MI Training, Level 12, Week 1, Home-Play

  1. Daily Meditation: Focus on you. 30-60 minutes of silent meditation simply finding your center and connection to God~Love.

2. Email me a copy of your New Patient Form. You may take what you like from mine, which is linked on my website.

3. AP Reading: 1 hour each. Email your AP your business’s “New Patient” form and have them fill it out. Add them to your newsletter list if they want to receive it. Speed through the “Terms” in a clear and concise manner. Give them a reading (and healing) on one health issue based on their form. Record it and send it to them within one business day.


5 comments on “MI Training, Level 12, Week 1, Home-Play

  1. Jennifer Connery

    1.) I have been meditating almost daily focusing inward. Feeling better

    2.) New patient form has been mailed.

    3.) Filled out new patient form and sent to Ap.

    Ap reading- Questions 1.) Why am I fatigued? 2.) How can I furthur succeed in my business?

    The cause of fatigue is due to guilt and not feeling secure in speaking her truth and believing in herself. It will also be helpful to release sugar and starch and to incorporate more fruits and Ester vitamin C. Her business will be more successful in time by letting people know first that she is an energy reader as well as inviting more women to her monthly moon ceremonies asking for donations. The rest will happen in time and pursurverance.

  2. Chelsea

    1. Meditating regularly.

    2. Emailed my New Patient Form.

    3. AP Reading on her fatigue:
    I saw the fatigue there to help the patient to rest as her cells are drastically regenerating because of all the work she has done with healing. Her inner child still needs nurturing and healing in the heart center in regards to not feeling like she could express herself fully as a youth. During the healing I saw her comforting her inner child with the help of a beautiful angel. I saw that resting is sacred for her now and that the inner child will dissipate back into her as she opens herself to healing. Her mantra is “I allow myself to heal.”

  3. Paedrin Blues

    1. Have not been meditating! Will ground that in this week.

    2. New Patient Form sent.

    3. The constant pain and pressure in AP’s lower back was due to her own internal conflict regarding her mother and what it means to be a woman. Her mother was happy that AP was going against the grain and following her dreams and stepping out of the domesticated housewife box that was the social norm, however AP’s mother had regrets about the decisions she made in her own life and that she didn’t take the steps that her daughter was taking. AP felt this regret on an energetic level and felt shame, and so stifled her own creativity and drive. She didn’t choose one path or the other with the conviction, so it was put in place for her and what resulted was an energetic metallic small ring in her lower back, which could be used to hold her back. Her energies are moving forward and onward and upward yet her back is being “pinned to the wall”, and this was creating the tension.

  4. Paedrin Blues

    3. Your soul transcends gender, step once more into your own Divinity and allow yourself to Be, with tethers unchained. Following your heart can only bring good to you and the world.

  5. Susan

    1. Some days up to 20 min only

    2. Done

    3. My AP’s tiredness and anemia are caused by old cigarette residue in the lungs inhibiting the absorption of oxygen, also parasites in the small intestine. Emotional causes can be helped by more self-nurturing & allowing the mind to calm, to let go of responsibilities & worry.


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