MI 3 Class 3 Homework

It's important the you all meditate, clear, balance, re-fuel, cleanse and empower now more than ever as we get deeper into our work. Many of you may start to "threaten" your blockages and blind spots and it will be important that you are self-responsible if you are to continue with this empowering work. Good luck!

By now you should be started on a 1-2 week kidney cleanse. Please blog about this on the student blog: What you are doing and how you are feeling. I want you to experience what you will recommend to your clients. Plus, it’s good for you. You can use fresh herbs recommended for the Kidneys in a smoothie or a bottled Kidney cleanse of supplements or both. Refer to my blog on kidney cleanse.

Do your 3nd medical intuitive practicum. Use the “New Client form” and make sure they sign it. Send a copy to me. Send them their mp3 recording and write a report after the reading and send it to your client and to me. Please keep it short. Add "Alien, Love, Finances and Why?" to your Client Report. Please address them all as best as you can.

Blog about the reading. I don’t want a summary of the reading. I want to know if you learned anything magical and how you felt about the reading process.

Let me know if you have completed this on the blog:
Sign up for a free i cloud account or one that is compatible with your computer and phone. Create a new contact for each new client. Write in their name, phone number and email in the top section. Then copy and paste your New Client Form into the section called notes. You can attach this account to your smart phone if you have one.

Please complete the homework blog from last the 2 weeks before you continue.



7 comments on “MI 3 Class 3 Homework

  1. maia

    My reading this week was amazing and very uplifting for both my client and me. She felt so good that she absolutely wanted to payed me some good money. This week I could really see how important it is for me to pray, meditate, exercise, and juice on a regular basis so that my vibration can be high enough not only to read but also to be a healing and uplifting presence for my client. Another gift I got from this reading is the confirmation that sense of humor can be a very potent medicine. I love this work!

  2. Nanette

    I’ve just started the kidney cleanse by drinking parsley water twice a day. The urva ursi is a bit too strong for my body right now. I haven’t noticed too much change as yet. I’ve signed up for Dropbox which doesn’t work exactly as you designated but works well. Dropbox is available on my smart phone as well so I can access my data while on the go.

    Although I am friends with the person I read, I do not know much about them as we met through social media. Since I had scheduled this reading I planned to keep the appointment then withdraw from class.

    I continue to work to accept that I am called to be a healer. Helping others and myself by furthering my education is the right thing to do. Source knew exactly what I needed to hear to keep me on this path because a couple hours after I did the reading I got an email from my client telling me that it was life changing.

  3. Andrea

    I am learning that it is so important to keep clear, physically, mentally and spiritually. I also tend to get critical of myself, so validation is so important! My client was surprised at the things I saw, and while she didn’t give me much feedback, she said everything I shared was right on. She did say she felt much better and lighter after the reading.

  4. Barbara

    It was very pleasing for me to give this reading/healing to a friend of my partner’s, and a male. I usually read females. I was reminded of how love for self is the essence of healing and health, and how we ALL are ‘wounded,’ fall from grace, however it is put, from our true, golden nature through being human, some more than others through circumstance, parenting, etc. It is our ‘work’ to clear the path towards that inner knowing and light. I received my more powerful kidney cleanse ‘kit’ but am still doing the Ayurvedic cleansing tea and drinking more water and watching my diet. I feel more energetic, less tired. I am also renewing my meditation practice in the evening, which helps. Life has been especially hectic with my partner’s medical appts., so getting clear for me on how important it is for me to give, to serve, but to set boundaries! I am learning where my boundaries will be conceding when I give energy readings – exploring the ‘calendar’ right now.

  5. Barbara

    I remembered about online ‘storage:’ right now I have a paid account with Dropbox, and also iCloud. I will probably drop Dropbox (ha), and get better at using iCloud since I am an Apple user exclusively. I also have my client intake forms stored on my website (privately in Admin) (but not the the report).


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