Level 4 Week 5 Homeplay

  1. AP reading: The 5th chakra. (30-40 minutes each) After you have read the basics and what you have found in their throat chakra, look for a negative belief your readee has about themselves, also in the 5th chakra. What is the unhealthy (negative) contract they have with themselves? In other words, how are they "benefiting" by believing this nonsense? Of course, tell them how to heal the negative belief. To do this, say the complete opposite of their belief. Then ask for a healing color and read the color to find out how they can grow and change. Record your reading and email it to your AP. Write about your AP's 5th chakra here in no more than 5 sentences. Only write about the meaning of your pictures and not their colors or symbols. (Program B)

2. Write the meaning of the 5th chakra on the Google Doc and copy and paste what you wrote here.

3. Meditate and spend time loving your 5th chakra. Look for its deeper meaning. Write about your chakra here in 1-4 sentences.

4. Optional: Write a one paragraph blog about the 5th chakra and what it's all about. Leave the link here. You may copy the content from your Chakra Book if you like, to keep it simple.

12 comments on “Level 4 Week 5 Homeplay

  1. Laura Jepsen

    1.My AP partner has a belief that she fumbles and is a mess and that other people do things smoothly and perfectly. This is benefiting her by creating a way to get out of things that don’t work out and she can blame it on the fumbling and she doesn’t have to put her all into it. To heal, I recommended congratulating herself for her accomplishments and confirming that she is confident and competent, also to look at photos of celebrities without makeup so that she can see that no one is perfect behind the scenes. Her healing color is hot pink to embrace her feminine nature. She is trying to do things in a masculine linear, step-by-step fashion, which is not her true nature and is making her feel inadequate and stressed, instead she needs to accept that it is more natural for her to do things in a feminine, more circular way, such as making a bunch of piles and then having them all come together in the end.

    2. The Fifth chakra is about decisions, opinions, knowing what you wants, strength in your convictions and standing firm in what you believe, knowing who you are and defining yourself, speaking your name, duality and boundaries: this is who I am, that is who you are, choices, clear speech, speaking straight to the point, deliberate, defining, certain, unwavering.
    When this chakra is out of balance it creates indecisive speech and weak sentence structures, with the use of weakening words such as: Umm, maybe, I think, it’s kind-of-like. An out of balance fifth chakra also creates indecisiveness, wavering and unhealthy conformity which weakens the whole person and creates confusion, disorientation, indecisive speech, and a vulnerability from verbal attack from bullies or energy vampires.

    3. In meditating on my fifth chakra I learned that if I balance this chakra, so many things that I am struggling with will resolve. I find it difficult to find accurate words and be concise in my speech. I also struggle with writing and finding the best words to describe something and this makes writing very stressful for me. By meditating on my fifth chakra, loving it and giving it attention I will start to create clear definitions for feelings and what I want to express.

  2. JoDean Cooper


    1. The negative belief my AP has about herself is that the family she knows isn’t always there for her in a loving and supportive way. She has ties with them and they are not healthy or conducive to her physical well being or spiritual growth. She believes it is in her best interest to be involved with her family, she likes that connection.
    I suggested she heal those negative relationships and ties by making decisions in her life and decide if they(her family) are more important than her health is to herself.

    2. This chakra is located in the throat, collarbone, neck, up to the jawbone and occipital region. It is about taking responsibility, speaking your truth, getting clear with yourself. Seeing yourself for the first time in real time. Examining what fits and what does not. See with crystal clear honesty who deserves to be in your life and who does not. Investigating what you need to carry around emotionally and what you can now let go of. Search within for your worth and strength. Allow to let go of expectations and self-doubt. Be your best, cleanest and most free self.

    3. Decide to stay present and not allow pain manifestations to keep me scattered, unfocused, disoriented and blind. Observe and say ‘hello’ to the entities and manifestations that have given me the illusion of peace from the realities of my life. Realize my strengths, focus on the present. Have the courage to address the pain, embarrassments, and disgraceful behaviors that have seemed to have served my life up until now.

    4. Taking responsibility- Speaking your truth- getting clear with yourself. See yourself for the first time- in real time. See what fits and what does not. See with crystal clear clarity who deserves to be in your life, and who does not. Search within for your worth and strength. Let go of expectations and self-doubt. Be your best, cleanest, most free self.

    Please see my blog at:

  3. Michelle LeMoine

    1. Reading with AP: I saw their throat chakra a orange amber color. I didn’t see any blocks, but what I heard was there was a negative believe about not being confident in themselves. This negative belief rooted during their childhood from a parent telling them that they weren’t capable they might fail. The reason they continued with this negative belief about themselves is because it was familiar like an old shoe. It was worn out, but felt comfortable. We healed this negative belief with the statement “I am confident in myself, I am loved.” Healing colors were pink violet for the throat and yellow to bring in joy to this area. Then I saw images of many dangerous jungle animals but saw my AP standing strong in his power like tarzan singing out with absolutely no fear.

    2. The fifth chakra, located in the throat area of the body, is about confidence, standing in your own power, authenticity, communication, and openness.

    3. I saw blockage in my 5th chakra, which was an unhealthy belief about fear of failure. If I continued to have this fear, I could justify when things didn’t work out that I wanted to accomplish. I also repeated to myself, “I am successful” I asked for the healing color to grow and change which was green. I then saw myself in the process of growing out of this fear by the symbol of a tree growing and me with wings taking off.

    4. https://www.energyintuitivehealing.net/blog

  4. Victoria Reese

    1.) Posting later today.

    2.) The fifth chakra, which is positioned in the throat region is all about truth. Speaking one’s truth and owning who one is at the innermost depths of ownership. It’s all about strutting your stuff and being confident with who you really are and what you were called to do in this lifetime. Out of balance, this chakra will instead echo the many voices of fear, doubt and insecurities that have been collected from both this lifetime and past lifetimes.

    3.) My throat chakra is feeling the joys of expansion and newer territory and healing. I have been practicing letting go of shame associated with stepping fully into myself. I have been meditating on the healing colors of malachite and have seen my chakra grow and spin in a healthier manner. This chakra has been a challenging one for me to find balance and I am enjoying the practice of doing so!

  5. Lilia

    1. An unhealthy belief my AP partner had with themself is that not speaking her truth creates acceptance. Repeating “I accept myself” and filling up with a golden yellow color will help heal this block.

    2. The fifth chakra is about freedom and transformation.

    3. I saw that my throat is in transformation. As I continue to release and work on father issues , it will allow me to manifest more of what I want.

  6. Victoria Reese

    1.) My AP had a negative belief that she is not capable and not worthy. I also read the energy of a negative parent contract between herself and her mother. The combination of these events has resulted in a very real loss of her being a true kid. The over-responsibility and “dumbing”down or minimizing her “voice” has come at a dear price. Her healing path involves forgiveness, playing in the rain (just because) and eating pomagrantes to name a few.

  7. john walsh

    1. Will be meeting with my AP tomorrow at 5:00 p.m.

    2. The fifth chakra is about communication, about balance between speaking your truth and conforming, It is about loving yourself enough to express yourself honestly, not sugar coating or filtering your thoughts, to please others.

    3. My fifth chakra has been blocked, choosing to please people over expressing myself fully. Choosing to avoid conflict at all costs. There is a negative contract involved which developed in childhood,with a parent….if you’re quiet, and well behaved, you will be loved. This is conditional love, not true love, or self love.

  8. stefan fabry

    My AP carries a mental construct through which she convinces herself that she’s going to die if she does dare to step up into her power. Through this construct, she keeps herself under control. What will heal this contract is that she can use the knowledge of her own death for her liberation from fear of failure since she’s going to die anyway at some point some day. If she chooses to voice her decision to raise herself out of the limitations of fear, her own spirit and body will align behind her intent and induce the changes needed for the unfolding of her own power.
    2. The fifth chakra is about taking decisions and manifesting those decisions in the world and beyond. Here the self-compromising decisions about how we see ourselves are at home. We may have decided that we are not lovable long time ago. Once we’re aware of our self-curtailing agreements we can change them in the same way we took them: by voicing our intent to change, by voicing how we want to change and by allowing ourselves to persist until those changes are manifested. When this area is healthy it has the qualities of water, adaptable, with a wide spectrum of possibilities at our fingertips.

    3. It is the place of manifestation. Whatever our daily prayers in form of our thoughts are, is getting manifested through this area. The exponential power of this area becomes manifested when the thoughts are voiced to oneself and to others. Then they have traction.

    4. https://stefan3294.wixsite.com/website/blog/which-way

  9. Chloe Josephine

    1) My Ap partner’s negative belief in their throat chakra was about perfectionism. That they had to be perfect and expected it from other people and situations also. If it wasn’t perfect then it wasn’t worth it and would flare up their aggression in the fifth chakra like striking a match on dry wood. Behind the perfection was a deeper wound around judgment. The healing is acceptance and basic goodness; that it exists in all of God’s creations.

    2) The fifth chakra when it is healthy is about authenticity, clarity, truth, wisdom and is unshakable. When this chakra is unhealthy it’s a hungry ghost; restless, impatient, aggressive, and manipulative.

    3) The deeper meaning of my fifth chakra is about self expression, reflection and wisdom. When I love it up, it opens and relaxes allowing all kinds of different expressions to be seen and heard without judgment.

    4) https://1111visionary.wixsite.com/website/home/the-fifth-chakra

  10. Les Adler, M.D.H.

    1) Because of some communication glitches, My AP and I didn’t get together till Tuesday late afternoon. What was most interesting was that there was a negative belief about self worth and yet he had cleared most of it already. In other words, it was clear that his early life was full of negative beliefs and yet at present there is so little residual. It was beautiful to see from comparing present and past that he had done most of the healing already and he was clearly on his path. He thus needed to continue his present healing processes since they are obviously working. We didn’t look for any other.
    2) The fifth chakra is primarily about all kinds of communication, verbal as well as non verbal. It requires authenticity and clarity. When the energy is not flowing well, there may actually be difficulty in expressing oneself. Also the energy can be stifled at the mouth. When this is the crux of the problem singing, yelling, and yawning can be healing tools.

    3) We had a good time examining my fifth chakra. I had my AP read me with my legal name. Afterward I asked him to read my fifth chakra but after giving him my spiritual name. They were completely different. The legal name reading was all about fear and caution. This has been a persistent theme from all of the readings and been frustrating for me. However, when he read me from my spiritual name, There was a clean slate. There was no negativity but rather excitement for the future, with energy pouring in. Interesting to discover; I have had the name since 1985.

  11. john walsh

    1. While reading my AP I saw a childhood experience which resulted in a negative agreement. My AP was given the impression as a child that he needed to be perfect, anything less than perfection was unacceptable. My AP believed that if he was imperfect, he was a bad person, a failure. This caused great stress on my AP throughout his life.


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