Level 8 Class 5 Homework



Make a client/pet intake form for an animal communication reading. Send it to me via email.

Partner Reading:

Do a 4 part pet reading for your partner. They can choose a new animal or an animal who you have never read.

Self Reading:

Ask your totem animal how to help you with something you are currently working on.

Blog about the reading and totem animal 's advice


3 comments on “Level 8 Class 5 Homework

  1. maia

    my reading with andrea was lovely ! .. she read a pet friend of mine and i read her horse from her childhood . as usual great wisdom .. the most touching thing for me about reading animals is to see and feel how wise they are in the way they love humans .. no expectations, complete acceptance, unconditional love, and gratitude for their experience .. it is amazing to me to see how they serve humans with such a loving commitment ..

    black bear talking about improving my finances : “you are on your way maia . you are steadily going up on the emotional scale and your brain is being re-wired . please remember to keep up the good work and enjoy the journey. you will look back at this time with great love and gratitude . you are a being awakening to life . more in specific, pay attention to details in your envirronment and within yourself , make sure you are always connected to your feelings and be the observer. be patient, be playful and keep dream big .

  2. Nan

    I asked my totem animal what would help release my mothers energy from my space. Essentially he told me to fill in the gaps. The gaps between the nurturing I needed and was received. Now is the time for me to call in energies that show me how to nurture myself. He suggested calling in Mother Mary energy to assist me.

    My childhood dog, Mitzi was read by my classmate. I agreed to be her friend and she was very grateful for the friendship. She was my first friend and my playful companion. In turn she showed me the wonders of earth, air and my place there free from drama and worry. She was an energy worker who helped clear the noise inside me. She wants me to remember our time together and remember how to be playful and creative.

  3. Carol

    Trying again for a successful post ~ I was in tears part of the time when my partner, Nan, read my deceased dog, Shasta. It really touched my heart. He was a very grounded presence for me, and gave me calm. He appreciated being with me, the ‘alpha’ person in his life, because I gave him a belongingness, a ‘centered’ home presence, which he had not had in past lives. In turn he gave me the same, helping me make the home I was in truly ‘home,’ and calm, unconditional love through the ups and downs of life.

    My wolf said : Leverage your money and leverage your time. Look at what is working for you, and expand on that, improve and watch the natural flow of money. “Plant your flowers and tend them,” which means there are things already working; create more of that and go with the natural flow. Leverage your time so that when you are doing one thing, it is also building something else, like a blog to a book, paintings to a prints, travel to a series, or a new gallery opportunity.


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