Level 3 Class 5 Homework

  • Meditation: IFG 15 minutes per day
  • Partner Reading (20 mins each): 

Ask the class fairy 

  1. How can my partner be more in tune with his/her body and the earth?
  2. Tell us something that my partner didn't know about the earth and the way nature and the world works.
  3. How can my partner laugh more?
  • Personal Reading:

Ask the personal fairy

  1. How can I be more in tune with my body and the earth?
  2. Tell me something that I didn't know about the earth and the way nature and the world works.
  3. How can I laugh more?
  • Blog Entry:

Write on the blog what your personal fairy told you and remind us of his/her name.



15 comments on “Level 3 Class 5 Homework

  1. Thomas

    My beings name was orion, green in color, and he recomended to tune to earth I should commune with plants more, ask them questions talk to them , ask them what they need and take the time to listen, about the earth I should know she is a sentient conscious being that feels everything and I should act accordingly knowing she watches 24/7 and to laugh more that I should travel more and be around places where the people are relaxed and in a simple state of being – where laughter comes easier and to remember times in my past where I laughed alot especially around australians that find humor in everthing

  2. Rose

    My fairy’s name is “Honey Bee”.

    Be willing to feel with all my senses – not just my head, but also heart, nose, skin, ears etc.
    She felt I had a tense heart. Showed me to picture a honey bee walking around inside my heart (as they do in the flowers) and then buzzing out and shaking the hurt energy like pollen off her body with a wiggle. I did this a lot and it felt great, like a massage from the inside and was very amusing also as the bee shook and wiggled to drop the energy off before going back in. I did some in the center of my head too as a little tension crept in while I tried to ask my homework questions.

    She showed me an as above so below scenario of the planet and the other realm. Also that there is a lot of neutrality in the earth and earth processes. If they need to express something they do. eg. eruption, sliding, etc. changing when necessary – expressing the need of the moment.

    Then I relaxed deeply with this scene and she brought in some pansies. I asked her why – they were a parting gift. When I looked up pansies they mean “think of me” after the French pen see for thoughts.

    Also they have faces and I realised that even in my condo setting I can enter into the process of growing them and paying attention to the things they need in particular and in this way will be participating in paying closer attention to the process of life.

    1. Marie

      Thank you so much for sharing this. It is an incredibly beautiful and helpful message. The bee healing is amazing and I really needed to hear the message about the neutrality. Namaste.

  3. Andrea

    1. Drink fresh greens daily.
    2. More powerful than the Sun, more cleansing than separating gold from dross, more healing than any known remedy, lasting and more prized than any possession, it is the space between the electrons, protons and neutrons, dark energy is filled with it, life is based on it — Love.
    3. Do/Be what you love:)
    His name is Roo

  4. Nan

    Name was Ana something (it was a very long name that I can’t pronounce)
    1. spend more time in nature. express your appreciation for nature out loud (or by writing with pen in hand)
    2. she dove deep into the earth to show me that one of the earths layers is a library. it contains all the sensations , transformations, experiences of each living plant, tree, seed. this info is stored for all time and is tended by fairies dressed in white with gold wing tips.
    3. it is a choice. laughter is always the best choice, one you must consciously make.

  5. maia

    1- more stretching and more free singing . they both got the power to clear the mind and to align with body consciousness .
    2 – if you talk with a rose, by resonance you are talking with all the roses on the planet . they all hear you and they all can talk to you . and trees in particular are very ancient beings that love to teach, so please attune to them .
    3 – set the intention to laugh more and visualize your self laughing . then let it up to the universe . when you play with teo, decide together that the goal of the play is to laugh a lot .
    The name of my fairy is Sarah .

  6. Toto

    I was told by “Alba” ( White) to see myself as part of the earth energy of the garden. To ask myself what colors of food I need to eat. To ask questions about my body chemistry – what needs adjusting or renewing. ( She reminded me to wear more sun protection). She said I walk in this world and the one below, amongst the soil and roots – the earth is as a magnet to me. The world aspect is that we each create these beautiful energy fields in the land, community and world. This energy fuels the manifestation of positive vibration for all. We are all partners in this new world. To have me laugh more is to imagine Alba sitting on my beloved flowers.

  7. Tracy

    My Fairy showed me geometrical patterns that surround my field and are part of me. She showed me how they are connected to my heart. My heart is often blocked/protected and to feel this connection with the patterns will aid in releasing the blockage and help me to feel my heart’s rhythm within me and without.

    She showed me threads of light and orbs that connect everything. All that I tend to dislike or view as crude about this planet and the denseness of humanity is still imbued with this cosmic weaving/cosmic threads. She told me I am the grandmother spider and in the midst of seeming atrocity on the planet or among the species/humanity I must still spin the web. And this Weaving is Sacred.

    To laugh more, spend more time with the plants, deepen my work with them.

  8. Marie

    Her name sounds like Jinxie. She showed me all of the colors of the rainbow and how they all become one, how we all become one. She said for me to play with these colors to find joy, laughter and to have FUN with it. Not take it seriously. She told me to sit down on the grass more often.

  9. Barbara Hall

    My fairy’s name is Liliana. She said it is very good for me to take walks in nature early in the day, each day, especially at this time of year (nature is right out my door). Also, to stretch, yoga-style, each morning, and to eat pineapple, oranges, apples and berries, and greens. She said that in the universe everything is connected, and even though there are spaces, these also connect. All creations are equal, all responsibility resides in this awareness. My fairy told me to smile, letting the outside smile turn into an inside smile. Also, to listen to music, dance, and allow time each day to be carefree and childlike.

  10. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

    Wow! You have all written amazing info! I’m so proud that my students are connecting so well to the Devic world! There is so much to learn from them.


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