MI 2 Class 6 Homework


Last class of this level is next week! Your final is to turn in your MI notebooks to me in corrected form by Wed Oct 15th. No exceptions! And guess what? You are almost done with your books! Good job!

One hr reading on the thyroid with your partner. Remember to ask personal questions regarding your life that pertain to the thyroid. In other words, get as much as out your readings as possible.

MI Books: Thyroid

Business cards and flyers up around your town. Send me your list of where you went.

Solicit your friends and family for doing a free (or donation only) medical intuitive reading and healing. This will be your homework in level MI 3.  Get people signed up and scheduled for next level. You will do one per week instead of reading classmates. Do not begin until we begin the level. The reading must be on a  physical health issue of any kind. From eczema to cancer. Ask your family and friends what issues they have and I'm sure you will have plenty to work with! Perhaps write a mass email looking for volunteers for your MI program practicums. Good luck! And let people know what you are up to! If you have a blog you can also post it there or on Face Book.

Look into where you can advertise your business for free such as on-line spiritual publications.

Prof MI's: Send your weekly blog link to me and website link to me.

4 comments on “MI 2 Class 6 Homework

  1. maia

    Both me and my partner had a strong reading with an interesting intense healing to remove ‘stuff’ from the thyroid. The thyroid, maybe because so related to the 5th chakra, it seems a key spot for foreign energy to control the person or, on the other hand, spiritual teachers to be as a guide.

  2. Nanette

    Partner reading this week uncovered foreign energy stored in my thyroid which was an early alarm system for me when younger. It alerted me to impending dangerous emotional situations. We cleared the space with the help of an amazing spirit guide who came forth. Focusing this week on the thyroid uncovered that it holds energy from current life and past lives especially from early childhood through the teen years. In particular it stores those events, thoughts and beliefs that challenge who and what you are about.

  3. Andrea

    The thyroid holds childhood fears, and lessons learned that are outgrown and outdated. It holds guidance and creativity. My partner’s spirit guide came through the reading. The guide was a great white horse that protects and teaches. Greens, Brussels sprouts, Jasmine tea, Crysanthemum tea, swimming, yawning are all good for the thyroid. Father energy was cleared from my thyroid.

  4. Carol

    In the reading for my thyroid, foods that are good for thyroid are Brussel sprouts, broccoli, kale, (the dark leafy greens), cauliflower, and salt, but monitoring its intake, not too much, reinforcing information which I appreciated. In addition, I saw cantaloupe and pineapple as good fruits for the thyroid. Energetically, symphonic music suggested as being a good match for my thyroid’s health, as well as humming, walking, especially by the ocean, and accessing intuitive wisdom and guidance. Noticing dreams, with gratitude and lightness that comes through me, especially through poetry, automatic writing. Tuning into a white horse, a spirit guide for me (which I knew through a poem I recently wrote!), is indicative of playfulness – very important. Old childhood fears related to being left alone which had also formed a protective fear around the thyroid was cleared. Antitodote: Listen to fear as it is a message to do something, to take action, and/or to change.


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