M&M Class #2 Homework: (9-24-13)


*Write a list of goals that you think contradict each other. One on one side of the paper and the other on the other side of the paper. Such as I want a lot of money but I want to bask in the sun all day and I don’t want to work, or I want to live in the country but I love going out in the city, or I want a sweet partner and I want a hot sexy partner, etc. After you draw up your 2 columns, either merge the 2 columns into one sentence each or delete what is no longer true for you. An example is: I want a sweet AND sexy partner. In other words, believe that you can have everything that you want OR let go of (allow for change) what is no longer necessary. Then write it in the "present tense:" I have a sweet and sexy partner. Write the finished version of your statements on our student blog.

*Run life force energy up your spine. (This is one meditation and 2nd is visualizing your chief aim.)

*Visualize your goal (chief aim) as if it’s already happened for 10 minutes in the morn, noon and night! How will you feel? Carry that feeling throughout your day. Stand tall and walk with pride due to your accomplishments.

*Call your partner and tell them how you feel about your chief aim. Talk to them about how your meditations are going. Ask them for help if you need it. For example, “Do you have any suggestions on how to stay focused? What is working for you?” Set a timer and allow for 5-10 minutes talking per person. Keep it short!

*Blog: state your chief aim and how your visualizing meditations are going. Please keep it to a paragraph or less. Add suggestions or what is working for you to help your teammates.

*Suggested to Read, “Enlightened Sex Manual” by, David Deida

Have a blast!!!

19 comments on “M&M Class #2 Homework: (9-24-13)

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Hi Amethyst,
      I’m not sure why you changed your goal, again. Please settle on one. This one could be more specific. And what happened to the rest of your 3 part homework for the blog?

  1. nadine

    1. My Un-contradicted statements
    I want to run my own business that provides reliable income with a manageable amount of effort
    I want to be active and stimulated and get enough rest to be healthy in life
    I want to be financially comfortable so that I can give back and take care of others
    I want to live in a beautiful community home where I feel safe and at ease
    I want a conscious and stimulating partner who embraces personal development and alone time.

    2. My statement is now I am Empowered, I am Vibrant, I am Healthy
    My visualizations could be going better, I think the old statement wasnt fitting quite right and was hard to feel. I am also finding my self distracted when I sit or lay to meditate. I suppose I need to see the time as equally if not more important as any of the other commitments in my life.
    I would say that chatting with a friend or class mate is important to staying motivated and on task. Like anything I think having a sense of support or community is essential to feeling grounded. So thank you Nan for your help this week!

  2. Kelly

    These are my statements.

    I want to live with my partner: I want to be free and have space

    I want to make more money: I want to have my mornings to myself

    I want to make more money: I don’t want to work for someone else.

    I want to build my career: I want to go travel

    I’m free and have plenty of space living with my partner.

    I’m able to enjoy my free flow mornings while working for myself and generating large income streams.

    I have the ability to expand my work while I travel.

    I have been meditating more daily which is feeling good, However I have actually had trouble focusing on my chief aim, feeling like there is something deeper inside of me that is taking precedence. I am spending my time simply feeling my connection to source, accepting that God is no respecter of persons but he absolutely loves my spirit ; ). As I focus more on my spirits growth I’m doing my best to say my manifestation aloud and feel its current run through my system. I trust with more practice it will get easier and the feelings will last longer. To help me stay focused I have written it up on my white board.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Hi Kelly,
      Please follow directions and post the final statements only and your chief aim. Your chief aim should be one that makes you feel excited to think about. Perhaps you may want to change it to one that does and that you believe in 100%. Good job with your meditations and streaming of positive energy!

  3. maia

    my chief aim :
    i feel it in my meditations and im SINGING it very often during the day . the result is that i feel more and more beautiful inside ! what is also helping me is to SLOW DOWN during the day and dedicate 10 minute here and there to nice and conscious and deep BREATHING . and what is making a huge difference is EXERCISING and EATING LIGHT .
    my statements :
    – i have an amazing partnership with a sweet and hot lover .. and we deeply honor and respect each other differences .
    – i have a lot of money and im very good at manage them .
    – i fulfill my soul purpose and i have a lot of free time .
    – im very loving and very good at setting clear boundaries .

  4. Andrea

    My chief aim started out as “I am financially abundant”, but as the week has gone on, I realized that I needed to change the wording. Now my statement is ” I am financial abundance.” It is a small change in the lettering of the the statement, but a huge shift my the attitude. Abundance, financial or otherwise, comes from within. If my current situation is not reflecting abundance then it is within me to change the picture. Both meditation and focus are going well. I continue to take concrete steps toward building my business. What is helping most is continually taking steps to create, in the physical, what I envision for my future. Momentum is a powerful thing.

  5. Sunny

    My chief aim was ” I am having fun and feel really connected to life and happiness.” It has now been changed to I am fun and happiness!” This is manifesting well. I have a friend of 20 years who has moved in, and we are looking for a new, larger place to reside together. It will teach us both balance and levity. I am much happiner knowing I have a human to reside with after a beautiful 5 years of being on my own. I am having more fun in general, and have booked a couple lunches with friends, and have stepped up to draw outside the line, something I have not done in a very long time.
    Life force energy up the spine is amazing, although meditation in general seems to be met with great resistance.
    I want a dog and be able to travel easily.
    I want children and a passionate. romantic, partner.
    I want to live on the beach and I want to travel and meet people from all over the world.
    I want a sweet feminine intelligent partner whose lives we both enrich and I want a hot passionate devoted , monogamous, lover.
    I want to own a business expressing myself creatively and make more money than I have ever made or dreamed of and I want time to travel places of the world I have never seen.
    I want to be financially independent and I want my partner to be equal or mores.
    The book by David Deida has begun to open a blockage within me that I thought could never happen. It is quite amazing although I am not done with the book.
    My partner and I have touched base, which was extremely helpful. Thanks for that union!

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Excellent Sunny! You may want to change, “I want a dog and be able to travel easily.” to I HAVE A DOG WHO TRAVELS EASILY. PLEASE CHANGE ALL OF YOUR “I WANTS” TO I AM OR I HAVE… Speak as if it has already happened! Thank you, good work! Love the relationship one!!

  6. natalia

    Me and M enjoying our time together doing what we love to do and being the way we love to be

    Me and M have 10 minutes a day for a heart to heart connection in simple ways

    I stay in unconditional love with M even if his habits and actions frick me out

    M is a beautiful sole and he is heavily brain washed and mind controlled

    Feel very slight shifts in energy so there are no actual results yet…Just different underline energy…

    We resolve and work out all our ancestral and genetic contracts in this life time

    We are present, loving, caring and respectful with each other

    It is not my job to change others and I want M to change

    Our past mistakes have no effect on our now

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      HI Natalia,

      Your homework is incomplete and was not done correctly. Please re-read the directions. Of the part that you did do, it must be in positive and present tense.

      This is negative: “I stay in unconditional love with M even if his habits and actions frick me out”

      This is negative: “M is a beautiful sole and he is heavily brain washed and mind controlled”

      “Feel very slight shifts in energy so there are no actual results yet…Just different underline energy…”
      Not surprising.

      “We resolve and work out all our ancestral and genetic contracts in this life time”
      “Work out” is not specific. We have a loving and peaceful relationship is.

      This is good: “We are present, loving, caring and respectful with each other”

      Really? This is total control: “It is not my job to change others and I want M to change”

      Negative speech: “Our past mistakes have no effect on our now”

      Did you listen to the 2 class recordings?

  7. natalia

    I am changing “I am experiencing positive break through in relationship with M (my 15 year old son)” to My family and all its members are free, sovereign, responsible, loving, caring and happy.

    1. List of statements
    We are free and we share the same values and concepts within our individuality
    We enjoy our time together doing what we love to do and being the way we love to be
    We are awakened to the truth and we fearlessly embrace it
    We unconditionally love and support each other and we have time for ourselves
    We are present, loving, caring and respectful with each other

    2. Life force energy and

    3. Visualization
    Feels good, releasing and working out

    4. Chief aim and how your visualizing meditations are going
    “My family and all its members are free, sovereign, responsible, loving, caring and happy”
    Changed my statement to include my other children since they are all always involved in some ways. Changed it also to reflect a state of being rather than a one time event.
    While visualizing the mind has to keep focusing on what is real and what is fluff so the goal or aim becomes more clear and easy to achieve… Including prayer and releasing baggage…
    Is a bit different goal this time since others are involved in the process when I can not change them directly but rather through the process of clearing, visualization, prayer…

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Thank you Natalia for making your homework more organized

      There are still some issues. Your statements must be about you and not others. As in my examples, they are supposed to be “I” statements. You can not control others but you can control how YOU feel around others. This is what your focus should be.

      This statement is impossible. You will never share the same values with others. “We are free and we share the same values and concepts within our individuality”

      Perfect- “We enjoy our time together doing what we love to do and being the way we love to be”

      There is not ONE TRUTH. “We are awakened to the truth and we fearlessly embrace it”

      Better to focus on yourself and not try to control others. “We unconditionally love and support each other and we have time for ourselves”

      This is still control. “We are present, loving, caring and respectful with each other”

      #2 Does not make sense.

      Cheif aim: 4. Chief aim

      “My family and all its members are free, sovereign, responsible, loving, caring and happy” Again, you can not control your family. Free will is involved. Please make a chief aim about yourself and if you want, how you relate to others, such as, I love my family and I feel free, sovereign, caring and happy when I am with them.”

  8. Catherine

    My chief aim: I am one with source, I feel the perfection within.
    Visualizations are going well. I printed up small cards with my
    chief aim on it and carry them in my pockets.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Hi Catherine,
      I think it’s good. And I think, “I am one with source and I feel my perfection within.” is even better 🙂


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