MI Training, Level 10, Week 1, Home-Play


Welcome to medical school! Your training will now be more complex. Take care of yourselves and don’t overbook during these next 4 levels. Get plenty of sleep. Stay organized with your work life, personal life and MI training so that you may complete this energy medicine training and become world class MI’s.

1. Transfer your class readings (spiritual value) of blood, anemia, white/red blood cells, and platelets into your “Anatomy Handbook” and here.  One paragraph max each. Please be brief.

2. Research and write a scientific definition for the above anatomical parts in your “Anatomy Handbook.” One paragraph max each. You may add photos.

3. Research iron rich foods with a list in the order of their strength. Write it here and in your “Vitamin & Mineral” doc in your “Food” folder.

4. Write 1-2 sentences only defining the above anatomical parts in your “Cheat Sheet.” Use your own words. It should look like this in your Cheat Sheet and your Anatomy Handbook:


Spiritual value: (underline these two values)

Physical value:

5. Watch only one show of Grey’s Anatomy per week. Mandatory. Not more than one show or you may become too focused on pathology instead of cures. Define three unfamiliar words that you hear in the show. They can be in any of the four categories.  1) Condition or disease. (Pathology doc.) 2) Anatomical parts. (Anatomy Handbook doc.) 3) Medical term. (Medical Terms doc.) 4) Procedure. (Medical Procedures doc.) Copy their definitions here and your MI Book in the correct docs.

6. Write about your discoveries in your website’s blog. For example, “Today in my medical intuitive training I learned (via reading energy) that x, y, and z can help anemia!”  Write anything you like. Or, “Did you know that x, y, and z is extremely rich in iron and can keep your blood healthy?” Emphasize the fun pictures you saw (such as aligning to the stars) that can led to medical truths, healing and knowledge.  

7. Read the blood of your AP. What do you see? What can help their blood to strengthen? (30 mins each). Write the summary of the reading in the HW blog.


8 comments on “MI Training, Level 10, Week 1, Home-Play

  1. Jo Birdsong

    1 and 2 :

    Spiritual Value: Life’s miracle solution, transports cells throughout my body, transports essential oxygen to my brain and everywhere in my body. Circulating rhythmically in the magical endless repetition that supports life. Nutrients for body & brain are absorbed along the passage. Some cells are misshapen with tiny black smudges. Healing: self-love will let me love my body & treat it with respect.

    Physical Value: the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.


    Spiritual Value: pale, diluted, soft, low energy vibration, oxygen cells are very loosely packed in the fluids running through the tunnels. Self-love with proper nutrition helps to increase oxygen transportation.

    Physical Value: Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal. Hemoglobin is a main part of red blood cells and binds oxygen. If you have too few or abnormal red blood cells, or your hemoglobin is abnormal or low, the cells in your body will not get enough oxygen.


    Spiritual Value: Strong and resilient. Ability to replenish when healthy. Bright and vibrant. Their numbers within the fluid vary – Best when not too many, not too few, but just right. Balance is crucial to optimum health. Some cells are perfect oval, some have rugged edges and are harder to replenish. The white ones appear to be bloated and sluggish.

    Physical Value: Red blood cells (erythrocytes) are the most common type of blood cell and the principal means of delivering oxygen to the body tissues— to the body’s tissues and remove carbon dioxide and other wastes via blood flow through the circulatory system. Low RBC count is anemia – not enough O2 being delivered to the tissues.
    White blood cells (leukocytes) are the cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders. All white blood cells are produced and derived from multipotent cells in the bone marrow known as hematopoietic stem cells.


    Spiritual Value: These cells look like a crescent moon and appear cream colored with smooth edges. They are sticky. They are randomly dispersed among the red & white cells. It seems they are able to multiply quickly when needed. They are only used when necessary. Their adherence quality thickens the mix.

    Physical Value: Platelets (thrombocytes)(are tiny blood cells that help your body form clots to stop bleeding. The platelets then rush to the site of bleeding and form a plug, or clot, to repair the damage.

    3. Foods rich in iron include:

    • Red meat, pork and poultry.
    • Seafood.
    • Beans.
    • Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach.
    • Dried fruit, such as raisins and apricots.
    • Iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas.
    • Peas.

    4. Cheat Sheet done.

    Reading summary to follow.

  2. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Blood is our life force energy, it’s spiritually from the earth, grounding and balancing. It’s actively giving and receiving and the over sees all of our organs. Balances immunity and creates homeostasis. Blood carries in it past generations of memories and DNA, there is much past hidden through our blood and veins. Family and a feeling of safety and home is in the blood.

    Red Blood Cells- They have a paternal energy and decision makers, they carry with them the oxygen which sustains the entire body, they thrive on nutrients to stay healthy and robust so they can do their job. They carry a strength yet can be over ruled by other environmental energies such as smoke and pollutants which transforms their size and they can suffer if not treated well to thrive. Constantly active and energetic.

    White Blood cells- I saw them sitting on a bench awaiting a chance to destroy and invader. They remain dormant unless there is a warning within their environment to protect their home and loved ones.

    Platelets- These little guys have a cushy job and float around mostly asleep until a warning sign occurs that blood is being lost or damaged. When this occurs, they will wake each other up and prepare to congregate in the area.

    Anemia- cells are floating around absently and feeling lost and unprotected. They’re in fear and are scarce in the body. They have too much work to do but are lethargic and can’t get their job done.

    2.) Definitions posted in anatomy handbook.

    3.) iron rich foods
    Hem Iron-
    Clams 23.8 mg per 3 oz
    Chicken liver- 8 mg
    Beef liver- 5.8 mg
    Mussels- 5.7
    Non Hem iron
    Whole grain cereals- raisin bran 10.8 per cup
    Pumpkin seeds-8.6 1/4 c
    Firm tofu-8 mg 1/4c
    White beans 5.8 mg ¾ c
    Lentils 4.9 mg ¾ c

    4.) Cheat sheet in the making

    5.) Watched Grey’s.
    Hemolize- Hemolysis is the breakage of the red blood cell’s (RBC’s) membrane, causing the release of the hemoglobin and other internal components into surrounding fluid. caused by bacteria, autoimmune, anemia.

    Grand Mal Seizure-1 type of seizure, most common. abnormal electrical current in the brain. Unconsciousness, convulsions, muscle rigidity.

    Aneurysm- When an artery wall weakens and the expands or balloons out.

    6.) I will write my blog tomorrow and post it here.

    7.) My ap’s blood cells looked to be vibrant yet it showed sign’s of anger and conflict, This was around having a voice and mom energy. To heal this it would be helpful to find excercise that will release anger anger and to use arms, such as tennis. Also drinking small amounts of salt water and floating will help revitalize and balance her blood cells.

  3. Jo Birdsong

    AP Reading: White cells very elevated. I read problem with ears, throat causing inflammation. (Actual process in my AP was infected wisdom tooth, gums.) Spiritually, 5th chakra needed healing. Use affirmations. Use the color blue – blueberries, gemstones, blue clothing.
    Also, some indecisiveness in thought process. 6th chakra work recommended – Trust your intuition!

  4. Paedrin Blues

    1. Transfered to Anatomy Handbook and added a couple extras that were popping out at me.

    Connected to throat chakra, hold our Truth.
    Blood is spiritual power. Blood denotes status. Blood can bend others to one’s will, if you give to another. Holds memories. Giving and receiving messages to others, power source, configuration (repattern, reprogram).
    Thin blood- easily persuaded, weak, lethargic
    Thick blood- strong in beliefs, powerful, strong, fiery

    Menstrual blood is electrifying and mind-altering, as well as mood-altering. It is easily manipulated by others. If a woman is experiencing inner turmoil, the menstrual blood spins like a tornado, creating thick menstrual blood/ blood clots.

    Anemia manifests when one allows the self to be trampled on and does not stand up for or have beliefs. This internal weakness creates physical weakness and the cycle perpetuates.
    Anemia develops when the blood cells don’t have a home to return to- when the core is not grounded.

    White blood cells help us to direct our focus to where we are needing attention. They are our friends and are mediators between spirit and body, delivering information to the body about imbalances in the psyche. Holds information about these mental/ emotional/ spiritual imbalances in the physical anatomical part.
    Red blood cells hold healing energy which bathe and nurture the organs and systems. They are devoted to us and our Truth, and work to spread Truth throughout our body and beyond.

    Platelets operate within a complex and delicate internal system. Very greatly affected by thoughts and our relationship the body. One in harmony with the body/ platelets will have great mental capacity to heal dis-ease, even when seemingly fatal or certain.

    There is an energetic mirror image of veins within our subtle anatomy. It is like a map, like sensors or whiskers on a cat, which helps us to sense and communicate with spirits (elementals in particular). The healthier our veins, the stronger our ability to connect with the elementals. And vice versa, the elementals can help us to keep our blood pure and strong. There is potential for a perpetuating cycle of health in this manner.

    2. Physical values defined.

    3. Iron-rich foods:
    Grass-Fed Beef
    Dark Chocolate
    Black Beans

    4. Cheat Sheet done.

    5. Have not yet watched Grey’s Anatomy.

    6. Blog link coming.

    7. AP was expending much of her energy focused on fear and the guarding of her life source/ internal fire, rather than focusing on growing and expanding it. “Trust that your fire will be fanned if you let down your guards and shift your focus to it”. We connected with Bella, a Bluebells Fairy, who presence was made known in her subtle anatomy matching the veins. Bella carries the energies of vigor, vitality, and inspiration, and wants to help AP to channel her life force into her creative endeavors, giving them power.

    1. Paedrin Blues

      5. Watched Grey’s Anatomy. Terms defined:

      a) Subarachnoid Hemorrhage- bleeding into the brain (specifically, into the subarachnoid space). Occurs from a ruptured aneurysm or as a result of a head injury.

      b) Hemolysis- membrane breakage of red blood cells, which releases hemoglobin and other components into the surrounding fluid.

      c) Post-op fever- fever commonly following surgery; usually benign but can be due to infection and point to serious underlying conditions.

  5. Chelsea

    1. & 2.

    Spiritual Value: Blood is a direct representation of how you flow or process life, specifically how we process turns and transitions and challenges of life.

    Scientific Definition: The red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to carbon dioxide from the tissue of the body.

    Spiritual Value: Lack of conviction sometimes after giving up. Lack of drive or vigor.

    Scientific Definition: A condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in the pallor and weariness.

    White/red blood cells

    Spiritual Value: White blood cells: Going into battle with swords drawn, for the good. Battling in honor. Red Blood cells: The nurses or the helpers in battle who bring supplies and bandages. I also saw them as kids in a crowded middle school. The cells were all packed in the hallways filling up one classroom and then the next.

    Scientific Definition: White blood cells: One of the cells that the body makes to fight infection. Red blood cells: The blood cells that cary oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body.


    Spiritual Value: Look like rectangle more solid substance and act as magnets, attaching to other things in the body.

    Scientific Definition: A small colorless disk-shaped cell fragment without a nucleus, found in large numbers in blood and involved in clotting.

    3. Iron rich foods: 3 oz. Liver (beef or chicken), 3 oz. clams, mollusks or mussels, 3 oz. cooked beef, 3 oz. canned sardines in oil, 3 oz. chicken, 3 oz. cooked turkey, 3 oz. halibut, haddock, perch, salmon, or tuna, half cup canned lima beans, red kidney or chickpeas, one cup dried apricots, one medium baked potato, one-fourth cup wheat germ, half cup split peas, 1 oz. peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, roasted almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, half-cup dried raisins, peaches or prunes, one medium stalk broccoli, one cup raw spinach, one cup pasta, one slice of bread, one cup brown rice.

    4. Cheat Sheet done.

    5. Grey’s Anatomy:
    Grand Mal Ceasure: Also known as a generalized tonic-clonic seizure — features a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. It’s the type of seizure most people picture when they think about seizures in general. Grand mal seizure is caused by abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain.

    Chronic Renal Failure: Chronic kidney disease (CKD), also known as chronic renal disease, is progressive loss in kidney function over a period of months or years. … Higher levels of creatinine indicate a lower glomerular filtration rate and as a result a decreased capability of the kidneys to excrete waste products.

    CT Scan: Also known as CAT scan. An X-ray image made using computerized axial tomography.

    6. Will update link to blog when done.

    7. AP Reading.
    Saw blood as mostly bright and healthy with some very light colored blood cells as well. Her cells were tired because of the history of smoking and also some anger in regards to a male energy. The blood cells were feeling relieved for the two days she had stopped and after her continued reprieve, they would be all becoming bright red and healthy again. I saw that taking breaks in the sunshine would be healthy for her when she is in manic mode. I saw that eating spinach would help the toxins release out of her body.

  6. Ruth

    1 & 2


    Spiritual Value: The blood carries memories of our lives and past lives (and our ancestors) through our DNA. It is the life force and foundation of the body. It can be used to call forth healing (can ask and pray to the blood to help overcome spiritual or physical issues). There are electrical currents that flow through the blood. It is the road that our emotions travel and the origin of disease. The blood gives and receives messages from others. Related to configuration – how to configure our own lives (stuck in past, past lives, move forward, let go, live forward)?

    Physical Value: Red fluid in the body that contains white and red blood cells, platelets, proteins, and other elements. The blood is transported throughout the body by the circulatory system. Blood functions in two directions: arterial (carries blood away from heart involves arteries) and venous (carries blood to the heart, involves veins, like the vena cavae and pulmonary veins). Arterial blood is the means by which oxygen and nutrients are transported to tissues while venous blood is the means by carbon dioxide and metabolic by-products are transported to the lungs and kidneys, respectively, for removal from the body.


    Spiritual Value: The blood cells don’t have a place to go to (or call home). Someone with anemia may need more connection with home, family, community. Might be connected with reckless and unfocused behavior or family of origin issues.

    Physical Value: Anemia is a condition that develops when your blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a main part of red blood cells and binds oxygen. If you have too few or abnormal red blood cells, or your hemoglobin is abnormal or low, the cells in your body will not get enough oxygen.

    White blood cells/red blood cells

    Spiritual Value: Red blood cells are more active in the body. When happy full of oxygen, exercise may help to build red cells. White blood cells are often sitting on the sidelines waiting to attack something foreign in the body like an infection.

    Physical Value:
    White blood cells also the cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders. All white blood cells are produced and derived from cells in the bone marrow. Red blood cells play an important role in health by carrying fresh oxygen throughout the body. Hemoglobin is the protein inside red blood cells that carries oxygen. Red blood cells also remove carbon dioxide, transporting it to the lungs. Red blood cells are made inside your bones, in the bone marrow. They typically live for about 120 days, and then they die.


    Spiritual Value: Connection to others, coming together to help with a common or shared goal.

    Physical Value: Platelets are tiny blood cells that help your body form clots to stop bleeding. If one of your blood vessels gets damaged, it sends out signals that are picked up by platelets. The platelets then rush to the site of damage and form a plug, or clot, to repair the damage. The process of spreading across the surface of a damaged blood vessel to stop bleeding is called adhesion. This is because when platelets get to the site of the injury, they grow sticky tentacles that help them adhere. They also send out chemical signals to attract more platelets to pile onto the clot in a process called aggregation.

    3) Iron Rich Foods:
    • Shellfish
    • Spinach
    • Liver and organ meats
    • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, peas, soybeans)
    • Red meat
    • Pumpkin seeds
    • Quinoa
    • Turkey
    • Broccoli
    • Tofu
    • Dried fruits (e.g. Apricots)
    • Mushrooms
    • Blackstrap molasses

    4) Cheat Sheet: Done

    5) Greys Anatomy:

    Appendectomy: the surgical removal of the appendix. It’s a common emergency surgery that’s performed to treat appendicitis, an inflammatory condition of the appendix. The appendix is a small, tube-shaped pouch attached to your large intestine. It’s located in the lower right side of your abdomen.

    Adenectomy: surgical excision of a gland.

    Subarachnoid hemorrhage: bleeding into the subarachnoid space — the area between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater surrounding the brain. Symptoms include a severe headache with a rapid onset (“thunderclap headache”), vomiting, confusion or a lowered level of consciousness, and sometimes seizures. Neck stiffness or neck pain are also relatively common.

    6) Blog: will update with blog link

    7) AP Reading Summary: Blockages and stagnation in the blood around neck and shoulders related to injury in the base of the skull, which is suppressing feelings of joy. AP’s mother as a child had anemia and malnutrition, which creates an energetic weakness for AP. To help keep the body strong, eat regular meals – meats and vegetables in addition to raw food and massage /soak feet to get rid of toxin buildups.

  7. Susan Palmer

    1. Spiritual value of Blood: Important for life; carries memories, past lives, ancestors, behavior patterns, the energetic qualities from one person to another & from one generation to another, DNA; authenticity; giving & receiving messages, power source, circulation. Can be shared (transfusion). Configuration: how do you want to configure your life?
    Red/White Blood Cells: RBCs – Yang energy, more active, paternal, authoritative, keeping the family and community flowing and working together. WBCs – The soldiers ready to attack to preserve the system, the family, the community. They knock out what is not wanted or needed.
    Anemia: Body goes white; light-headedness; cells scattered, not protected.
    (In life: scattered in life, not feeling safe; wasting, detached; homelessness, no sense of a home)
    Platelets: The workers, protectors of the community. A minute, non-nucleated, disklike cytoplasmic body found in the blood plasma that is derived from a megakaryocyte (large cells in bone marrow) and functions to promote blood clotting. AKA thrombocyte

    2. Done.

    3. Iron-rich foods (not in order of strength)
    Beef, lamb, chicken, pork, poultry
    Shellfish, sardines
    Lima beans
    Red kidney beans
    Garbanzo (chickpeas)
    Dark green leafy vegetables
    Sweet potatoes
    String beans
    Beet greens
    Raisins, Dates, Figs
    Prunes & prune juice
    Dried apricots
    Dried peaches
    Maple syrup
    Blackstrap molasses
    Dark chocolate

    4. Done

    5. Cecum: The out-pouching area of the large intestine that is below the entrance of the small intestine. It has a wormlike extension.
    /lysis (medical term ending): A gradual decline of disease symptoms.
    Grand mal seizure: A type of seizure that features a loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. There is also excessive salivation, chewing activity, running movements and often urination and defecation. This is the most common type of seizure in dogs and cats. Its cause is abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain. Most of the time it’s caused by epilepsy, but sometimes it is triggered by other health problems, such as extremely low blood sugar, high fever
    or a stroke.

    6. Will write in blog soon.

    7. Darker, stagnated blood, and pieces of cells circulating in the chest area, also down her right side due to sadness & hopelessness, wanting clarity on purpose and direction in her life. To strengthen it, she is to ground her masculine energy, exercise, playful hopping & jumping in the grass, drink water to help eliminate broken pieces of blood cells.


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