Level 4 Week 4 HomePlay

  1. AP reading: 4th chakra. (30-40 minutes each) Start by seeing what you see and describe it to your partner. Also, look at the structure, diameter, emotion, personality, meaning and general wellness of their chakra. Find a negative contract with a parent and another with a being. Describe it. Tell them what each party is getting out of it and how to heal it. Record your reading and email it to your AP. Write about your AP's 4th chakra here in no more than 5 sentences. Only write about the meaning of your pictures and not the colors, pictures or phychic-ese. (Program B)

How to read negative contracts/agreements: 1) Who is the agreement between? 2) Why was it created and agreed upon? (On a subconscious basis.) 3) What is each party gaining? 4) How is the agreement negatively affecting the readee's life? 5) How can the contract be broken? What steps need to be taken to heal?

2. Write the meaning of the 4th chakra on the Google Doc and copy and paste what you wrote here.

3. Meditate and spend time loving your 4th chakra. Ask to see its deeper meaning. Write about your chakra here in 1-4 sentences.

4. Optional: Write a one paragraph blog about the 4th chakra and what it's all about. Leave the link here. You may copy the content from your Chakra Book if you like, to keep it simple.

13 comments on “Level 4 Week 4 HomePlay

  1. Laura Jepsen

    1 My AP has a negative contract with both of her parents, but more her mother, that she must be good at all costs. This is negatively effecting her today because when others are rude or inconsiderate to her, she is polite instead of speaking up for herself. The person being rude benefits when she doesn’t speak out, by feeding off her power. She also has a negative contract with a being that makes it difficult for her to recognize when someone is being rude to her.

    2.The fourth chakra is about relating to people and all living beings including animals and plants. A life force radiates from all living beings like the sun radiates energy, people can assimilate this life force energy the way plants assimilate sunshine and this process is very healing and is part of the 4th chakra function. It is part of why you feel joy in your heart when relating with others in a positive way. Being closed off in the heart area blocks accepting and taking in this healing energy.

    3.In meditating on my fourth chakra, I found so much stored here: joy and positive memories as well as hurts and pains, all relating to other people and events. I found emotions moving around the fourth chakra like a breeze moving around. Some of the emotions were really old and “stuck.”

  2. Michelle LeMoine

    1. AP reading: I saw for my AP’s heart chakra is was a red orange color the size of her body. I saw her mother and a little being in there. Her mother had passed when she was young and she felt she needed to be there for protection. Her mother came through in the reading to give my AP love and words of comfort. The little being was also needed by my AP during the time of her mother’s loss for comfort. We used healing colors (don’t recall) to remove them from her chakra. I also saw a white shadow in her outer layer aura in her head which was creating an energy block to the rest of her body. I got that it was increasing her blood pressure. We worked on healing colors for that block. Also I heard that walking everyday would improve my AP’s cardiovascular condition and energy flow.

    2. Google doc completed

    3. During my meditation on my heart chakra I saw a shadow on my heart chakra and also my mom and dad. The meaning behind the shadow was to keep my heart from completely feeling and being connected to everyone. Red/pink was essential for healing the shadow in my heart. The reason for my mom and dad being in my aura is there needed to be healing between all 3 of us. They each felt I needed protection. I told them I was strong on my own now and didn’t need their help. I went through the 5 hoopnopno messages to them.

    4. Blog: https://www.energyintuitivehealing.net/blog

  3. Lilia Collins

    1. My AP had a negative contract with her mother. The unhealthy agreement was that she dress and look a certain way and the mother would love her. The mother would get an ego boost and in return her daughter would feel accepted. My AP needed to know that she is whole and it is ok to be herself.

    2. The fourth chakra is about loving yourself wholly. It is about loving with discernment. It is about gratitude.

    3. As I meditated on my fourth chakra, I saw it in a place of gratitude and grace. Which is exactly what I’ve been feeling lately, gratitude for my spiritual life.

  4. Victoria Reese

    1.) I saw my AP’s fourth chakra at its best which was open, loving and full of joy. I also saw a past life, where he was a tin soldier and a contract was made between himself and his older brother. The plus was protection was afforded to his older brother but at the cost of my AP’s having a “snail like” approach to fully embracing love and emotions. The solution I saw was to first have forgiveness and self-love. The color blue was a healing color and would help assist my AP as he opens his throat chakra and speaks with his younger brother, whom also is feeling the negatives associated with this contract.

    2.) The fourth chakra, is in many ways about infinite possibilities and potential in terms of human growth and advancement. In this chakra, a key can be unlocked where one may either chose to open this region, to completely step into potential; or, close this chakra and shrink into a dimmer element of one’s true self. It is only in fully expanding this area that the true joy, love and happiness, that is humanities divine birthright, can be fully experienced.

    3.) I have been spending time expanding my fourth chakra and fluffing it up. This has been a very busy last few days! Counterintuitive to plowing through my days, I actually have stopped to have extra hugs, extra love, and extra play. I have felt really good about these small but positive and intentional healing steps towards healing and expanding my heart chakra.

  5. JoDean Cooper


    1. When reading my AP’s 4th chakra I was able to see it was round and radiating out 36” in a circular shape. Its emotional state was brimming with angst, sorrow and pleaded to allow the emotions be let go.

    When asking about negative contracts I saw a physical being (gremlin like) and asked it about its contract with my AP partner. I received an “it’s none of my business” and then I looked into my partner’s body deeper and relayed the steps for eliminating that entity and the multiple spikes, pins it had inserted into my partner’s body. I never did receive an answer to the question of what my partner was getting out of it. The gremlin entity derived joy from pinching my partner physically.

    2. Google Doc: The Fourth chakra: Is about forgiveness, connection to yourself and others, oneness, balances our heart, and eternal wounds and of course great bliss.

    3. When meditating and loving on the 4th chakra: I felt the loving feminine power. I found I am strongly connected to gifts of sight and intuition. Source of deep wounds, source of great forgiveness. I’ve discovered there are still wounds and immature feelings being stored there. I will endeavor to spend more time here to let the wounds heal and move on with more maturity.

    4. I’m still figuring out how to navigate my new website and blog. I will post the link to the 4th chakra when my site goes live.

  6. john walsh

    1. When reading my AP’s 4th chakra, I saw a relationship between she and her mother. I saw that there was a history of conflict, difficulty in communication. I saw that there were two very strong personalities that strongly expressed their opinions, and that sometimes these opinions clashed.

    2. John: The fourth chakra, the heart chakra is about relationships, connection, and love. It is the center for emotions, loving others, and being loved. Negative contracts can be stored here, causing blockages.

    3. My 4th chakra, my heart chakra was for the most part healthy. Their was some guilt and conflict from a relationship in the past, stored here. This guilt has caused an ongoing blockage, which has put limits on my ability to love, and be loved.

  7. john walsh

    1. When reading my AP’s 4th chakra, I saw a negative healing agreement between my AP and her mother. In both this lifetime, and a past lifetime, my AP’s mother relied on my AP for care, and well being. This agreement took energy away from my AP and also interfered with my AP’s ability to enjoy her life. My AP was forced to deal with issues of guilt and resentment. A being was also present, which acted like my AP’s conscience, making my AP feel guilty and causing my AP to beat herself up, over issues with her mother.

  8. Michelle LeMoine

    1.AP reading: I saw for my AP’s heart chakra is was a red orange color the size of her body. I saw her mother and a little being in there. Her mother had passed when she was young and she felt she needed to be there for protection. The negative contract between the mother and AP was that my AP wouldn’t feel strong on her own and would need others to make her feel whole. The mother’s negative contract was to still feel in power over her daughter. This would give her a feeling of being needed.

    The negative contract with the little being was to feed off of AP’s self loathing. This negative contract would make my AP eat more and eat unhealthy choices making my AP feel bad. My AP’s negative contract was self pity over loss of mother. This self pity lead to unhealthy food choices.

    2. The 4th chakra is about forgiveness, feeds us love, joy happiness, connection to yourself and others, oneness, balances our heart, and eternal bliss.

    3. During my meditation on my heart chakra I saw a shadow on my heart chakra and also my mom and dad. The meaning behind the shadow was to keep my heart from completely feeling and being connected to everyone. Red/pink was essential for healing the shadow in my heart. The reason for my mom and dad being in my aura is there needed to be healing between all 3 of us. They each felt I needed protection. I told them I was strong on my own now and didn’t need their help. I went through the 5 hoopnopno messages to them.

    4. Blog: https://www.energyintuitivehealing.net/blog

  9. stefan fabry

    1. AP reading.
    My AP has inherited a contract from her mom to judge others as good or bad. It was created with the intent to protect her. The way to heal this contract is to meditate for 30 days minimum, or until it is dissolved, upon the divine essence of people that would fall into the category of “bad”. That will remove the idea of “other” and “bad” and give access to knowledge of the oneness of each and every one person in this life.

    2. This chakra is about relating to the people we share this life with, both individually and globally. When this chakra is balanced the flow of loving kindness towards all living beings and human beings is uninhibited. When it is not balanced it is a cemetery of pain and hurt from the that hinders healthy relationships between people. Here the many contracts with parents are set up. Agreements with alien entities that feed on us in exchange for favors like pseudo protection and safety are also common.

    3. My 4th chakra is telling me that it is here to super-charge vision by adding feeling to it, which is highly beneficial. It is the place in our bodies where we carry the lessons of life that are here to teach us about unconditional love.

    4. Here is the link:


  10. Chloe Josephine

    1) My AP had a negative agreement with their parents that if they (my AP) didnt use their healing power then their parents and family would be safe. It was created to survive being killed for being a witch or plant medicine healer. The agreement was negativly affecting my AP by having a gray brick wall around their heart so as not to connect with other people well. In order for my ap to heal this contract it is important to connect with high integrity people and do energy readings and healings. It is also beneficial for them to keep their 4th chakra energy in close to them no bigger than their chest.

    2. The 4th Chakra is located in the heart center of the body. It is about courage, drive, relationships, oneness, and growth. It helps balance the energy moving through the heart so we can connect to many people, places and situations in a meaningful way.

    3. The fourth Chakra is the spirit center for growth and transformation. The fourth chakra requests me to step into the wilderness, the in between places – where the old doesn’t work anymore and spiritual transformation is required.
    Practices to strengthen my fourth chakra-
    Be an explorer not a whiner
    Muster courage and surrender and bring connection
    Get support and stay in the wilderness as long as it takes.

    4) https://1111visionary.wixsite.com/website/home/4th-chakra


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