe, vibrancy, sunkissed, vitamines, nourished, contest, ease, joyful, jubilation, tasty, all five senses, mostly smell, taste, taste buds, terrace, treasure, keep summertime, flaurel, abundance.

    3. Listened to the audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender Grounding (really enjoyed it)

    4. Did my daily meditations

  10. Margaret

    1. Gratitude Diaries: Read

    2. AP call:
    Unhealthy:Out of control fire, destruction, prison clothing, being confined (imprisoned), Women in prison, bullying, Cheap movies, orange demon eyes, colour for evil. Medicine bottles indicating illness or imbalance. Sore throat, suffocation. popular but off base or risqué dance costumes. Frightening emotions. A volcanic mood, digestive illness. Throbbing muscles- inflammation.
    Healthy: Fullness or harvesting of ones efforts. Exuberance, wildness- Parrots flying, beautiful, colourful, wild beings in flight. Orange flowers swaying, beautiful dancing flowers moving with the current. A boat with orange sails-moving with the wind. Standing out in a crowd- a good thing. Uninhibited, being spontaneous, unrestrained.

    3. Listen to the audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender Grounding: Will do tonight

    4. Meditations: Intentions, Gender Grounding, Soul Love- Done

  11. Crystal

    1/ Gratitude Diaries / read Ch. 10
    2/ AP Unhealthy orange: rotten pumpkin, putrid smell of rotten pumpkin, stagnant energy, being stubborn, not wanting to change, set in our ways, negative patterns, scarecrow in a field, covering up your true self, hiding behind something, a tough image to protect your self, picked away corn on the cob, people taking pieces of you, until there’s nothing left, need to set boundaries, taking care of self, taking too much care of others, not getting enough nutrition

    Healthy orange
    Sunset, a beautiful ending, form of orange trees, people picking them, living off the land, eating natural food, working for the fruits of your labor, feeling of waiting patiently, all the seeds have been planted, things will eventually come, sacral chakra, passion, adventure, new beginnings, sunrise, excitement, new journey about to start

    3/ will be listening to S&GG meditation tonight
    4/ Intentions, gender grounding, Soul Love (and SL cd) // done

  12. Jamie

    1. Listened to the next chapter
    2. AP:
    Unhealthy: kool aid- orange dye, artificial flavor, artificial color, American culture – McDonald’s – selling toxic food to children, a neon color that I don’t like, polyester clothes that don’t breathe, Chinese dragon in a loud and noisy parade, 70s wallpaper, gummy bears, kids eating too much candy, orange toenail polish that is half chipped off – neglect of one’s body or using it as a way to get attention, sluttiness, sloppiness, manipulation, disgusting frosting on a cake from the grocery store, Jell-O – Uncomfortable parties and potlucks that you don’t want to be at.
    Healthy- Orange amplifier for a guitar- great music coming out, Lifesavers, hula hoop – childhood, carefree, fun, skipping down the street, orange lines on my tennis shoes – new life, hip-hop dancing, enjoying being in my body, Orange moon – power, orange sun – new day rising, bright orange begonias – giving a gift to someone very precious to me, David Bowie – creative genius and very bold, beauty that takes your breath away, Hawaiian dancers, sea creatures, coral reef underwater- hidden vibrant life, going deep to find it, sexuality, summer treats – sorbet and popsicle by a pool which goes with the sexuality, fire and campground, The fire and campground scene from Brokeback mountain intense sexuality manifesting in physical form.
    3. I will be listening to the sexuality and gender grounding tonight.
    4. Did the meditations and smoothies most days.

  13. Robin

    1) need to finish listening to Gratitude Diaries.

    2) AP call reading orange:
    Unhealthy: bratty, bratty, bratty. .petulant, manipulative, emotionally manipulative, lashing out, not in a violent way but in bratty way. ..self-centered, self – absorbed, almost narcissistic, loving drama. .feeding off energy of drama of other people. ..other people’s hurt. ..like putting others down in order to elevate self. ..indignant, sharp tongue , immature. ..juvenile in negative sense. ..stuck, stunted more than stuck. ..some area of development in emotional being was stunted….i infected, like puss…inflammation, irritation. .allergies. .discomfort, uncomfortable heat. ..pressure, discomfort …lack of space or freedom of expression
    Healthy:: vitality ..i see turmeric, eases inflammation. ..Healthy orange as calming, strong and calming. ..a lot of vitality in healthy orange. ..juicy, sensual, sexuality, orgasmic …compassionate….i see sunny when i go deeper into that, life-giving..a warmth that makes life possible. .a warmth that elevates self and others. ..independent, self contained, able to be a positive presence and not take in unwanted things from others. ..something about foundation. .the beginning of things, kinda saw some lava..like a transition more on the side of new beginnings, new creation..babies, fertility. ..creation and the act of creation. ..I’m seeing lava, a volcano going off. .that opens the doors to positive self expression

    3) Listened to sexuality and gender grounding audio.

    4) meditations; intention, gender grounding and soul love most days

  14. christina k

    1. Read Gratitude Diaries
    2. Read the color orange with AP

    Jamie’s reading, orange:
    Sunset- ending of something big.
    mix of colors- harmony
    himalayan sea salt- clearing negative energy
    being in light
    orange in a rainbow- physical power
    sixth chakra – gender grounding
    lollipop- sweet taste
    kindness, friendship, childhood,

    rusty- things that aren’t taken care of, neglected
    ugly orange suitcase – emotional baggage
    orange ash tray
    orange coffee mugs- caffeine
    mexican rattlensakes – poison

    3. Sexuality and Gender Grounding- incorporated some techniques from Nan using orange oil, and bought some black Tourmaline stone to ground and clear away negative energy from my ex.
    Have placed rose quarts around my bedroom

    4. Practiced Soul Love and grounding, drank a smoothie every day. Trying to drink more water.

  15. Susan Palmer

    Gratitude Diaries: Chapter 9 spoken
    AP call:
    Unhealthy orange: isolation, loneliness, disconnection, throwing up, withering, fragile, meek, something about the bones not being lubricated, joints not working properly, sour, cold, children with frowning faces – no joy, blood – lack of good circulation.

    Healthy: The Buddha, enlightenment, very holy & very sacred, lots of Hindu goddesses, sun, warmth & connection & community, oranges, butterflies, freedom & flow, lightness, sweet (tender), fire in the sense that it’s a reflection of purification; rocks & stones in the earth with orange hue, like mica and flaky.

    3. Listened to the audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender Grounding several times
    4. Did Meditations on Intentions, Gender Grounding, Soul Love- 5 minutes each per day, not every day though.

  16. Kat

    1. Gratitude Diaries: Chapter 9 spoken/10 written. DONE
    2. AP call: Read the color orange


    Rotton Orange: rotten fruit- being filled with poison/ negative emotion; being unhappy and in such a negative place that It spoils everything; being in such a negative place that it brings others down; no hope; no light at the end of the tunnel – any light seen appears as a train; smells bad; acidic; slimy; someone who is very pessimistic and doesn’t want to change their point of view- stubborn, set in their ways; stuck in despair; jealousy; hopeless

    Bright shiny orange- looks good- is appealing, tasty; positive; hopeful; promising; the future is bright, happy, joyful, fun; an orange ball- kids playing and having fun, bouncing the ball, free; not brought down by weight of the world; can bounce back easily; not easily dragged down; buoyant; uplifting presence for others; things roll off; having a strong positive aura about oneself where so healthy and strong within self that not brought down by others and can lift others; able to overcome

    3. Listen to the audio meditation on Sexuality & Gender Grounding WILL DO TUESDAY MORNING

    4. Meditations: Intentions, Gender Grounding, Soul Love- 5 minutes each per day. DONE

  17. Heather

    1. Gratitude Diaries- Started it
    2. Read the color Orange after morning meditation

    Fibroids, cysts-on the energetic level not yet manifested on the physical, Not knowing who one is
    Afraid to take the next step, Unclaimed desires, Sluggish, Deficiency of Vit A and K, D.

    Creative, Artistic, Feeling connected to ones self, grounded, Knowing ones self, In touch with ones own magic, writing, Scent-i think it was patchouli, fun, charismatic, spunky, herbs/tinctures charged by the moons energy to dissolve cysts and fibroids nodules in womb. Rubbing the tincture or herbal preparation on the womb.

    3. Started Listening to gender grounding will finish Tues.

    4. Mediations-Done doing well with this, loving them.

    (i know I am late but I wanted to post anyway and I will get better organized.) Thank you


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