MI 1 Class 3 Homework


60 min energy reading on the heart

Read Chapter 9

MI Book: Please put your organs into a folder with separate files for each organ (with the name of the organ on each file).  Name the folder, "Nan's MI book" etc.

MI Handbook: Please only use one file with all the organs in it and send it to me. Entitle it, "Barb's MI handbook" etc. CHANGE: Don't put pictures in this one.

Send both to me each week. So to be clear, we have 2 books. The MI book is the length that you started before with a photo and the MI Handbook is only 1-3 sentences for each organ with no photo. The MI Book we will turn into a compiled book at the end of class. The MI Handbook is for you to use for quick info.

5 comments on “MI 1 Class 3 Homework

  1. Nan

    Matching pictures, energetic scars on the heart (which are in the process of healing) left there by taking on beliefs of our fathers as our own; being hard on ourselves to be more, do more, be better at everything; and having some sadness about past relationships . My partner read strong cording with one of my children in my heart that was not in my best interests. We healed this cording during the reading. My heart responds in a positive way when I allow my family members to be responsible for their own happiness. Physically my heart is tired as it is working hard to help the body heal. Being in nature, with my hands in the soil, being surrounded by plants, giving words of encouragement and being encouraged make my heart happy.

  2. Andrea

    My partner saw that my heart has entered into a time of being more relaxed. She encouraged me to continue to let go of perfectionism and expectation of self and to stay grounded in the space of being relaxed. She also encouraged me to press beyond the boundaries and recall my own experiences of God rather than relying on any book. Matching pictures surrounding the heart; emotional ties that no longer serve us.

  3. maia

    the reading i got from barbara was really good and very uplifting . in my reading for her few interesting things about the heart came up . the upper part is the part that “receive” and transmute old energies and has a more feminine aspect to it, the lower part is the part that ‘give’ the new clean blood to the cells and has a more masculine aspect to it . the upper part of the heart is more connected with divine love and the lower part more connected with human love .. it also occurred to me that the word courage come from the latin ‘cor’ with means heart .. 🙂

  4. Carol

    Balance of female and male energies came up strongly regarding my heart. The ‘upper floor’ (love that) holds good receiving (female) energy for me, but the ‘first floor’ needed strengthening for giving (male) energy. Blockages in area of human love realm with grief and sadness. A healing with it is not necessary to be liked by everyone and is OK to share ‘my seeing’ – to have COURAGE – with lovingness and a sense of humor. It is good for me to be mindful of being a WARRIOR in regards to my courage, as well as increase personal discipline, with intuitive ‘fire breathing,’* exercise, and remembering an important spirit guide to contact. For me to do these good things for my heart, both physical and emotional, for 21 days, is a good practice for living with self-discipline.


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