Level One Week 7 Holiday Playwork



*Make sure you received the email on Graduation Policies and read it over. Remember that starting Level 2 your HW will be considered incomplete if it is late or something is missing. It is due 48 hrs before class-time. 

Call your AP and wish them a happy holiday and congratulate them on completing Level One at the Sage School of Light! 

Practice putting your gratitude skills to good use during the holidays! You may need it around family members. 😉  Each time someone begins a negative statement, practice turning it around to the positive the same way Janice does in the Gratitude Diaries. Or if YOU start to say something negative, practice turning it around, smiling, taking deep breaths and seeing/speaking the positive story. It's your choice. You are powerful beyond means. Good luck! Blogging about your experiences is optional. 

Well done everyone on finishing Level One! YOU did it! Thanks for being such a great team!

See you January 6th :)))



4 comments on “Level One Week 7 Holiday Playwork

  1. Mitsuko

    Thanks for the teaching/leading/guiding Robin, and it’s been great having the chance to connect with each of my classmates. I can’t believe I got the FEAR wrong on the test as if it’s one thing I was trying not to look! I know my theme for next year. Many blessings for a wonderful holiday season to each of you 🙂

  2. jennifer

    A.)During the holidays I used all of my tools and then some to continue to try and stay centered and balanced. Reminding myself that it’s not about having to do anything but giving from a place of joy and gratitude. I was ill a majority of vacation so I used that time to do as little as possible realizing just how much my spirit and body needed sedentary time!

    B.) Called my Ap and had a beautifully mutual conversation and wished one another a peaceful holiday!

  3. Chelsea

    I received and read the graduation policies. I’ve been in contact with my AP, we are trying to connect this evening:) I’ve been meditating almost every day and very grateful for that over the holidays. Thank you


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