Level 1 Week 6 MI Training Homework


Listen to/read chapter 4 of the Gratitude Diaries


5 mins of gender grounding daily
5 mins of reviewing and implementing your other tools

AP call

5 minutes: Lead your AP in a meditation using the Gender grounding tool. Be specific to their gender. Don’t be afraid to use the words ovaries or testicles. Remember, you are in training to become a “doctor” of sorts. Switch. 

25 comments on “Level 1 Week 6 MI Training Homework

  1. Mitsuko

    1. Chapter 4 of GD, listened. Felt it applicapble in daily life and increased connection with this book
    2. Meditations: Continuing to work on and with them
    3. AP call done and enjoyed it!

  2. christina k

    1. GD
    2. Meditations, Gender Grounding: I had to look up images of female anatomy as I’d forgotten where exactly the ovaries were…
    3. AP Call. Had a good talk with Robin. She is an inspiration.

  3. Jamie

    1. Read Chapter 4 and enjoyed the parts about creating new pathways in the brain with a focus on gratitude.
    2. Had an exceptionally busy week so I haven’t done the meditations as much as I’d like to but still making an effort to find the time.
    3. Worked with my AP and enjoyed the studying and meditation.

  4. Crystal

    1. Ch. 4 of TGD is a gold mine of comedy re: Sapiens’ expectations and mental-body mishaps; taking a few steps back to watch what “we” do made this chapter a fun read.
    2. Gender-grounding combined with our other tools: feels like a merkaba / a further-faceted experience.
    3. Enjoyed partnering with Jen & reviewing the reasons we’re learning/doing our practices; then meditation incorporating the gender-facet was beautiful: this is an essential meditation for feminine health.

  5. jennifer

    1.) Listened to Chapter 4 Gratitude Diaries- I love this chapter!

    2.) Meditations- These meditations have begun to bring me inward with a sense of re-ownership of myself again. I’m finding that the gender grounding has brought me to the awareness of just how much energy and pictures have been stored up.

    3.)Ap call- I really enjoyed the meditation my Ap brought in. It was perfect to where I’ve been at through the week.

  6. Robin

    1) Gratitude Diaries chap 4

    2) meditations daily. .gender grounding is new to me., still yawning a lot thru it, but not exactly sure what I’m releasing.

    3) AP call was great. ..really enjoyed talking with Christina.

  7. Phaedra

    1. Listened to Gratitude Diaries
    2. Did the meditations and worked through some growth periods with gender grounding.
    3. Had a great conversation with my AP!

  8. Angel

    1. Listend to Gratitude Diaries. Enjoyed and find it useful.
    2. Did meditations. Finding myself tired this week.
    3. Really enjoyed conversation and meditation with AP. She was helpful and soon sweet!!

  9. Margaret

    1. Listened to Gratitude Diaries.
    2. Did Meditations, I think I am feeling the effects of my growth period this week.
    3.Had a great conversation with my AP studying for final and doing the meditations.

  10. Kat

    1) Gratitude Diaries
    Really enjoying this and continuing to cultivate gratitude in my life. Thank you!

    2) Meditations
    Continuing to do these and they are finding their way into my regular work with clients.

    3) AP Call
    Really enjoyed this call! So nice to be guided through the process!

  11. Ellen

    1. Read Chapter 4.
    2. Continuing to do the meditations, in the morning and when I feel I need it.
    3. Had a delightful call with the new auditing student, M. Enjoyed it.

  12. Maia

    1- Read chapter 4 of the Gratitude Diary
    2 – Practiced the gender grounding and all the other meditations!
    3 – No homework partner this week.

  13. Maureen

    1. I am enjoying the Gratitude Diaries and this new perspective on life, trying to incorporate it into my way of looking at the world, too.

    2. Had a very insightful call with my AP partner; my first such call.

  14. Christine

    1.Listened to Chapter 4 of the Gratitude Diaries. I am enjoying this book and have been able to apply it to my life.
    2. Practiced the Gender Grounding and other meditations daily. I am loving the mediations and the time they are forcing me to set aside for me. I feel like I am getting to know myself much better.
    3. I had my call with AP. Enjoyed connecting with her, the study review and the meditation she guided me through. The meditation was exactly what I needed.

  15. Chelsea

    I’m so sad, I forgot to post this yesterday. I need to make an alarm on my phone or something to help me remember…

    1. Listened to chapter 4 of the Gratitude Diaries. I find I’m in a great mood every time I listen to this book:)
    2. I’ve done my meditations daily. I feel I have more of me authentically and less of other people’s energy now.
    3. Called my AP Sunday and enjoyed a beautiful meditation. Thank you Alicia.

  16. Lil

    1. Like the idea of turning things around – will be good to practice when at my mom’s next week.
    2. Meditations haven’t been as regular this week while traveling.
    3. My AP quit & I haven’t been able to connect with Maia.


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