Level 11, Week 5, Home-Play

  1. AP Reading: Lungs (45 minutes each)

2. Meditation on the lungs: 10 minutes daily. Meditation on Self: 10 minutes daily

3. MI Book: Lungs

My last MI group put a photo of each organ in their MI Book. You may want to do that too.

4. Watch the Netflix movie: What the Health. Or buy it at WhatTheHealthFilm.com.
Post a short blog asking people to watch this movie and leave the link here.

5 comments on “Level 11, Week 5, Home-Play

  1. Chelsea

    1. AP Reading: Lungs
    In my AP’s right lung, I saw a lower vibrational energy related to her having an expectation of how her family dynamic would be which was different than how it turned out. This was healed by releasing the expectation and replacing it with an openness to receive love in unexpected ways. The left lung had a gold shield around it used to protect her from feeling all of the sorrows and emotions of others and not being able to help them. We removed the shield and filled up with healthy energy knowing my AP is now strong enough to not be as effected by the emotions of others. Overall, her lungs were very tender and open and I gave her a mantra to work with: I release expectations. I am open to receiving love in unexpected ways.

    2. I have been meditating and healing the lungs daily.

    3. MI Book: Lungs

    Spiritual Definition: I saw the lungs as a vast space that works as a receptor as well as a transmitter receiving energy in the form of feelings and transmuting them as well. In my mind, I saw the space of the lungs like an energetic satellite for the energy of things and people we come into contact with on a physical level. They are where we project our emotions and where we receive the vibrations of others emotions. We take in vibrations of nature as well in this space. The lungs hold joy and happiness. The lungs act like a spacing device between people. They are soft and sensitive. People smoke to fill up their lungs with smoke so they don’t have to feel the sensitivities that the lungs are able to feel. The lungs are very sensitive with little feelers for all emotions as you breath. The deeper you breath, the more information you can take in. You can breath deeper creating an energy of fearlessness. This brings in an energy of the lioness being powerful in your own energy. Giving love and being open to receiving love is in this space. When you come into contact with one who is projecting anger or fear, not in their highest vibration, it is important to not take it personally. Understanding it is their projection, you can send them love without being effected by them just like a lion to their cub.

    Scientific Definition: The human lungs are a pair of large, spongy organs exchanging gas between our blood and the air. The lungs provide us with oxygen while also removing carbon dioxide before it can reach hazardous levels.
    The lungs have a double-layered serous membranes that surround each lung called pleura. The visceral pleura forms the inner layer of the membrane covering the outside surface of the lungs.
    Between the parietal and visceral pleura is the pleural cavity, which creates a hollow space for the lungs to expand into during inhalation. Serous fluid secreted by the pleural membranes lubricates the inside of the pleural cavity to prevent irritation to the lungs during breathing.
    Occupying most of the space within the thoracic cavity, the lungs extend laterally from the heart to the ribs on both sides of the chest and continue posteriorly toward the spine. Each soft, spongy lung is roughly cone-shaped. The upper end of the lungs narrows to a rounded tip known as the apex. The bottom end of the lungs rests on the dome-shaped diaphragm. The base of the lungs is concave to follow the contour of the diaphragm.
    The left lung is slightly smaller than the right lung because 2/3 of the heart is located on the left side of the body. The left lung contains the cardiac notch, an indentation in the lung that surrounds the apex of the heart.
    Air enters the body through the nose or mouth and passes through the pharynx, larynx, and trachea. Just before reaching the lungs, the trachea then splits into the left and right bronchi – large, hollow tubes made of cartilage. The cartilage of the bronchi forms incomplete rings shaped like the letter “C” with the open part of the ring facing toward the posterior end of the bronchi. The rigid hyaline cartilage prevents the bronchi from collapsing and blocking airflow to the lungs. Each lung receives air from a single, large primary bronchus.
    (I’ve added more detail in my Anatomy Handbook.)

    4. Watched What the Health. Will update with a link for my blog when I finish it.

  2. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Reading Lungs

    My ap is realeasing old energy around feeling unimportant. There is new endeavors as well as creativity which will begin to emerge for her. I saw that drinking more lemon water will help clear her cold as well as practing mantras to feel more seen and to follow her joy and to know she deserves this time in her life of semi retirement.

    2.) I haven’t been meditating 10 minutes but I have been consciously focusing more on breathing and sending light to my lungs daily.

    3.) Lungs

    Physical Value:
    The lungs bring in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide, a waste product of our metabolism. When we breathe in air comes down the throat into the trachea, windpipe and then bronchial tubes which go into the lungs. The smallest branches of bronchial tubes are called bronchioles and each bronchiole has an air sac, also called alveoli. The lungs are covered with a thin tissue called the Pleura.

    Spiritual Value:
    There’s a sense of gentleness and sensitivity which emanates from the lungs. A child like wonder and ability to breathe in life. How we breathe is directly correlated to how we experience life and take in life. Feeling safe in our body is important to conscious deep breathing. Connecting to ourselves and others through the heart is important and energetically effects the lungs. Unconditional love for ourselves and others is also experienced.

    4.) Watched movie What the Health- Blogged


  3. Susan

    AP’s lungs had a black, sooty texture on the lining of the upper bronchi, and they were healthier lower down. Also black in the pleura on the back of the lungs. Some of the alveoli were depleted of oxygen. She has a chuckling guide helping her find a place to live and an angelic woman guide with her supporting her life’s journey.

    2. Have been having difficulty meditating for 10 min., so instead I have been sitting quietly for just a few moments and sending love to my body and lungs.

    3. The lungs are cone-shaped, spongy organs that fill the chest cavity and make up most of the lower respiratory tract. Their most important job is providing oxygen to capillaries so they can oxygenate blood, and expelling carbon dioxide, a waste product. Air enters the body through the nose or mouth. The air enters the main windpipe, called the trachea, and continues to the left or right lung via tubular branches called bronchi. The lungs are separated into sections called lobes, two on the left and three on the right. The air passages continue to divide into ever smaller tubes, which finally connect with tiny air sacs which resemble grape clusters, called alveoli. White blood cells known as macrophages, located inside each alveolus, ingest and destroy airborne irritants that enter the lungs. Both together, the lungs’ tissue surface is almost 40 times greater than the body’s outer surface, making the lungs one of the largest organs in the body.

    4. Didn’t see this until tonight. Maybe it was added later? I will watch it as soon as I can!

  4. Paedrin Blues

    1. AP Reading:
    AP was holding within her right lung a desire to appeal to/ impress her brother/ father, and this was taking up space for her to express her authentic self. Align with your true self, and others will naturally be drawn to you. AP’s left lung was ungrounded due to stress, but I saw a lot of portals here, I saw her ability to plug in to herself and in to the universe, in order to be in the flow and be in her power, and derive all of the strength she needs straight from the Source.

    2. Been incorporating lung healing into my meditations.

    3. Spiritual Value: The lungs are about how we take in life, how we navigate our journey, and more importantly, our perception of the journey. The lungs hold the energy of being alone with one’s self, knowing the self, understanding and harnessing one’s strengths, gifts, and sensitivities in order to channel the highest version of the Self. It is here that we can harness our ability to be self-contained and self-sufficient, and experience joy and contentment in this.
    Fears and anxieties can take up space in the lungs and so shorten our breath. These fears are often surrounding other’s perception of you, or rather, one’s perception of the perception of others to himself. And fears surrounding pleasing and appealing to others. We often attempt to punish ourselves when we experience guilt or shame, by withholding the breath, and therefore, depriving ourselves of living and being.
    We make decisions in our lungs- when we don’t like something, we close off to it and withhold breath. So, aliens choose to implant here in order to control us and our emotional decisions through our breath, and to create addicts.

    Physical Value: The lungs are a pair of spongy, air-filled organs which take up a majority of the space in the chest cavity. The purpose of the lungs is to transfer oxygen from the air to the blood and to release carbon dioxide from the blood to the air. They are connected by the trachea, which extends from the throat and conducts inhaled air into the lungs through tubular branches called bronchi. Bronchi divide again and again, into smaller branches called bronchioles, until becoming microscopic. The bronchioles end in microscopic clusters of air sacs called alveoli. Here in the alveoli is where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. Between the alveoli is a thin layer of cells called the interstitium, which contains blood vessels and cells that help support the alveoli. The lungs are covered by a thin tissue layer called the pleura. A thin layer of fluid acts as a lubricant allowing the lungs to slip smoothly as they expand and contract with each breath.
    The lungs also play a role in the body’s defenses against harmful substances in the air, such as smoke, pollution, bacteria or viruses. These substances can pass through the nose and become trapped in the lungs. The lungs produce a thick, slippery fluid (mucus), which can trap and partly destroy these substances from the air. The cilia move rapidly to push the mucus up through the bronchi, where it is removed by coughing or swallowing.

    4. Pulled up the movie and will watch tonight.


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