Chemicals and Chemically Sensitive People


By Robin Sage, Medical Intuitive

There is no such thing as chemically sensitive people. ALL people are sensitive to chemicals. It’s just that most are too numb to know that they are being affected by them. Chemicals are poison and harm the human body and all of life. There are just no two ways around it.

It hurts me to read my client’s intake form where I ask about diet. So many sick people eat and drink chemically laden products such as, sodas, coffee, non-organic foods and drinks, not to mention all of the body products with toxic chemicals. And then there is spraying chemicals into the air such as in cleaning products, hair sprays, deodorants, laundry detergents, etc. Jesus people, are you really that dumb? Why do it? Are you uneducated or just plain stupid? Do you really think that you can eat, drink, breath, lather all over your body and wash your clothes with chemicals and be okay? You know, people are like cars. You can run them poorly for many years but there will be a time when they completely break down. Do you really think that you are invincible?

When people are “on their last legs” they call me and hope that I can cure them in one session! But did it take them one hour to get into this shape? They have spent most of their money, if not all, on western medicine and at the last minute then when it doesn't work they give me a call. Well, when did you start believing, yesterday?

I want to help people but people must be smart and learn to help themselves too. You must eat real foods! That means a chemical free, unprocessed, un-fried in oil, organic: fruit, vegetable, herb, seed, nut, legume or grain. And that’s it baby! No, not breads and pastas, etc. They are processed. Do you think that pasta grows on a tree or plant? It doesn't! It must be processed and all of that bread and pasta turns into a thick goop in your intestines that will not let feces pass! If it’s not organic, fresh or didn’t grow from a plant or tree then don’t eat it!

Wake up people! We are all sensitive to chemicals! They are toxic to us ALL from gasoline to Tide laundry detergent. And if you happened to notice that they make you feel bad, then it means you are one of the rare people in this world who are intelligent. If you are chemically sensitive it means that you are awake and normal. If you are not “chemically sensitive” it means you are numb and that they have taken over most of your body. Whether you notice chemical’s effect or not they will still harm you! They do not only harm your body, they affect your brain, your mind, your emotions, your energy and your spirit. You can keep telling yourself lies or you can WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA and stop hurting yourself and this world!

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