Level 5 Homework Class #1



Diet: Eat vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, grains, seaweed, legumes. Meat is optional. No: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, bananas, drugs, smoke. Eat fruit and meat alone. Eat no or less bread and wheat than normal. Optional: Take olive leaf or oregano capsules in morn & night for candida. Drink plenty of water for die off.

Socialize: Connect with a friend for at least 15 mins once a week in person. Make a “Social Calendar.”

Meditate for 15+ minutes per daily.

Exercise: 15 mins yoga, 15 mins walking daily.
Set a timer. Do NOT go over the time!

Partner reading:

Talk about your diet, social life and meditations and how they are going for 5 minutes each. Ask your partner for assistance if you would like it.
*Read 10 mins: What is changing in the person’s body (due to dietary, social life, meditation and cleansing if they are doing so?)
*Read 10 mins: Readee’s connection with Source/God. How can they improve this connection and make it continuous throughout the day?
*Read 10 mins: Readee’s soul purpose.
*Read 10 mins: Readee may ask you any relationship question.
You may want to do your readings on two separate days. Approximately 50 minute reading per person.

Read and blog about your soul purpose according to you AND your partner. (Could be different.)
Blog about how your diet, social life, meditation and exercise are going.
Keep all blogs short.

Thank you!

8 comments on “Level 5 Homework Class #1

  1. maia

    soul purpose according to my partner : to bring joy into the world . my ability to connect and feel deep joy is the special healing gift i can share with others . form my side i knew i can feel that deep sense of gratitude and joy but i had no idea this is why im here. so it is good to know ♥
    my diet is getting better . i got a 12 days herbal body cleansing in capsules and im on day 6 . im taking olive leaves extract . im drinking tons of water . im feeling way better in my body . im breathing a lot and exercising . and went for tea with a good friend . im really enjoying to open and close the day with meditation . it is my moment with myself , where i see that im nicely moving forward .

  2. Andrea

    Exercise and meditation, those are going very well. Socializing and diet are more challenging. I am feeling more resistant to the diet than seems reasonable, so I’m focusing on exercise. As I make headway with that, I know I will get better with food choices and the resistance will be lessened. I had a huge difficulty with the “spend time with a friend” assignment. I know tons of people, I just don’t feel that any of them are close friends. Over the past few years, I have gotten rid of all dysfunctional friendships. However, I haven’t made new healthy ones. So, I am endeavoring to go to local happenings and meet new people. I haven’t done it yet but am looking forward to it. My partner Reader stated that my soul purpose is that I am a teacher. I see it more as a messenger and conduit, but teacher may fit too.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Wonderful! Yes, look for people who are bright and you will see they are all around! I hope you will connect with one and make a plan to meet.

  3. Dorothy

    My partner read my soul purpose as being a comforter (especially to women) and as she read that I feel the truth of it. I am very much aligned to such a soul purpose. Meditations and exercise are going well. Some days I am unable to do much exercising so I do what I can. C’est la vie! Diet is going very well, I have transitioned to a place where I don’t feel deprived of any foods. I continue to take olive leaf extract and can feel my body detoxing, so am drinking plenty of water to help with that. Over the past few years, friendships have gone by the wayside as I have taken a different path, so I am trying to rebuild new friendships. I’ve sent out some emails to people I wouldn’t mind catching up with and am waiting for responses.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      I love your soul purpose Nan. That is wonderful!

      Remember that your friends are also classmates and you can chat with whomever you feel a draw, such as Andrea or Maia, etc on the phone or skype.

  4. Barbara

    Feeling very good this week – yoga, tai chi (15 min.) and walking being really good for me – I feel the difference in my body and am grateful!. My partner read how good the yoga is for me, especially, whih was very encouraging, and I’ve been feeling even better since. Really good for me to make time for my friends, too, and Take the Initiative here. So that feels good too. Gradually working on my diet, which is including lots of vegetables, but some resistance to too extreme (latte in de morning), partly because I’ve been so strict w/ myself in the past. Lessening sugar greatly, which I know is good for me (but a bit here & there), and really liked what my partner read to me about my soul purpose being to connect with others about the deepness of the human soul, especially through poetry: so here’s one today:
    Rocks, sky, and cloud zendo
    where freedom has no limits
    Deep breath to within.
    (maybe a painting will come to go with that)


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