Level 3 Week 5 Homeplay

  1. Listen to the 5th and 6th meditation on the CD Soul Love. Write about your impressions or experiences here. Three sentences max.

2. Look at 2-3 colors in your auric field and draw them in your notebook. Write about the meaning of each color using “I am...” sentences here. Three sentences max.

3. AP call: (10-15 mins per person.) Look at your AP’s aura. First tell them about one color and it’s associated pictures and meaning. Then translate the information into “you are...” statements. Practice going deeper with one color instead of looking at diverse colors. Keep looking until your 10-15 minutes are up. If you see something out of balance tell them what would benefit them by finding the energy’s exact opposite. Write about your AP’s aura reading here. For example, “I saw the color orange in my AP‘s aura. It means my AP is sensual, fun and romantic!” Three sentences max. Program B

Please do this same homeplay for the next two weeks. In other words, do it twice. Once this week due this Monday and again next week with your next AP due the following Monday. This way you will continue the learning process. We will not have class this Wed July 4th but will resume the following Wednesday. Happy Independence day! Be free! Be sure to check out the wild mustangs on my FB page if interested!

11 comments on “Level 3 Week 5 Homeplay

  1. Lilia Collins

    1. Releasing old loves from my soul instantly made my soul feel lighter.

    2. I saw the color blue and green in my auric field. I am empowered as I embrace my career and deeply connected to Mother Earth.


  2. Chloe Josephine

    1) I love using the sun energy and image to fill up my aura with bright light so I feel full as I release old energy and relationships.

    2) Purple- I am a deeply spiritual being blessed with abundant grace.
    Pink-I am love in motion.
    Green- I am heathy, wealthy and always enough.

    3) I saw the color sage in my AP’s aura.
    It means my AP is wise, nurturing and an innate healer.

  3. Lilia Collins

    3. My AP’s aura was a soft pink. She is devine feminine power and is most empowered when she embraces her feminine energy she is a powerful intuitive.

  4. Michelle LeMoine

    1. Soul Love cd (5 and 6). I really loved the imagery of the sun expanding on the inhale and contracting on exhale. I could really see my power in my body while visualizing my body like the sun. I also could appreciate the contrast of the light (expansion) and darkness contraction. This helped me to see both of those are necessary in the flow of light.

    During my letting go of past love experiences, there was a lot of emotion that welled up, but then it diffused. I felt still connected to these people without the unhealthy charge. By fully letting go of my past love relationships, I am fully able to be present for my current love relationship.

    2. Colors in aura: “Michelle, I saw in your aura a soft light lavender color and a bit of a rose mauve color. The purple color says about you that you are full of love, wisdom and inner beauty and have a connection to the earth. The rose color signifies your joy and unique perspective that you bring to situations.

    Michelle, the image I am seeing is a big brown bear walking through the wildflower meadow on a beautiful sunny morning. This bear represents you are very powerful and self sufficient woman. You also are very connected to animals and feel most at peace when in nature with them.

    3. AP’s aura: I saw a bright red color turning to grey in my AP’s aura. What I got from this was there was passion, love, fire energy and travel. My AP was afraid to speak his truth and allow his inner voice to shine. Also he would benefit from allowing this passionate energy to come forward and unleash itself in a positive direction. I saw him in a boat in another country, like Thailand, with a crocodile at the side of the boat. My AP was having fun and not the least bit concerned about the alligator. My impression, I felt in my body was, he was happy, playful and being adventurous. It actually made me giggle. I felt my AP was expanding and opening up without letting the fear affect him signified by the crocodile. The travel aspect of being in another country signified his moving in a new direction.

    I wasn’t sure about the grey color in his aura. But after chatting with him, he confirmed that he had gotten an orange and grey color in his aura upon meditating and the grey for him meant confusion. When I saw the grey in his aura, I didn’t understand. I thought my flow in the reading had stopped.

    My AP said that he really resonated with my reading and felt that there was a lot of truth in it.
    It was a very positive experience for both of us and we both resonated with what each other had read about us.

  5. Victoria Reese

    1.) This past week, I have gone for a morning walk and many mornings, have had the honor, of seeing the sun rise. How timely and meaningful this portion of the CD has been as I walk.

    Also in keeping with my spiritual “step” is the continual examination of relationships that no longer serve my highest good. I have found Soul Love to be an ongoing source of comfort and a readily available tool for grounding, thank you.

    2.) I visualized the colors a soft fuschia pink and emerald green in my auric field. I am a sensitive, loving, heartfelt healer full of abundance.

    3.) In my AP’s auric field, I saw a beautiful sun-kissed orange and a beautiful Bazooka pink layer. I saw several pictures one of which was of Archangel Michael and a grandfather whom saw both his own reflection and my AP’s as well, in a pool of water. My AP is vibrant, abundant, and passionate with an amazing “helper” from both the past (grandfather) and the present (Michael).

  6. john Walsh

    1. I listened to the meditations. I did not see anything visually, however, I did feel changes on an emotional level. I felt very much at peace, centered, more accepting, and content. I felt more able to allow, instead of controlling every aspect of my life.

    2. I saw orange on the inner layer and blue on the outer layer. I am creative. I am creating my own life circumstances. I confident. I am positive and empowered.

    3. In process of connecting.

  7. Stefan Fabry

    1. Is the 6th meditation the one about trauma?

    Trauma meditation.

    It felt easy to forgive when looking at a person as my own body not as a separate body out there.
    It is healing to see that a person in my life was only there to push me, to teach me about finding space and time to care for myself.

    2. Look at 2-3 colors in your auric field:
    Deep Blue: I am in the process of releasing the fear that I kept myself stuck with. My vigor and vitality are returning as a result, and my throat is free again.

    Red: I am ready to accept my being fully embodied in this body standing on the earth with both feet solid on the ground and am feeling the joy that the exchange of energy with the earth is creating.

    Yellow: I am ready to invite material abundance in alignment with the intent of Source. There is also a warning to avoid anything toxic.

    3. AP call:

    I saw a speck of orange at my AP’s left ear level. It means that my AP has a strong resource of nourishment inside herself. She received this nourishment through the strong and healthy connection to one of her parents at the age before 1 year old.

  8. Laura Jepsen

    This is Laura Jepsen, I am a new student. I wanted to say HI and introduce myself. Looking forward to meeting you all!

  9. JoDean Cooper

    1. Soul Love CD (5 and 6):
    Letting go of past loves, cutting cords with friends & family members. All went very well. It was freeing and felt healthy. Shortly afterwards I felt a strong general will to ‘dis-engage’ in all meditations. I’m working through this barrier. Next time I will make sure I fill myself back up with love.

    2. Examine 2-3 colors in your auric field:
    I saw both bright yellow and light blue; I am exhibiting the strength and shields of a warrior and the reserved, conservative energy of being unsure and vulnerable at this time.

    3. AP Call:
    I saw the color brown in my AP’s aura. It means my AP is encumbered with thoughts, and over analyzing his life. I saw his brain’s left side slow moving, many obstacles, and stuck in old memories. His brain’s right side was lighter, speaking to small groups, and consequently finding his creative Joy.

  10. michal ragsdale

    2. I saw a purple as my ap partners primary aura color that really explained there true essence. At the same time there was a pink inside there aura that symbolized a certain energy that needed to be released. As they released the pink the purple really radiated and the feeling of there aura was amazing, felt so in sync for them and a divine motherly ease. I thank you AP partner.


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