Meditation & Manifesting Class #1 Homework 9-17-13



Practice coming in and out of your body.

Notice what foods you eat in order to avoid your present feelings. Notice what foods make you feel whole and complete.

Call your partner and have them help you to decide on a clear and succinct chief aim.

Visualize your goal daily as if it has already happened: 5 minutes in the morn, noon and night

Blog: state your chief aim and how your visualizing meditations are going


13 comments on “Meditation & Manifesting Class #1 Homework 9-17-13

  1. maia

    my chief aim is : to sustain an inner and outer envirronment that reflect the harmony, beauty, and simplicity of my true essence .
    what im doing in order to feel it happening is singing and chanting while im going around the house letting go of all that is not me anymore or letting go of things that i was keeping for the future ( i read somewhere that to keep things for the future it denote a lack of trust in the universe to provide for us in the right time ) . the chanting part helps to do the clearing with no thinking to slow it down . during the visualization i see a new sofa and new windows and some new paintings on the walls . this week diet is good . a lot of greens and a lot of water . no coffe . im still a little weak on sweets .

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Super goal Maia! The more you fill yourself with love and light and hold still while you are craving sweets and let it pass the easier it will get. good job!

  2. Kelly

    YaY! Congrats Maia, sounds great!!

    I am creating a continuous stream of financial abundance in my life. I have been bringing this thought into the forefront of my mind through out the day and allowing the feelings it provokes to stream through my body. I have been practicing deep breathing from my lower dantein, breathing in the currents of love and exhaling out in complete surrender, as If it was my last moment on earth and I’m releasing the fullness of all I am into source. I have been feeling like this complete surrender is allowing my faith that the universe provides to deepen. It feels like its creating a magnetic pulse.

    I have been avoiding all foods that typically make me leave my body (besides a small nibble on choccy), I have had a severe emotional event that rocked me but am happy to say I practiced staying present as much as possible. HA, I did notice that watching a movie made me vacate nearly instantly. My system was a big no thank you on that one, laughter sounded like, ” Boring! don’t waste my time please.”

    Love you guys.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Kelly, this is so beautiful what you wrote. And thank you for supporting your classmate. I like what you wrote about the movie. SO true! Glad you are being conscious with your diet. It’s all connected!

  3. nadine

    ‘I am accepting, free flowing and joyous’ is my goal for this class and always. I was visualizing this and feeling it throughout my days this past week and I already feel lighter and better, freer to engage in the world the way that is most natural to me. I wrote a ‘poem’ last week that was a product of thinking about this freedom:
    The Big Should
    how long have I known about the dangers of should.. for a long time.

    However I did not realize until now how deep should lives in me. Should has crawled into the crevices of my pelvis; the root of my creative urges. Should has steered me from my passions, from my heart, to try to get me to a sure thing.
    But there is no sure thing, there is no right way.
    SO instead I battle daily and nightly in the darkness of my room and in the shadows of parties and most painfully of all I battle under the fluorescent lights, exposed, bleeding, humiliated as Should rounds out another pounding and ties another knot in my intestines.
    How should I be? How should I eat? How should I treat people? How should I hold myself back from being an outspoken sorcerer, a witch, a mad vibrant woman.

    Underneath should there lives only BE, is, am
    I am
    I am
    I Ohm

    Unfortunately when should meets am there can only be apologies and shames forming solid cages. Binding and holding back, maintaining the status quo. Glorious black and white, times new roman, polite, subdued status quo.

    is this the goal? to be gloriously normal? to be spectacularly unoriginal? to sell ourselves average?

    Perhaps until now it has been.

    but something is changing, the rings of saturn spin wildly around me, tearing apart what was and begging to know what I AM

    Loving freely,un-apologetically, recognizing the divine light and creative source that I AM and opening the valves. Shunting and damming them no longer.

    I simply AM being

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on shoulds and how you have identified their affect on your body. Good job. Now it’s time for freedom and fun! I second that… “You are” and “You always will be!”

  4. Andrea

    My chief aim is financial abundance. I see my business very clearly. Money comes easily and frequently. I love being a messenger of Spirit and it is incredibly fun, uplifting and supports my life abundantly. I have taken many actions this week that I previously procrastinated over in support of my business. As far as diet, I am becoming more aware and yet am resistant to what I know to be good for me. This is another form of procrastination and a pushing away of what is in my best interest. I see more clearly the things that push me out of my body, yet I am tussling with a long standing habit of escapism. I have cut back on bad stuff, am exercising more regularly and will continue to get clearer with food/exercise.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      OK, Andrea. Be easy on yourself and remember to breathe 🙂
      You are fine, you are safe. One step at a time. You can do it. You are doing it. So much has changed, right?

  5. Amethyst

    My Chief Aim is to have more money than I could ever spend in this lifetime. And I know it’s happening. Thank you Gaia! Thank you Hashem! 🙂

  6. Alexander

    My chief aim is financial abundance. My visualizations fill my body with light, feeling the abundance of the Earth and the Universe. I tune in to gratitude for all that I do have, for the blessings of my life, the fresh food, loving community, sanctuary home space, and my radiant health. With each breath I continue to fill my being with Light so that I am in overflow, merging with the toroidal field and feeling the infinite flow of abundance. I give thanks that all is provided for, and that the resources required to manifest my greatest visions and desires are available and come to be with grace and ease.

  7. natalia

    I am experiencing positive, irreversible, permanent break through in relationship with M (my 15 year old son).
    M is present and involved with his family life. He is open, loving, caring and present. M shares family responsibilities. He loves his little brothers and spends time with them playing and teaching them new things. He communicates openly and earnestly about his feelings and thoughts. We communicate with each other in loving and respectful way. M shares his family values. We forgive each other. We except and respect each others differences in unconditionally loving way. We enjoy our time together and looking forward to our life time journey. I am an amazing mother and do all I can to guide him on his sole path.

    Food. Most important how and when I eat. Straight from the plant is perfect. Presentation is valuable too. Blessings on the food, tasting all ingredients, beauty, sitting outside on the sun, not rushing, chewing it up with gratitude and intention for it to do good for my body and sole…

    with Aloha!


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