Kidney Cleanse


Kidney Cleanse

Here is a kidney cleanse, if any of you are interested. I believe we are bombarded with toxins and must continue to do regular cleanses to clean our organs if they are to function properly. Keep it simple and you will feel better.

As some of you know, I like to keep things simple or else they just won’t happen. Below I offer some different kidney cleanses by different people. But what I personally recommend is taking the following fresh herbs for 1 week and blending them with pure water and drinking them at will using your intuition as to how much and how often. I also recommend tea with the same herbs, especially dandelion and burdock root. Also drink 1 gallon of water per day. This amount can include tea. Happy peeing!

o    Black cherry concentrate

o    Burdock Root*

o    Dandelion*

o    Gravel root

o    Ginger*

o    Hydrangea root

o    Marsh Mallow

o    Nettle

o    Parsley

o    Sarsaparilla*

o    Uva ursi (bearberry)


Here are some more kidney cleanses by Aqiyl Aniys

Herbs For A Kidney Cleanse (Same as above)

o    Black cherry concentrate

o    Burdock Root*

o    Dandelion*

o    Gravel root

o    Ginger*

o    Hydrangea root

o    Marsh Mallow

o    Nettle

o    Parsley

o    Sarsaparilla*

o    Uva ursi (bearberry)


Kidney Cleanse – Cleaning The Kidneys

Alkaline vs Acidic Foods – Chart

kidney cleanse can greatly help the kidneys maintain a proper water/mineral balance in the body, regulate blood pressure, and filter waste from the blood, so the kidneys can hlep to maintain healthy living. Proper water intake is essential in not only a kidney cleanse but also as part of the daily diet. It is especially important to have proper water intake as part of the herbal kidney cleanse because many of the herbs listed are diuretics.

Diuretics increase the rate of urination which helps to flush the kidneys. These herbs are not only diuretics but they also contain phytonutrients that help strengthen and clean the kidneys.


Herbal Kidney Cleanse – How Much Water A Day?

It is very important to drink a gallon of water a day when doing a herbal kidney cleanse with diuretic herbs. If you don’t you can rob your body of needed water and cause added complications.

A kidney cleanse helps to flush excess uric acid out of the body, which can be helpful if you have gout. If you don’t drink enough water using diuretics can make gout symptoms worse because the uric acid will become even more concentrated in the bloodstream. It is very important to drink a gallon of water a day while doing this kidney cleanse.

Even while not doing a kidney cleanse it is important to drink proper amounts of water to maintain healthy kidneys. The Institute of Medicine indicated in a report that the general recommendations for men are approximately 3.7 liters (125 ounces daily) of total water, and for women are approximately 2.7 liters (91 ounces) of total water from all beverages and foods each day. The panel did not set an upper level for water.

Drinking a gallon of water a day is a “water kidney cleanse” and is usually enough the clean the kidneys, unless you have lower back pains from kidney stones. Kidney stones and gravel can be dissolved and expelled from the body using a watermelon cleanse.


Watermelon Kidney Cleanse

THE WATERMELON KIDNEY CLEANSE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR DIABETICS. I haven’t found any definitive information that supports the benefit of using watermelon to rid the body of kidney gravel. What I have been able to find is that watermelon is a natural diurectic and it will force urination. This kidney cleanse flush calls for eating a whole watermelon in a day and drinking a gallon of water, which will force urination and flush the kidneys.


Dr. Hulda Clark’s Herbal Kidney Cleanse

This herbal kidney cleanse is taken from Dr. Hulda Clark’s book "The Cure for All Advanced Cancers," page 560. Dr. Hulda Clark

Kidney Cleanse: First Preparation | Ingredients:

o    Half a cup dried hydrangea root (Hydrangea arborescens)

o    Half a cup gravel root (Eupatorium purpureum)

o    Half a cup marshmallow root (Althea officinallis)

o    Black Cherry Concentrate, 8oz.

Measure 1/4 (one fourth) cup of each root [half of the roots] and set them to soak together in 10 cups of cold tap water in a non-metal container for four hours or overnight. After four hours (or overnight), add black cherry concentrate 8oz. and bring to a boil and then let it simmer for 20 minutes. Let it cool and strain the contents into a glass container, and drink 1/4 cup as soon as it is cool enough. Refrigerate the remaining liquid.

Kidney Cleanse: Second Preparation | Ingredients:

o    4 bunches of fresh parsley

Rinse with very hot water to cleanse it. Add the parsley to 1 quart of water and boil for 5 minutes. Drink 1/4 cup as soon as it is cool enough. Refrigerate a pint and freeze 1 pint.
Drink daily for 3 weeks: 3/4 cup of the root mixture and 1/2 cup of the parsley water.

Kidney Cleanse: Supplements before meals:

o    Breakfast: 2 ginger capsules, 2 uva ursi capsules, 1 vitamin B6 capsule

o    Lunch: 2 ginger capsules, 2 uva ursi capsules

o    Dinner: 2 ginger capsules, 2 uva ursi capsules, 1 magnesium oxide capsule

Kidney Cleanse: Recommendations:

o    Heat the kidney teas to boiling every third day if it is being stored in the refrigerator; this resterilizes it. If you sterlize it in the morning you may take it to work without refrigerating it.

o    Drink this mixture in divided doses throughout the day. Keep cold. Do not drink it all at once or you will get a stomachache and feel pressure in your bladder. If your stomach is very sensitive, start on half this dose

o    Save the roots after the first boiling, storing them in the freezer. After 13 days when your supply runs low, boil the same roots a second time, but add only 6 cups water and simmer only 10 minutes. This will last another 8 days, for a total of three weeks.

o    After three weeks, repeat with fresh herbs. You need to do the kidney cleanse for six weeks to get good results, longer for severe problems.

The herbal kidney cleanse and my plant based diet greatly improved my energy level and strengthened my immune system.

Institute of Medicine – Water Allowances

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About Author: Aqiyl Aniys

I obtained a Certificate in Plant Based Nutrition from Cornell University. I eat a plant based diet and I am an avid researcher of the benefits of a whole food, plant based alkaline diet. I obtained a BA in Organizational Behavior and Communications from NYU, worked as an elementary school teacher, and have studied social work. I am a web designer/developer and I enjoy boxing, kick boxing, cycling, power walking, and basically anything challenging. Eating a plant based dietand exercising is a great way to achieve healthy living. ~ Natural Life Energy




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