MI Training, Level 10, Week 6, Homeplay

  1. AP reading on the small intestines. Send me and your AP the recording.
  2. MP Book. Leave the spiritual and physical meaning of the small intestines
  3. Grey's Anatomy: three words defined.
  4. Abraham audio (optional)

5 comments on “MI Training, Level 10, Week 6, Homeplay

  1. Chelsea

    1. AP Reading:
    I saw that my AP’s small intestines were generally healthy with some parasites related to a thin layer of fear/anxiety regarding her housing situation. She also had some forgiving with her mother that we worked on transforming. I saw the small intestines benefit from trusting in divine timing and intervention and that she should continue to nurture herself when feeling overworked. The energy of gratitude really transformed the energy of the small intestines as well.

    2. Small Intestines

    Spiritual Definition: Where fear, worry, anxiety, doubt can reside or be drawn to. If these energies aren’t resolved, they literally “eat away at you” in the physical form of parasites, bugs and worms. “Trust” is the balance and healing energy for this area. When one relaxes in the trust of the universe, considering the big picture of life, the intestines can be found in an alkaline state, processing issues as they should. Knowing your place in the world is also beneficial for the small intestines and feeling grounded. Too much stress or business, brings healthy energy away and out of the small intestines. Activities that are grounding, like nurturing you self, being alone in nature, using your creativity are all beneficial.

    Scientific Definition: The small intestines is part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine. It is where most of the nutrients and minerals from food are absorbed. It is made up of three sections: the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct. The Jejunum is where products of digestion (sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids) are absorbed into the bloodstream. The ileum absorbs mainly vitamin B12 and bile acids, as well as any other remaining nutrients. The small intestine receives blood from the coeliac trunk and the superior mesenteric artery which are both branches of the aorta. The small intestine supports the body’s immune system. Probiotic gut flora appears to contribute positively to the individual’s immune system.

    3. Gray’s Anatomy:

    DOA: Dead on Arrival

    Central Line: AKA Central venous catheter is a long, thin, flexible tube used to give medicines, fluids, nutrients, or blood products over a long period of time, usually several weeks or more. A catheter is often inserted in the arm or chest through the skin into a large vein.

    Hyperinflation of lungs: can also occur when the air sacs in your lungs become less elastic, which interferes with the expulsion of air from your lungs (aka breathing). One of the most common causes of hyperinflated lungs is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) — a disorder that includes emphysema.

  2. Jennifer Connery

    1.) Ap reading: File sent. Ap was experiencing trauma from an incident with a relative in the small intestine. She’s also has inconsistant bowel movements. In order to heal she needs to feel safe to go out into the world and learn to be open to male friendships as well as swimming which she loves.

    2.) Small Intestine
    Physical value:
    The small intestines are 20 feet long and about 1 inch wide. Their main job is to absorb what we eat and drink. This part of the intestines is lined with soft material that’s the duodenum, jejunum and the ileum.The small intestine starts with the Duodenum. Then comes the Jejunum which is mobile and the Ileum is the last 60%. Absorption takes place in the epithelial layer. Lysosomes come in which destroy bacteria. The submucosa located underneath the Duodenal glands secrets a substance that alkalizes gastric juices.

    Spiritual Value:
    Decisions and processing are done here. The small intestine decides what to absorb and what to let go of according to what’s serving it. It wants us to be active when sedentary and can get bored and depressed if not in motion. Taking action and trying different things is important. This is relating to a transition and coming into our selves. Many life experiences are remembered here including trials of first relationships and learning about the opposite sex. Learning about what works in our lives and who we are is also part of the 3 rd chakra and relation to the small intestine.

    3.) Grey’s Anatomy-
    Coronary bypass- Surgery to improve blood flow to heart
    Occlusion- Blockage to a blood vessel or organ.
    Chest tube output- Chest drainage of air or fluid to create normal pressure.

  3. Ruth

    1. Not completed yet.

    2. Small Intestine:
    Spiritual Value: The beauty of pure innocence and the transformations that we go through from childhood to adulthood (puberty, love, etc.) The loss and gain of innocence as one grows and matures –the feeling of when you realize something isn’t what it seems, mostly as a child when you learn the “ways of the world.” The power of recognizing innocence in self and others and how it can be used for deep healing for ourselves and others who might have caused us hurt, suffering, pain.

    Physical Value: The small intestine is the part of the section of the digestive system in the gastrointestinal tract, also called the small bowel. It includes the duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum, and its primary function is to absorb the minerals and nutrients from the food that we eat. It is an elastic and soft tube made of muscles and membranes, tightly contorted in the abdominal cavity, but with a length of 6 m (20 ft) if stretched. About 90 % of what we eat is assimilated (enters the blood) in the small intestine. The food that has been chewed and mixed with saliva passes to the stomach. In the stomach, the gastric juice turns it into a liquid easier to digest and then pass to the duodenum. The food absorbed in the intestine passes into the blood vessels, collected by a large vein going to the liver, from where the nutrients are distributed to the whole body. Fats do not pass directly into the blood, but into the lymph, without passing through the liver.

    3. Greys:
    Bowel Obstruction – blockage of the intestines which prevents the normal movement of the products of digestion. Either the small bowel or large bowel may be affected.Signs and symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, bloating, and not passing gas.

    Central Line – Another word for catheter or IV to give medicines, fluids, etc.

    Subdural Bleed – A collection of blood between the covering of the brain (dura) and the surface of the brain most likely from severe head injury.

  4. Susan

    AP’s small intestine is generally happy & healthy, with slight irritation of the lining from anxiety. She has a fear that life may not go the way she’s envisioning. A message from her many guides is that they are with her and to trust that they are guiding her. Small intestines are afraid of her not making something useful of herself in the world. Again, to trust that she is supported. The small intestines love when she is around colorful flowers, writing poetry, & with supportive friends. Next step is to blow bubbles on a stick, releasing fears & anxieties as the bubbles pop.

    2. Spiritual value of small intestine: reflects one’s ability to receive nurturing and nourishment, and to convert that into vitality, rejuvenation & health. If a person is relaxed enough to allow emotions to pass through, then the nourishment is absorbed into the whole being. It’s like a train tunnel: many trains & people pass all day long & all night long. Some get on the train, some get off the train, just as certain substances come into the small intestines & some are released into the bloodstream. It is an efficient system. When we are holding on to pain, stress, anxiety or worry, it stops the train and everything gets bottled up. The condition of our intestine is closely related to the condition of our mind. If the intestines are bogged down, the brain function is bogged down. The condition of the intestines affects our perceptions in life. If it is clogged up and bogged down, our thinking is sluggish & our motivation is lessened. A healthy intestine promotes healthy thinking, boundaries & motivation.
    Trusting in divine timing, in our own worth & that we are divinely supported keeps the small intestines relaxed & healthy.

    Physical value: It is made up of 3 sections: the duodenum, jejunum & ileum, and is connected between the stomach and large intestine. 90% of digestion and absorption of food occurs here. The main function of the small intestine is absorption of nutrients from food. After chewing of food & then entering the stomach, more digestion happens in the small intestine. Here is the chemical digestion that uses enzymes, bile acids, etc., to break down food into a form that can be absorbed and used by the tissues of the body. The small intestine has a large inner surface area because of many tiny finger-like structures of tissue called villi, which helps in the absorption of broken down food substances. These are absorbed by the inner walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream, by passing across the epithelial cells.
    Spiritual value:

    3. Cecum: A pouching out area of the first portion of the large intestine that has a worm-like extension. It receives undigested food, fluids and salts from the small intestine after completion of digestion, through a thick mucous membrane, and mixes it with mucous to provide lubrication. Underneath this thick mucous membrane, it has a deep layer of muscle that produces churning and kneading motions.
    Reperfusion: Restoration of the flow of blood to an area that was deficient in blood supply.
    Ischemia: Inadequate flow of blood to a part of the body, common ones being the heart or brain, caused by constriction or blockage in the blood vessels supplying it.

    4. Listening to them every day.

  5. Paedrin Blues

    1. I am doing catch up and can’t remember what my AP Reading was about!

    2. MI Book:
    Spiritual Value:
    The small intestines choose what is going to be accepted and processed and assimilated from the outside world. It is affected when we try to assimilate too many (or any at all really) external influences and adapt to other’s/society’s standards.
    Small intestines are healthy when the “building blocks” are healthy and are used as a strong foundation. Building blocks, or ABCs, hold the energy of our first impressions while in the first stages of learning life subjects. These impressions affect how we perceive/relate to/experience this area of life on the future. For example, building blocks can be family life, learning in general, love relationships, parenting, friendships, work, success, failure, fun, hobbies, etc..
    How to heal the small intestines, and thus come back to a fresh slate with no limiting perceptions on the building blocks- heal the disappointments. How to heal the disappointments- see people in their innocence. Know that they have simply deviated from their original innocence, as we too have the capacity to, and look upon them with compassionate eyes. Learn to see things positively by seeing people innocently. This will help the intestines to feel free, which is most important to them.
    Some people attempt to express these disappointments by “wearing their tripes” and becoming fat. They may also do this in an attempt to express their personality in general and be seen.

    Physical Value:
    The small intestine is a hollow, tube-like organ which begins after the stomach and ends at the large intestine. The main functions of the small intestine is to break down, or digest, food and to absorb nutrients, such as electrolytes, vitamins and minerals. The small intestine is the most important absorbing organ in the GI tract. About 90% of nutrient absorption takes place in the small intestine. It is the longest part of the GI tract (15-20 ft long) and makes up about three quarters of the digestive system. The small intestine continues digestion which was started in the stomach, and absorb nutrients from the food, before passing along to large intestine.

    The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. It is covered by mesentery. The duodenum connects the stomach to the small intestine. Most digestive enzymes enter the small intestine in the duodenum. The jejunum is the middle part of the small intestine, between the duodenum and ileum. Most digestion and nutrient absorption takes place in the jejunum. The ileum is the last and longest part of the small intestine. The ileum absorbs nutrients from digested food and empties the waste into the large intestine. The mesentery is a membrane that suspends the small intestine from the back of the abdominal wall. It supports the blood vessels, nerves and lymph vessels that supply the small intestine. The small intestine is surrounded by the large intestine.
    The small intestine is made up of the same 4 layers that make up most of the GI tract.
    The mucosa is a mucous membrane. It is the innermost lining of the small intestine. It is made up of a layer of epithelial cells (called the epithelium), a layer of loose connective tissue (called the lamina propria), and a very thin layer of muscle (called the muscularis mucosa). The inner surface of the mucosa has many finger-like projections called villi. The villi increase the surface area of the small intestine, which helps it absorb digested food.
    The submucosa is a layer of connective tissue that surrounds the mucosa. It contains mucous glands, blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves.
    The muscularis propria lies outside the submucosa. It is a band of smooth muscle that helps move food through the small intestine.
    The serosa is the outermost layer that covers the small intestine. It is formed by the visceral layer of the peritoneum (layers of tissue that cover the outer surface of most organs in the abdomen). The mesentery is attached to the serosa.


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