MI Training, Level 10 Week 5, Homeplay

  1. AP Reading:

Spleen (45 minutes each). General reading (Personality, texture/visual, health) including everything you see naturally. Also, “What is the spleen afraid of and what does the spleen love?” Make sure you use your reading procedures including: summary and next step. Record it and send it to your AP and me via email.

2. MI Book:

Spleen: Spiritual and physical meaning. Also, add “Spleen conditions” here: http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/picture-of-the-spleen#1

3. 1 Abraham audio or meditation:

Write the name of it here and what it was about. (One sentence only.) Post it to your blog and FB page.

4. Grey's Anatomy: optional


6 comments on “MI Training, Level 10 Week 5, Homeplay


    3.) Abraham Hicks – “Every time you feel fear stop”
    Fear will change the experience every time.

    2.) The Spleen
    The spleen is an abdominal organ involved in the production and removal of blood cells in most vertebrates and forming part of the immune system.
    The spleen plays multiple supporting roles in the body. It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis. If the spleen detects potentially dangerous bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms in the blood, it — along with the lymph nodes — creates white blood cells called lymphocytesThe lymphocytes produce antibodies to kill the foreign microorganisms and stop infections from spreading.
    The color is dull bronze. The spleen is an advocate for moderation. Too much of anything is not healthy. Avoid any emotional obsessions – I am safe. I trust –I love- I am perfect as is— Acknowledge & thank the spleen. Apathy and disinterest can be seen – Give your spleen a hug! The spleen loves attention. The spleen is afraid of being forgotten. Don’t waffle over decisions – Be confident with your intuition.
    SPLEEN conditions
    • Enlarged Spleen (Splenomegaly): An enlarged spleen, usually caused by viral mononucleosis (“mono”), liver disease, blood cancers (lymphoma and leukemia), or other conditions.
    • Ruptured spleen: The spleen is vulnerable to injury, and a ruptured spleen can cause serious life-threatening internal bleeding and is a life-threatening emergency. An injured spleen may rupture immediately after an injury, or in some cases, days or weeks after an injury.
    • Sickle cell disease: In this inherited form of anemia, abnormal red blood cells block the flow of blood through vessels and can lead to organ damage, including damage to the spleen. People with sickle cell disease need immunizations to prevent illnesses their spleen helped fight

  2. Chelsea

    1. AP Reading:
    I saw my AP’s spleen a bit overworked and doing it’s job with the energy of having to work hard and struggle through processing issues. Her spleen is afraid of a dark place she visits energetically when she is feeling blue about not being more “accomplished and successful” in life. My AP’s spleen loves it when she relishes in a feeling of accomplishment and recognition for the amazing job she does as a mother. Her spleen also wants her to consider her struggles and lessons in the past with amusement.

    2. MI Book: Spleen

    Spiritual Definition: Processes choices and decisions regarding life direction, plans and purpose. It plays a vital role in this and is an indicator for weather or you are on the right path or not. The spleen like when you say “No” to things that do not serve you and it like when you say “Yes” to things that do. Sometimes this calls for bravery, and conquering fears in order to continue on the path for the greatest good. The spleen also likes when an individual has a goal and purpose. I intuitively saw the spleen as a little car wash for blood cells where cells are cleaned and rejuvenated. I saw it attached to another organ, most likely the stomach.

    Scientific Definition: The spleen is an organ in the upper far left part of the abdomen, to the left of the stomach. The spleen varies in size and shape between people, but it’s commonly fist-shaped, purple, and about 4 inches long. Because the spleen is protected by the rib cage, you can’t easily feel it unless it’s abnormally enlarged.
    The spleen plays multiple supporting roles in the body. It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

    3. Abraham audio or meditation:
    I love synchronicities and I’ve been listening the Abraham-Hicks all week before I knew it was on the homework. Here’s one that I loved about staying in the vortex by focusing your thoughts on feeling good for at least one minute:
    “One minute and you get into the Vortex right now – Try this”

  3. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Ap reading recording was sent. My Ap was working through a generational cycle with female ancestors and the allowance and celebration of being able to be oneself with pride while allowing others to do the same. In order to do this we cleared and completed the contract of this cycle and brought in healthy colors and self love.

    2.) MI book on Spleen:

    Physical Value:
    The spleen is located on the left side of the stomach below the ribs. Its functions are to filter blood. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen. Largest organ in the lymphatic system. Helps to keep bodily fluids balanced. The spleen helps to fight infection. The lymph nodes as well as the spleen create the white blood cells to attack bacteria or a virus if needed. The spleen can reuse older blood cells and store iron from them as well as hold up to a cup of blood if needed.
    – Enlarged Spleen- Caused by Cirrhosis, mononucleosis, Parasitic infections and cancer can cause spleen to enlarge.

    -Sickle cell disease- Similar to anemia where abnormal red blood cells block the flow of blood through vessels and can lead to organ damage, including damage to the spleen. People with sickle cell disease often need vaccines to prevent illnesses their spleen comes in contact with Thrombocytopenia which is also known as a low platelet count. An excessive numbers of the body’s platelets are stored in the spleen.
    -Splenomegaly can result in abnormally few platelets circulating in the blood.

    Spiritual Value:
    The spleen is related with our self -worth and inner knowing as well as being a decision maker. It’s a co- pilot to our 3rd chakra and becomes very important in guiding us through our teenage years and deciding who we are and what we want to become. Activities spleen enjoys is feeling content with a clear decision, spleen wants us to pick a path with joy and enthusiasm which helps us to make our mark in this world with chutzpah. It feels great when we have goals and attain them, and when we live up to our own values and desires in life.

    3.) Abraham HIx video: ‘Allow goodness to shower down on you’- Are you beating the drum of what you don’t want by justifying what is over here, you can’t hold yourself in vibrational defiance of what you’re asking for!’

  4. Susan

    1. My AP’s spleen had a personality of being task-oriented and focused. What it was afraid of was the possibility of others perceiving her as incompetent or not getting things done well. Her spleen loves epsom salt baths, short walks, green smoothies. Next steps were to say hello to different parts of her body while taking epsom salt bath, and to set intention of joy in the morning before going to work.
    (I forgot to hit Record, so no recording made!)

    2. MI Book: Spleen
    Spiritual value: (Will fill in soon)
    Physical definition: The spleen is an organ in the upper far left part of the abdomen, to the left of the stomach, and is about the size of a person’s fist. It acts as a filter for blood as part of the immune system. Old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

    The splenic artery brings blood to the spleen from the heart. Blood leaves the spleen through the splenic vein, which drains into a larger vein (the portal vein) that carries the blood to the liver. The spleen has a covering of fibrous tissue that supports its blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.

    The spleen is made up of two types of tissue:
    The white pulp is part of the infection-fighting (immune) system. It produces white blood cells called lymphocytes, which in turn produce antibodies (specialized proteins that protect against invasion by foreign substances).
    The red pulp filters the blood, removing unwanted material. The red pulp contains other white blood cells called phagocytes that ingest microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It also monitors red blood cells, destroying those that are abnormal or too old or damaged to function properly. In addition, the red pulp serves as a reservoir for different elements of the blood, especially white blood cells and platelets.

    3. Abraham morning meditation called A Morning Rampage to set your Day for MAGIC!
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIH1XMhV2EM&t=206s It’s about being aware of how I feel all day, and setting my intention to feel good and to use my guidance system all day.
    (I love the upbeat music and I dance to it as this plays. It makes me feel happy.)

  5. Paedrin Blues

    1. AP reading: neither recording worked, I’ll write a summary here.
    My AP’s spleen was irritated, inflamed, flustered, because it wanted her to be living her life in her full integrity and to her full potential. It was afraid that she would let herself down by not being in her fullness, and thus took up the space for her to be in her fullness by allowing that fear to take up all the room. There was also a contract made with grief in her spleen, that the grief of a past trauma would take up space here so that she wouldn’t “fall apart”. We broke the contract and AP needs to express that grief this week in order to get it all out. Her spleen loves “sunshine and lemonade”, loves citrus fruit and when AP does something silly and out of the ordinary which brings joy to herself and others. Wants her to bathe in the sunshine with the knowing that she is bathing in Source consciousness.

    2. Physical Value: The spleen is a fist-shaped organ beneath the bottom of the rib cage, to the left of the stomach. It filters blood- old red blood cells are recycled in the spleen, and platelets and white blood cells are stored there. Creates mature lymphocytes and serves as a reservoir for blood. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

    Enlarged Spleen (Splenomegaly): An enlarged spleen, usually caused by viral mononucleosis (“mono”), liver disease, blood cancers (lymphoma and leukemia), or other conditions.
    Ruptured spleen: The spleen is vulnerable to injury, and a ruptured spleen can cause serious life-threatening internal bleeding and is a life-threatening emergency. An injured spleen may rupture immediately after an injury, or in some cases, days or weeks after an injury.
    Sickle cell disease: In this inherited form of anemia, abnormal red blood cells block the flow of blood through vessels and can lead to organ damage, including damage to the spleen. People with sickle cell disease need immunizations to prevent illnesses their spleen helped fight.
    Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count): An enlarged spleen sometimes stores excessive numbers of the body’s platelets.
    Splenomegaly can result in abnormally few platelets circulating in the bloodstream where they belong.
    Accessory spleen: About 10% of people have a small extra spleen. This causes no problems and is considered normal.

    Spiritual Value: Determines how we process life.
    Is related to our decisions and self-worth.
    Wants us to stay in our integrity and Truth while handling all that life throws at us.
    Spleen gets angry when you are not on your right path.
    Where disappointments get stored.
    Likes clear goals.
    You can miss opportunities because of being shy or fearful.
    The storage of our desires- if we don’t give it the love and support it needs, it will not have the courage it needs for these desires to manifest.

    3. Abraham Hicks: Don’t Look Back at Who You’ve Been
    Your Inner Being doesn’t remember who you’ve been, it’s tuned to the wholeness, bigness, highest potential of that which you are. Forget who you have been so that you can live as your Inner Being lives, arriving new to each moment.

  6. Ruth

    1. AP Reading: File sent. AP’s spleen really wants to be recognized, seen, and valued at a deep soul level. The spleen is afraid that all the hard work she is putting into self-inquiry and spiritual growth will not manifest into the life she desires. She also endured a psychic attack that left spots on her spleen that was taking away her power. I healed this injury by rubbing salts on the spleen and encouraged her to dig a hole and plant seeds and pieces of paper with her intentions to help reduce her doubt and help her dreams to manifest.

    2. Spiritual Value: The spleen is related to decision-making and who you are at your core. Your self-worth and how you see yourself in the world and how you think others see you. Your hopes and dreams –balancing disappointments. The path of your life – what decisions you make in your own journey. Spleen gets angry if you aren’t on the right path. The spleen deeply nourishes the body like tree roots and we have an ability to work with the spleen to ground our own energy. It plays an important role in stress and the immune system. It likes to be held and loved.

    Physical Value: The spleen is an organ above the stomach and under the ribs on your left side. It is about as big as a fist. The spleen is part of the lymphatic system, which fights infection and keeps your body fluids in balance. It contains white blood cells that fight germs. The spleen also helps control the amount of blood in the body, and destroys old and damaged cells. Certain diseases might cause the spleen to swell. You can also damage or rupture your spleen in an injury, especially if it is already your spleen is too damaged, you might need surgery to remove it. Because it is not a vital organ and is so soft, spongy, and vascular, damage to the spleen is almost always treated by its complete removal. Untreated damage to the spleen can quickly lead to massive internal hemorrhaging and eventual death.

    3. Abraham Hicks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EagfeuVj-0o Abraham Hicks – Don’t look back at who you’ve been. When you fine tune your frequency and stay in vibrational nature of who you really are, you forget who you have been. It can help you to forget who you have been and be the amazing person you are today.


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