Level 3 Week 2 Home-Play


1. Find time for yourself to meditate for 15 mins per day.

2. Draw your aura and post it on our private SSL FB page. Click on the camera icon to upload. Make sure you write your name by your photo. If you don’t have a smart phone don’t stress about this. Do it if you can so that we can all share the joy of our auras!

3. Read ONE new color in your aura and post it on the HW blog. Say, “I am…”

4. Google doc: Copy and paste your color definitions from your final onto our Google Doc book. You may write more if you like. Please take out repeat words when possible.

5. Read chapter 2 of BMI book. (Optional)


There is no AP call this week. If you need help with anything call a friend from class.

You can just write the number of the HW and your answer, like this:

1. I did it most days! Wow, I'm awesome!

2. Posted!

3. I saw the color purple in my aura. It meant, "I am deeply spiritual...


23 comments on “Level 3 Week 2 Home-Play

  1. Lil

    1. most days
    2. posted
    3. turquoise – I am crying with joy, feeling deeply, surrendering, trusting, authentic, having breakthroughs, expanded, heavenly
    4. Where is the Google Doc book?
    5. did it

  2. jennifer

    1.) meditated for 10 minutes daily.
    2.)Drew aura and posted on FB page
    3.) Read Aura

    I am feeling a deep blue resonating down the middle of my torso. Initially feels cold and narrow. Slightly shrinking inward. I am feeling uncertainty with in myself. I’m not sure whether it’s ok to be myself to the world. Representing my place in a new job and the leap I took. I’m feeling fear of
    being enough or wondering and questioning my enough ness. I have a fear of rejection, old feeling of worth stemming from kindergarten. I’m wanting to be accepted. Wondering is it ok to expose and reveal myself or will the shoe drop? I’m not trusting which is old belief pattern.
    I also see myself with a small light green around my aura almost as if trying to break through to remind me of my own worth which wants to shine through.

    4. ) Will post to google docs by Wednesday/Thursday.

    5.) Read it!

  3. Mitsuko

    1. Have been meditating here are there along with sick kids, Need to get better at using the timer.

    2. Will do when and as soon as I can.

    3. Covered in pitch black. “I am fatigued”. “I am hopeful the light will come”

    4. Might be delayed on this and wait till I have better access to computer (when kids are healthier).

    5. Close to finishing it, although I skipped a few chapters in the middle. Fascinating and great reference to read the case studies.

  4. Mitsuko

    Please excuse me if this is a duplicate. I entered early in the day and not sure if it went through and is awaiting moderation, or if the website didn’t accept it.

    1. Did my best but need to be more intentional about relying on timer.

    2. Still trying to get this done.

    3. Black: “I am fatigued” “I am waiting for more light to shine through, which I know will come”

    4. Did this just now.

    5. Enjoyed the book very very much.

  5. christina k

    1. Most days, yes.
    2. Drew aura but have not uploaded picture to FB.
    3. Read one Color: Deep, vibrant purple; the color of grapes.
    I smell good. I am eager. I am sweet. I am playful. I am fresh. I am childlike. I am heart-centered. I am reaching and stretching like a child playing with bubble gum out of her mouth.
    I am pulsating.
    I am free.
    I am yearning for adventure, excitement, sexual intimacy.
    I have some seeds that may be blocking flow. I am luscious and juicy.
    I am amusing to watch from afar.
    I am lonely and confused like a teenager. I am Feeling new sensations- popping like grape-flavored pop-rocks candy.

    4. Not sure where the link is to the Colors google doc.
    5. Have started the MI book. Fascinating!

  6. chelsea

    1. Did meditations.
    2. Aura pic-drew pic of aura
    3. Translucent turquoise, I am calm. I am empathic to feelings. I am fluid. I am connected to everyone like water and everything like in the ocean. I am growing, filled with knowledge for others. I’m changing. I am abundant, prosperous, rich worldly and comfortable.
    4. Slowly reading MI book.
    5. Haven’t worked on colors with your Google docs, but I will:)

  7. angel

    1. Doing it most days!! WOW!! I’m awsome.
    2. Drew Aura pic. Having trouble posting.
    3. I am feeling a PinK aura around me.: I am nurturing, kind, calm, evolving, ressurecting, youthful, playful,. I am soft, nurtured, bubbly, enthusiastic. Sometimes when I look at my aura it is tilted to the right. I believe that is because I spend so much time on my kids I forget about me and am not grounded. I am focusing more on me and am a coffee sniffer (it grounds me) .
    4. Will contact classmates for assistance with google doc.
    5. Reading and loving book

  8. Robin

    Sorry this is late!! I’m just glad I remembered before i went to sleep!

    1) Did meditations most days..guided meditations nightly….I am awesome!

    2) Drew my aura, will upload to face book.

    3) The color I read from my aura is red:
    I am grounded, centered, alive. I am perfectly imperfect. I am connected to the deep stillness within me, where all is and will always be OK. I am finding my inner fire. ..fanning the flames. ..finding more meaning in my life… i am finding my center. ..i am opening my heart and finding more love..of self, others, and life. I am focused on my groundedness. I am focused on Being…being the qualities i want in my life – peace, joy, love, bliss, passion, connection… I am in Divine flow. I surrender. . I am Divinely Feminine… I am being guided by Spirit. I am grateful. I am working thru and releasing any blocks I have.

    4) I need to figure out how to do this, I don’t think it can be done from my phone but will look into it.

    5) Reading the book,

  9. maia

    1. meditated everyday.
    2. Done
    3. Im blue.. I see clearly but I’m scared of following trough with what I see. my way to relate to myself, God, and others need to be re-defined. Im having hard time to breathe, I’m scared, I can feel I’m in the mist of a big transition, everything feels like nothing, no attachments, no drama, almost like being depressed. But I know I’m just truly de-touching from the drama and awakening from the dream. I feel sense of humor is my only hope lol..
    4. Done
    5. Reading

  10. Ruth

    1. Mediating everyday

    2. Done

    3. Red: I am activated, fiery, movement, spirals, spinning. I am peeling away the painful stories, beliefs, that have been impacting my life for so long, peeling away layers to reveal what’s underneath, the source of illness, pain, genetic encoded memories that are mine but not mine. I am clearing out what’s not mine, what is mine, what doesn’t serve me anymore to become a more open channel to send and receive for healing.

    4. Haven’t done this yet but i will!

    5. Done

  11. Phaedra

    1. Meditated Daily

    2. Posted My Photo

    3. I am stepping into my power and exploding into light!

    4. Posting On Google Docs Now

    5. Almost Finished With Chapter 2!

    I realize my homework is late- I was focused on posting my aura picture so forgot about our HW blog!

      1. Phaedra

        Oh ok. I wrote a lot in my notebook, but thought I was supposed to write one line here. I will write more next time.

  12. Heather

    1.meditation- Most days baby is having 1 year old sleep issues.

    2. Posted

    3.Worked with the brown in my Aura that is around the solar plexus. it was not a healthy brown.
    I am working really hard but resisting change and holding
    I am excited about change though
    I am making sure I feel safe enough to allow the process of letting go
    I am in the midst of great change.

    4. Chapter 2 did not get to yet

  13. Susan Palmer

    Homework from last week
    1. Did every day, but different amt of time each day
    2. Drew aura and posted
    3.Green: I am content, I feel supported, I experience clear movement, I am seeing into myself with clarity
    4. Will do that now
    5. Reading chapter 4

  14. Kat

    1. was sick and my son was sick, didn’t happen!

    2. Done

    3. I see magenta in my aura. I am cultivating the divine feminine. Practicing a softer strength, quiet conviction instead of brash, energy wasting, lecturing that I used to hold. I am cultivating gracious humbleness, and gathering energy.

    4. Not done yet

    5. I am enjoying the book


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