A bout with Bulimia~ An eating disorder


I write a column called, "The Medical Intuitive Corner" for a spiritual magazine in LA called Whole Person magazine. I hope you enjoy this case study from one of my clients who has agreed to share his story with you. Pseudonyms are used to protect the innocent.

Medical Intuitive Corner

By Robin Eagle Sage, Medical Intuitive

Patient: Peter
Medical Issue: Bulimia (An eating disorder)

When I looked at Peter’s health issue clairvoyantly, I saw a gray energy with crisscrosses in his auric field. It looked a bit like worn-out duct tape with exposed white threads. This foreign energy (energy that is not his) is keeping Peter from knowing himself and thus, being himself.

So what is this gray energy? Well, it’s complicated, but I will do my best to describe it. All blockages have multiple layers and causes of origin. Some of these causes date back to past lives. In this life time, the gray energy is the result of unclean boundaries within Peter’s family. When a child doesn’t experience healthy boundaries it leaves it feeling insecure and unsafe. This creates a state of fear, which is the lack of love.

If a child feels fearful in its immediate family, it will either want to flee or bend over backwards to TRY to please its family members in order to get support or simply to remain safe. Peter has done both. In trying to please his parents, by being whom he thought his family wanted him to be, he has abandoned (or fled from) his true self. Because Peter is being untrue to himself, it has led to inner anger and rage. The body must somehow release this rage. In Peter’s case, his rage is taken out on himself though a food disorder where he binges and then fasts.

Peter also projects his anger and rage outwardly onto his parents by blaming them for his suffering. This is a sure path to imprisonment. Blame stops the forward momentum of self-improvement and prosperity.  This is the crisscross energy that I originally saw in the gray duct tape energy. The woven fibers which criss and cross indicate codependence. Peter is codependent on his family and yet blames them for not being who he wants them to be. Do you see the irony in this? Peter worries about being judged by his family and yet judges them himself! The crisscross energy represents a self-imposed cage. If Peter is to heal he must learn to take responsibility for his own happiness and let go of blaming others.

Peter mentioned that his dream is to become a medical intuitive. I encouraged him to pursue the path of a healer if that is his true desire. Peter is afraid of being different and not being accepted by his family and friends. Where is the freedom in that? What better career to pursue, than an unusual job as a medical intuitive, to enable Peter to work through his fears! It takes great strength to be different. And it takes guts to be one’s self. But as long as one’s heart is involved, truth is always an easier path. Not being one’s self takes much more energy and lies than to be one’s self. It takes a lot of energy to remain sick. While freedom and health are our natural birth right.

The next energy I saw in Peter’s head was a lump that looked like a silver meteorite. This is alien energy. It is very common for aliens and other domineering forces to try to control people like Peter, who are especially intelligent, sensitive, creative, psychic and who think outside of the box. These people are undesirable because they disrupt the status quo as they are difficult to numb and corral. Therefore, such people are constant targets. Energetic implants are inserted into the body and in Peter’s case into his pineal gland in his brain. My guides call this an act of infringement. They also call rape, “infringement,” which I think is an understatement. It’s interesting because on the spiritual level EVERYTHING which is considered disrespectful to one’s boundaries is considered infringement, large or small. This means that there is no “large” or “small” mal intent and that every little thing counts if it is disrespectful to another or one’s self.

The aliens in Peter’s pineal are infringing upon his space the same way that his family does. This is a perfect example of dual origins of cause. What is important to remember is that nothing happens by itself. EVERYTHING is agreed upon subconsciously and created through the law of attraction; like attracts like. Peter is addicted to blaming his parents. By doing so, he doesn’t have to take responsibility for himself or his happiness. The aliens are merely “helping” him to continue this pattern. If aliens control his mind, how could Peter ever fail or succeed at becoming a medical intuitive? The day that Peter decides it is safe to be himself will be a day of victory! This is when he will be free and no energies, alien or other, will get in his way. Be strong Peter. If I can do it, you can do it. You have a gift of sensitivity. Now get grounded and use it!


Robin Eagle Sage is a medical intuitive, healer, clairvoyant reader, author and teacher. She is the founder of Sage School of Light and teaches a 2.5 year in-depth weekly masters training program via telephone on Medical Intuition for people who lead busy lives. Robin gives energy readings and healings over the phone and Skype worldwide.  She is the author of the book, “The Financial Alchemist,” the CD "Soul Love” and two audio meditations: “Financial Success & Abundance” and “Love & Joy.” For more information please contact Robin at: www.MedicalIntuitveTraining.com, info@RobinEagleSage.com, or 808-268-8501.

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