MI Training, Level 13, Week 1, Home-Play

  1. Write a blog on how the niceness disease causes cancer. Reference the MI class reading you did without mentioning names.
  2. Call your AP and talk about your blog and feelings around the topic of boundaries and the Niceness Disease. Where in your life do you need to be more honest and authentic?
  3. Look for people you don’t know who have medical issues to read. You will need one person (stranger) per week for the rest of this level to read for HW. Post in FB, flyers in stores, email list/newsletters or word of mouth that you are a medical intuitive in training looking for people who have an illness or disease to read for free. Make it a great offer that people can’t resist! Get the practice in now while you have the group’s and my support.
  4. Keep a short list of aspirations to meditate and visualize on daily.
  5. Meditation, exercise and green smoothies daily if possible.

2 comments on “MI Training, Level 13, Week 1, Home-Play

  1. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Blog written and can be seen on http://www.intuitiveguidancetohealth.com

    2.) Called Ap and talked about boundaries. I had a series of niceness events in the past 2 weeks. My work to strenghten comes from realizing I’m just as important as anyone else and worthy of speaking my truth!

    3.) Read a stranger on thyroid, heart and diabtes issues.

    4.) Working on aspirations, so far my main ones are
    -Speaking up for myself and releasing guilt.
    – Learning to gain confidence in business and wanting to write more engaging blogs
    -Believing that I deserve a peaceful living situation.

    5.) Smoothies started up again though I need to add greens.


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