MI 2 Class 5 Homework


Read my blog on "The symbol of the neck."

MI Books: The digestive track

What is the symbolism of the digestive track? (Blog)

Partner Readings: The digestive track with a main focus on your readee's intestines. (Blog)

Professional MI's: 1 Blog

4 comments on “MI 2 Class 5 Homework

  1. Nanette

    The overall digestive system energetically symbolizes assimilating the events of our lives. Harmonizing thoughts (for example, praising yourself or finding something positive in someone who may be irritating you) allow energy to flow through the cells effortlessly and with ease creating an optimal environment to digest food and the life circumstances we encounter every day.

    This week’s partner reading uncovered tornado like energy pulling into my lower back (large intestine area) “it’s a vicious cycle”, fear of pain, suffering and death, as well as generational attitudes about psychics. As I am empathic, over my life there are deposits in my body of energy from others. We healed the lower back during our session. Daily acknowledgement that I’m doing the best I can, being thankful even when in the throes of feeling less than 100% will help to keep these energies out of my space. Healing will continue to happen for me by spending time writing or speaking into a recorder sharing what I have learned through my physical and emotional healing process. Writing free of judgment, punctuation, etc. and truly believing that it will help others and there are others out there searching for this information will allow me to align with energy of a lightening bug — shining a light in the darkness. I’m sure these actions will help me start a blog of my own too.

  2. Carol

    The digestive tract thrives on raw greens, such as fresh mint, raw kale, raw spinach, which gives it a boost of aliveness. I intuit that these substances specifically provide nutrients and fiber, which boost peristalsis and beneficial bacteria for the gut. Colonics and yogurt are also beneficial. Peppermint oil also helpful for me to breathe in to stimulate the brain in conjunction with the digestive system, and keep me alert, taking in the energy of the present. Very important to stay present in my body and to life, being aware of being here and now, without mind distractions and expectations that take me out of the moment. Physical digestion is related to digesting what’s happening in the moment. I also intuit that a healthy digestive system is energetically related to taking our emotions in fully, and by doing so, by saying a full ‘hello,’ allowing the emotions to run their course, and that which no longer serves be let go of.

  3. maia

    My reading with Barbara was interesting and as usual filled with good insights. The symbolism of the digestive tract is related to the way we approach daily situations and the way we integrate them into our soul for growth . One very important point that emerged from my readings is the necessity to stay open and present with all that is challenging, so that also uncomfortable situation can be used for growth. Another important point is the necessity of let go of all that is emotionally no longer needed. If we don’t assimilate and integrate experiences we create emotional clutter (often reflected in physical clutter).

  4. Andrea

    I saw that the digestive tract can harbor physical trauma. When one does not feel supported on an energetic level, it leaves one open to injury. I saw a previous, physical trauma on the left side of the body connecting the low back and lower intestines down to the knee and foot arch. My partner saw that previous, physical trauma had displaced certain energy within as well. We cleared that out of each other’s fields during the healing process. Also, when one is juggling too many balls, the digestive tract will react with symptoms; heartburn, acid reflux or stomach upset. Stress is a major cause of digestive issues. Whole body grounding, living one’s truth and eating high vibrational foods is healing to a stressed digestive tract.


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